Session Report: 15 January 2021 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 15 January 2021

Blade of the Monster Slayer

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

Tea with the Empress

1559年11月15日: 16:00 (Afternoon)

Wakigami Castle

Historical Entry: Tea with the Empress

  Knight Commander Maxim still had questions for his meeting partner, but he also understood Tōdaisen Nobuhara to be a very busy man. After agreeing to meet with Empress Genmei in regards to his prospective letter of recommendation, Maxim offered to walk and talk on their way to the legendary figure's chambers. Nobuhara was pleased to oblige.   First, Maxim didn't quite yet understand why a letter signed by Empress Genmei might seem so unbelievable to someone like Nagasone Kotetsu. Seeing that he'd missed a beat in his own explanation, Nobuhara filled in the gaps. Genmei was a figure from history, not a present-day Empress. Indeed, her reign had been centuries ago. For Maxim to suddenly show up waving a letter signed by a nearly thousand-year-dead ruler would most likely be difficult for anyone to swallow. As for anything else that might aid Maxim, Nobuhara could only say that the Empress seemed to be bored, the passing of years having weathered the variety of the world in her eyes. If the Knight Commander could interest her in some way, he would have a much better chance of earning the Empress' respect. The fact that Maxim was an exotic foreigner would indeed be a good start.   With that, the two arrived at the Daimyō's quarters near the center of Wakigami Castle. Nobuhara took his leave there without attempting an introduction. As Maxim watched him go, he caught a glimpse of a smile around the stern onmyōji's face mask. Was he enjoying this?   Cautiously, Maxim reached up and knocked on the heavy wooden door. There was a sound beyond, like something huge slithering and sliding about the interior. The visitor was not left long to wonder what that noise might be, as an enormous snake, fully fifteen feet in length, slid the portal to the side and regarded Maxim with cold citrine eyes.   The two stared at each other for a time, each sizing the opposite up. As the snake made no effort to speak, it seemed that the obligation lay with Maxim instead. He voiced his intentions without guile, stating that he was here to see Empress Genmei. With an air of reluctance, the snake wound its huge body backwards, allowing Maxim access to the door. Stepping inside, his first impression was of a bedroom not often used for sleeping. It contained sparse but luxurious furniture, some exotic-looking fur hangings, and a girl with very old eyes. On her shoulder, a little creature like something between a monkey, a tiger, and a snake watched Maxim with dull interest.   Trying not to allow himself to be distracted by the menagerie within, Maxim fell to one knee. Kneeling in the custom of his people, he placed Hokkuken's sheathed point on the ground before him, offering the hilt forward as a sign of respect. As he introduced himself, Maxim nearly choked when Empress Genmei walked casually up and took the blade out of its sheathe. Apparently, she thought it a gift, and a fairly fine one at that.   The foreign knight was now faced with two immediate choices. He could pretend that offering the sword had been his intention all along and risk losing Hokkuken, or he could put voice to the misunderstanding and risk offending the Empress. Neither option was particularly appealing, but for Maxim, it was not really a choice at all. Fortunately, when he stated that the sword was not meant as a gift, Genmei did not immediately fly into a rage or order his decapitation, as had happened to him in the past. She also did not, however, give Hokkuken back. First, Genmei demanded that he fetch some tea, then they would speak on whatever had brought Maxim here.   Fetching tea was the job of a page, not a knight. Maxim could have sent Evaine on the errand, but she might not have taken to it well either. For the moment, he swallowed his pride and exited the room. One short trip down to the kitchens later and he returned with a tea set. This seemed to have been the right choice. Maxim's humility impressed the ancient Empress and she offered Hokkuken back as a gesture of her favor.   As they sat on the fur-lined floor and partook of the tea, Maxim asked Genmei whether she had felt anything while holding the weapon. When she said she had not, he went on to explain that the blade contained the soul of a Kamui within its edge. Indeed, as someone so ancient and wise, Maxim wondered if Genmei herself knew anything of the Kamui and their ways. Her answer was disappointing. Apparently the aged Empress had met Paseguru Kamui, goddess of the hunt, many centuries ago. Beyond that meeting, her experience was not broad.   Feeling as though it might be expected of him, Maxim gave reason to his previous question. He'd met Paseguru as well, along with a smattering of other Kamui, and was seeking clues to their lore and why he seemed to have been tied up in it. At this revelation, Genmei quickly backtracked. She had misspoken before. Obviously, she had met no fewer than five Kamui during her time, although the others' names escaped her at the moment. A lifetime of clandestine work had given Maxim an eye for lies, and this was one more blatant than usual. Wisely, he kept his mouth shut.   According to Genmei, her mystical adviser, Isonokami no Maro would know more about the Kamui than her. Such occult trivia was below the concern of a mighty Empress. If Maro had survived the passing of years, however, that great adviser still kept her presence hidden in this age. Maxim offered his condolences in turn and expressed that perhaps this ineffable "Maro" would one day return just as the Empress had.   Finally, Maxim came around to the ultimate reason for his visit. He required a letter of recommendation from someone in a position of prestige in order to lure a skilled blacksmith to his cause. There were few in history, according to Nobuhara, more prestigious than the great Empress Genmei. Although the young knight had presented himself well up to this point, however, Genmei was not keen on associating her name with someone so unknown. Maxim argued that he'd participated in many engagements for the Empress' descendant, Hashinara Yoshitakatomo, but could not ask the Daimyō herself* for a letter due to factors beyond his control. Eventually, Genmei seemed to relent a little. If Maxim would tell a compelling-enough tale about one of these missions, she would consider signing his recommendation.   Maxim took a moment to collect his thoughts, to choose the right exploit to detail. As their tea grew cold and the afternoon wore on, he began to speak.
Battle on the Beach (Continued)

