Primas Jahab Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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Primas Jahab

Primas Jahab

Jahab is the Primas of the Blakfort Kingdom and one of the most powerful people in the kingdom. Besides his political power, he is said to be a capable cleric who constantly fights the corruption of Kaos in the realm.   He lives in the Sunhorn Cathedral in Striflucas where he often holds sermons himself, teaching about the necessity of Order in the world and the lack of conviction in the majority of the population, which could lead to catastrophe.   He has a much younger wife and a daughter, who are rarely seen publicly, especially in the last few months. At the start of the summer in 1350, they were kidnapped by Chaos cultists in Striflucas and Jahab ordered a curfew until they were found. During the event, many chaos believers were found and executed and with the help of the Pilgrimite Legion, his family was eventually recovered unharmed.  
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