Heinrich VII Kroner Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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Heinrich VII Kroner

King Heinrich Kroner (a.k.a. 'the Kinslayer')

Lived: 1045 - 1098
Ruled: 1091 - 1098  


Heinrich, like his father before him, was a Zealous, Brave and Ambitious ruler. Despite being born as the third son of his father, he was determined to rule Atacodia as a Strong and Feared ruler.   As a Masterful Tactician, he viewed all aspects of his life with militaristic precision and coordination, which allowed him to achieve great feats.  

War of Succession

Even before Heinrich's rule began, he was surrounded by enemies on all sides. Thanks to spies sent by Kojata 'the Blessed' of the Blakfort Kingdom, he and his siblings were at each other's throats over various issues such as inheritance.   When their father, Wilhelm II died in 1089, the situation blew up. Wilhelm III, his oldest brother was crowned king of Atacodia. Heinrich and the other siblings didn't take this lying down however. They raised their armies and began a war to take the crown for themselves. No alliances were forged between the brothers as they all wanted the Krona for themselves. A four way internal war began in the kingdom and the fifth brother, the duke of Palager silently declared his independence.   Heinrich was the duke of Trogadell and was already quite wealthy at this point. He hired various mercenary groups including elves, dwarves and Scovonians.
His younger brother, Hans ruled over a smaller duchy there and Heinrich decided to take him out first to secure more land for himself and to eliminate an opponent from the war. His mercenaries were far superior to his brother's and he conquered most of his territory within the following year. The final battle took place in the duchy capital which was besieged for half a year. His brother who was only 16 years old was captured and sentenced to death by Heinrich for treason. Heinrich performed the execution himself and quickly returned to the war.   While he fought Hans, his two other brothers withered down their own forces fighting each other. Heinrich knew that he couldn't wait long or Wilhelm will gain legitimacy by spending time on the throne, so he forced his army to march 12 hours every day in order to catch his enemies unaware.   They were engaged in a large battle at Rotomagus, when Heinrich's forces reached the fortress of Saltum. The fortress was only manned by a few hundred soldiers, while Heinrich's forces were numbering at 2300. He didn't have time to besiege the heavily fortified passage, so he bribed them. The guards joined his army and opened the gate. His forces continued marching towards Rotomagus.   Before they joined the battle, Heinrich left a single day for his soldiers to rest and recover from the days of marching and then joined the fray. Wilhelm's forces were exhausted and flanked from two sides. During the battle, Heinrich, who led his knights from the front managed to find his brother Wilhelm on the battlefield. Their bodyguards clashed and the two brothers faced off against each other. The two brothers were evenly matched, but Heinrich was younger and less exhausted and eventually gained the upper hand, killing his brother with his warhammer.   Seeing their king dead, the loyalist forces shattered and retreated or joined one of the surviving brother's forces.   After the battle, Heinrich entered Flugburg and crowned himself King Heinrich VII of Atacodia. In the following year, Bartolomeo's forces were pushed back and his older brother admitted defeat and surrendered to Heinrich's rule in 1093. Bartolomeo was stripped of his titles and thrown into the dungeons of Flugburg.    

The Holy War

In 1094, a never before seen sermon was held by the Probare. The Dark Elves of South (Dhaerenuiin Impaerin) enslaved several members of the Order who travelled to their land to spread their faith. The Probare urged all followers of the Order to take up arms and invade the land of the Dark Elves. The enslaved priests were to be freed and some of the Dark Elven lands conquered. After a year of planning, in 1095, the Probare declared Holy War in the name of the Order and all of the kingdoms that heeded his call began sailing to the land of the Dark Elves.   After two years of rebuilding and solidifying his rule over Atacodia , Heinrich gathered his vassals and raised a sizeable army. As he was about to set out to The Darklands, Kojata 'the Blessed' also marched his armies towards atacodian ports, so the two rulers joined forces and sailed to the dark elf lands together.   After a few months of travel, they reached their destination and began pillaging smaller settlements along the shore. Kojata 'the Blessed' decided to march on Yi'Riila, but Heinrich didn't follow his forces as he suspected an ambush. He returned to the site of their landing and waited for reinforcements. The Probare landed shortly after and began to bless all those present before their biggest battle. The Blakfort forces asked for reinforcements, but they were too far in enemy territory, so the forces of Order didn't respond. They prepared for a larger battle instead.   The Battle of Yi'Riila began in 1098. As the dark elf forces chased the defeated Blakfort forces, the rest of the Order met them in an open field. The largest battle up until than point took place. Tens of thousands of humans, dwarves, horses, war machines and even centaurs clashed with thousands of elves on the field of battle. The battle lasted for months with skirmishes, nightly raids and open-field battles that took place daily.   During the battle, Heinrich saw a weakness in the elves' formation and led his knights to charge their weakened positions. As usual, he led the charge personally. Upon reaching the enemy infantry, he was surprised to see that the enemy forces had sorcerers a well. His knights were bombarded with destructive magic and he himself died.   The remnants of his body were recovered two weeks later from a barricade made from corpses set up by drow soldiers.

Major Events

  • 1091 - Siege of Lagburg
  • 1092 - Battle of Rotomagus
  • 1095-1099 - Holy War in the name of the Order
  • 1098 - Battle of Yi'riila
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
1045 AU 1098 AU


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