1559年11月15日: 16:00?

Isle of Oriab

Historical Entry: Battle on the Beach (Continued)

  Now that the few remaining Slavers were either dispersed or neutralized, it seemed that the Gug had every intention to make itself the Hashinara Clan's newest enemy. Fubuki reasoned that the Moonbeast, still laying unseen within the nearby Black Galleon, may have the beast under its control. Indeed, even when Yoshitakatomo's chains wrapped the Elder Sign around that beast's trunklike leg, it did not slow or hesitate like before.   Moving the immense water bubble she* had created just off the coast, Fubuki encased the monster in it, then froze the whole structure solid. Ice now encased the Gug on every side, but its own skin was only slightly frosted. It was still capable of moving, and the frozen prison might not hold it for long. From above, Ka-ten Agni attempted to burn the creature alive, but through some combination of unholy constitution, damp skin, and dark blessing, the Gug shrugged this pyrokinetic assault off without effect.   Back on the ridge, Zhyrgal had been left all but abandoned. Fubuki and Aka no Kitsunebi had relocated away from the action to a nearby islet, from which to focus on their assault on the Black Galleon. The mighty ship was taking on water even now, the red fox's laser having punched a sizeable hole in its hull. Meanwhile, Zhyrgal sought help elsewhere. Calling to to anyone who could hear her, the little Zoog began offering a wish to prospective rescuers. Taira no Tokuko, still nearby, was not swayed, nor was anyone else who approached.   By this time, Aotsuki Tsukamoto had picked his way down the ridgeline path and stood ready to engage the encased Gug. His approach proved timely, as the beast burst from its icy bubble and waded through the surrounding water to come in front of the Solar Champion. Its movement was still hampered by the water and ice and, when it swung, the Gug was shocked to find its club rebounding off Aotsuki's shield and right back into its own abominable face. There didn't seem to be any actual damage done, but for the moment the beast was stunned and confused. This window allowed Matsumoto Hiei to close the distance and engage. Again, however, his daggers failed to penetrate the Gug's callous hide. It seemed almost as though some unseen presence were protecting the monster from realms unknown.   With her foe so distracted, Oyama Hikari was able to sprightly, stealthily bounce from bush to bush down the path. In one quick motion, she darted from cover and grabbed the glowing symbol from where it was pinned to the Gug's leg. Seeing that it was having no effect, Yoshitakatomo did not order her* chains to hold it any longer, and Hikari made off with her prize.   Some of the Hashinara's most celebrated fighters were now encroaching and the Gug seemed stymied by Aotsuki's defense. It was not yet, however, without allies. Ka-ten Agni suddenly put voice to a presence that was not her own. Conjuring a shrinking ring of fire around their helpless Baharnan allies, she warned in heavy, inhuman tones that time was running out. At much the same time, a terrible psychic pressure pressed down on the skull of each fighter near the ridge. If not for the blessing of Amaterasu, channeled through Aotsuki, it may have been much worse. As it was, most shrugged it off, with only Tokuko left with a slight headache. The Moonbeast had made its presence known in more ways than one.   Aotsuki did not wish to leave his position, but saw little choice. His touch was the only thing which could wipe alien influence from Agni's mind. Soon, Hiei was left face-to-maw with an angry Gug, abandoned by his protector. The Champion did not waste time on his more pressing errand, however. With a sprint and a touch, he cleared Agni's essence of all malign influences and cast the Moonbeast out of her head. The momentarily embarrassed god of fire was thankful, if irate that such a thing had happened to her in the first place. It was of the utmost importance, she urged, that they find a way to break Izanami-no-Mikoto's curse.   