Port Voltur Settlement in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Port Voltur

Port Voltur is the largest city in the Rhodanensis province, and is the seat of the provincial governor, Proconsul Manius Fannius. It possesses all the normal amenities of a Roman port city, including several large fora, an amphitheater, a circus, several public baths, a library, and temples to several prominent deities such as Vesta, Neptune, and Mercury.   The city is informally divided into several districts. The Forum District contains the main forum, the basilica (the seat of government) and the amphiteater. The High District is the home of the Patrician families and wealthy villa-owners. The East Quarter is inhabited by wealthier Plebians who can afford their own domus dwellings. The West Quarter houses Plebians who live in smaller houses or apartment buildings. Ships and warehouses are to be found in the Wharf District. Finally, the Low District is the seedy part of town, in which houses of ill repute, questionable taverns, and cheaper apartments are found. It is also the place where the carnifex (the city executioner) resides, and where death penalties are carried out.


70% Hill Folk 
6% Grey Elf 
5% River Folk 
5% Desert Folk 
3% Bluff Dwarf 
3% Aarakocra 
8% other races


Port Voltur is surrounded by a solid stone wall of impeccable Roman engineering. At multiple points along the wall there are defensive towers, and each gate is flanked by a pair of such structures. The town is the headquarters for the XII Legion. Normally all but one cohort is stationed here, and that cohort is divided up amongst Nemasus, Cohaeris, Ebrum, and Catera, with the remaining 10 cohorts stationed in Port Voltur. In late Martius of AUC MMCIII, one cohort each was dispatched to Ebrum and Nemasus to increase the defensive standing of the province.

Industry & Trade

Port Voltur is a medium-sized shipping hub that serves the northwestern part of the Roman Empire. It has received a bit less traffic in the last five years, owing to the destruction of many northwestern settlements such as Lugdunum. It still remains a hub for the smaller towns such as Nemasus, Cohaeris, and Catera, and it serves as a jumping-off point to the dwarven, gnomish, and halfling lands to the west.


  • Port Voltur
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