Nahazar Clan

The Nahazar Clan are a small collective of mostly Metallic Dragonborn that fled eastward from the Shadowlands and Rokthorl to escape persecution from the fleeting whims of Kinxas Saadar. The Nahazar Clan had a small amount of influence amongst the Metallic Dragonborn in the city, but the Saadar Clan's rule was, and has been, absolute for generations. However, not many were able to escape one of several purges of the city's more prominent non-Saadarian leaders during The Salvae Revolution and the clan's leader, Emberos Nahazar, managed to get some of his clan out of the city and marched them to sanctuary in the East Riverlands, specifically to Damarel.   Over the next several years, the Nahazar Clan, and Emberos, would gain the favor and trust of Marquess Solomon post-conflict and Emberos would be awarded a barony and a seat in House Kordev's court. From here the Nahazar Clan would devise a way to spy on their former home as it has been well understood that the Kordevs have had much distrust of the Chromatic Dragonborn of Rokthrol being and remaining a potential threat to the stability of Salvae.

Demography and Population

The Nahazar Clan once boasted a few hundred strong of Metallic Dragonborn when they were in Rokthrol, however after one of many purges during The Salvae Revolution, the clan was whittled down to a dozen survivors and the few they managd to pick-up along the way. Today, the clan sits at about seventy strong.   Metallic Dragonborn: 90%
  • Gold Dragonborn: 18%
  • Silver Dragonborn: 60%
  • Bronze Dragonborn: 4%
  • Brass Dragonborn: 4%
  • Copper Dragonborn: 4%
Chromatic Dragonborn: 7%
  • Black Dragonborn: 1%
  • Blue Dragonborn: 3%
  • Red Dragonborn: 3%
Gem Dragonborn: 3%
  • Ametheyst Dragonborn: 3%

Your Fire Too Shall Spread

Geopolitical, Clan
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Species