Far above the rest of the action, Hashinara Yoshitakatomo watched as though entirely disconnected from the danger at hand. Weaving magic from the soil beneath, she* cast it over the Gug and called upon the spirits of the earth to reveal its past to her. The visions so shown were unsettling at best. Yoshitakatomo saw a coast, a wandering Gug moments before capture, and the toll it had taken on the Slavers who did so. Further back was a dry, barren grey plain. Obelisks stuck from the ground like the ribs of long-buried monsters while unknown Kadath, the terrible city, floated overhead. Gugs roamed in packs here, some playing primitive drums, some beating the ground with their fists, and others fighting. There were scraps of civilization here, but these creatures obviously possessed only the barest hints of sentience. The telemetry took her* beyond even that, to a baby Gug, misshapen and bulging in its ragged swaddling. A hooded figure, cloaked in yellow robes, reached out with clawed fingers and pulled the child's very heart from its chest. Chanting over the organ for a moment, the monstrous priest then replaced it, hand passing through skin as though it were fog. This might be the source of the Gug's monstrous powers, and some connection to a much-feared figure that Yoshitakatomo had only heard whispers of: The King in Yellow.   As the vision faded, Yoshitakatomo shared choice information with her* allies. This Gug was intelligent enough to have some semblance of culture, and so may yet be of use to them. Sasaki Kojirō, however, disagreed. Having made her way around the stunned Gug, she sheathed Monohoshizao and concentrated ki into its blade. The Swallow-Cutting Blade, Tsubamegaeshi, carved through the Gug's calf and sent it crashing to the sand below. It howled in animal agony, but somehow was still not dead. If the black blood gushing from its stump were any indication, however, that state would not last for long. It was Hosokawa Gracia, instead, who landed the final blow. Her naginata crushed through pallid flesh and muscle, bringing an end to the great creature's suffering. Lifting the bloodied blade to the sky, Gracia yelled out a traditional expression of victory, announcing the fall of an enemy commander to all who could hear.   That only left the Moonbeast itself. It seemed the pasty, toadlike monster had intended Ka-ten Agni's attack as a distraction, perhaps so that it could patch the damage to its ship and escape. With Agni now in control of her own faculties, however, she quickly put the fire out. Fubuki and Aka no Kitsunebi, now closer to the ship on their islet, were not about to let the remaining Slavers effect a getaway.   Jigenmaru, flying under Fubuki's control, smashed a hole in the hull, only to reveal a redundant layer below. This, Aka no Kitsunebi blasted away with a psychic laser. Under Fubuki's ki-detected guidance, her attack was able to sting the Moonbeast within as well. Finally, the hidden Black Blade cast another spell of frost, so powerful that it froze the air all throughout the ship's innards. The Moonbeast was frozen solid, as presumably was the rest of the crew. Not wishing to take for granted that this would have incapacitated the creature's mental powers, Fubuki followed it up by landing on the deck of the ship herself*. It took some positioning, but eventually she* found a spot above the Moonbeast and drove her* blade into the deck below. It took several thrusts, but eventually the creature screamed a last psychic lash and expired.   The Hashinara had proven victorious once again, slaying even the monsters of the Dreamlands. Each now, however, seemed to have a different idea of what should happen next. Yoshitakatomo was engrossed with the fallen Gug and what magic she* might wreak upon it. What's more, it seemed her* intention to repair the Galleon before it fully sank, commandeering it as their vessel in this land. Fubuki, meanwhile, was dead-set on finishing their commission to return Sothy and her companions to Baharna.   Finally, Aotsuki was busy with the little prisoner he had just released from her cage. Zhyrgal had a lot of choice words and complaints. Because she seemed very wary of the giant "cat" that was Fubuki, Aotsuki ended up receiving the brunt of her monologue. It seemed obvious to Zhyrgal that her rescuers would now come with her to Dylath-Leen and help her exact revenge upon those who had sold her into slavery in the first place.   Many paths lay open for the Hashinara now and, with the immediate threat gone, they needed only to choose their next destination.
I Dream of Kumagai (Continued)

1559年11月15日: 16:00 (Afternoon)

Tachibana Castle

Historical Entry: I Dream of Kumagai (Continued)

  His business at Miwa-myōjin, though confusing and harrowing, did not last overly long. By the time he arrived back at the knoll overlooking Tachibana Castle, Ryūzaki Sanosuke was informed by Takenaka Hanbei that his role was at hand. Shigeaki Fujino provided transportation inside to himself and Daidōji Tsuneyo before departing on other business. Within, Tachibana Castle looked much as any castle did, albeit enormously roomy. This was good, as the inhumanly enormous figure dozing in its center, sprawled across a makeshift throne, was well over forty feet tall. This must be Kumagai Nobunao, and the dozing oni in various states of barbarian undress about the place, his Kuma Guys.   There were a few nobles about the place, chatting and socializing as though this were a normal party. Apparently there were all in on Hanbei's plot, as each one of them was careful not to pay any attention to Sanosuke's arrival. Each except one, as a drunken noblewoman stumbled out of the crowd and into the Silver General's waiting arms. Looking down, Sanosuke saw Shigeaki Fujino's drunken eyes trying to focus back on him. It was anyone's guess how she'd managed to get drunk so quickly, but Sanosuke dismissed this as one of her eccentricities and held her steady while he returned to the task at hand.   Under his instruction, Tsuneyo helpfully whispered a narrative into Kumagai Nobunao's dreams. He'd bet the castle in an arm wrestling match and lost. Now it belonged to the Hashinara Clan, as evidenced by all the Hashinara regalia about the place, and he had to pack up his Kuma Guys and get out. A certain degree of stupidity and stubborness would be required to believe such a yarn, but Hanbei had assured him that Nobunao possessed both qualities in spades. To be safe, Sanosuke also requested that Tsuneyo implant the idea in one other oni's head before they left. For this purpose, he chose a big fellow draped across a table who looked at least a bit more well-clothed than the rest.   Their mission here was nearly done, and Hanbei prepared to get someone... expendable to wake Nobunao up for the conclusion. Sanosuke stopped her, however. He thought that it might be better to let them sleep it off and wake up a bit more naturally to their new situation. Hanbei hesitated. She agreed that the Kuma Guys and their leader would probably be more amenable if they weren't rudely awoken, but she'd also been counting on Sanosuke being here in case anything went wrong. The Silver General promised to return if necessary and, in the meantime, he'd ask someone to keep an eye on the castle and ensure their plan went smoothly.   Chōbei's face drifted briefly into Sanosuke's mind, but he dismissed the idea immediately. Who knows what that bandit would do when presented with a castle full of sleeping guards and expensive treasures. Instead, he contacted Kubokuma-dōnyo. The little historian was up for the task, but she first felt it necessary to ask her "boss." That apparently meant Hashinara Yoshitakatomo, whom Kubokuma was able to hail even through the veil of dreams. Yoshitakatomo gave her blessing, although some of her* messages, particularly about lamprey monsters, were a bit concerning. Still, that wasn't any of their business. Kubokuma-dōnyo arrived moments later with Fujino.   Only... Sanosuke was still holding Fujino's drunkenly-slouching form in his arms. There was a moment of silent confusion as all looked between the two psychics. As the new, presumably the real Fujino let out an exclamation, the drunken one teleported away immediately. This turn of events was not a welcome one, especially in the light of some kind of possession attempt Fujino had experienced not long ago. It seemed increasingly likely that someone was attempting to corrupt the lynchpin of the Hashinara communications network.   Fujino teleported them all outside to speak about the matter more freely. There, she explained her recent meeting with Maxim and how they had worked out that someone had likely added her to an all-new psychic network for reasons unknown. In light of recent events, it seemed that this person must have been the faux-Fujino. Indeed, the person who'd bumped into her at the tournament fit the physical description, even with her face covered by a cowl.   Sanosuke wasn't thrilled that Fujino had consulted with Maxim before him, and he immediately set about his contacts for a psychic expert. Such a thing proved rarer than expected, however. His best bet, Hori Hidemasa, was apologetic that neither her nor her sister would be much of a help. Indeed, even when in the Oda Clan, Hidemasa hadn't really encountered anyone who could be called a "psychic expert."   Fortunately, Fujino was able to supply a bit more here as well. She and Maxim had already called in a psychic, a certain monkey from Hiyoshi Onsen, but even his training proved not enough. Saruyoshi Ennosuke had managed to identify a third psychic matrix where there should be only two, but not which one was which so that it could be safely removed without disrupting the existing mental network.   That left them with few options. It was dubious how much damage another party could do just by talking to Fujino, but Sanosuke, like Maxim, was not willing to discount the possibility. Indeed, his recent contact with the presumed other psychic opened some worrying possibilities on its own...

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Report Date
15 Jan 2021
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Cover image: by Unknown (Deleted)
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