Session 40 - Letter to Tertia Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 40 - Letter to Tertia

General Summary

Maius 15, midday, The Rover's Roost, Rome

Dear Tertia,
I have written much of this out in my journal, and I know that Kleeck has been sending you tidbits and plans on sending you a letter as well, but at this point multiple viewpoints are probably a good thing. It’s a bit strange as, since all the troubles began and Lugdunum fell, this is the first time I have had someone to write a letter to that I could actually send. Forgive me if I have forgotten proper forms! So much has happened in the week since you left. I thought we would have traveled on before now, but with fighting Slaadi in the Pantheon, researching new bits of the hidden story and stalking those who tend the mystery woman statues… we are still here in Rome. And Hassan is flirting with anything and everything that might have to squat to pee. (I was delighted when you told Kleeck that it is not seasonal, but I do begin to wonder if it is a season of life for humans?)   Anyhow I will try to put things in a logical order, so you understand. Not sure that I will do any better than your comrade Albinus who hopefully you are with by the time this reaches you.   I think Kleeck may have told you that we left a note on the finger of the statue in the The Pantheon on Ceres day? We came back in the morning Sun day to watch the crowd and the temple during the sacrifice, hoping to catch anyone discovering the note. Kleeck could tell it was still on the statute and Noctua got chased out of the temple by the acolytes. Anyhow after the ceremony was over and all had left two white-robed women came and retrieved the note. Using various magics and subterfuge we followed them to the college of Erudition and, invisible thanks to Hassan, Bandua and I watched them go in. Kleeck dropped out of the sky and almost blew our cover by being all of a twitter at Hassan, I slipped over and pulled them out of traffic while we could decide what to do next. Uncharacteristically Kleeck said follow my lead, thrust a scroll into Hassan’s hands and went and knocked on the college door   A guard opened the door, and although they were skeptical the guards did eventually go get the head teacher of the college of Erudition. In the meantime, Kleeck explained to Hassan that they were looking for validation of the scroll so that Kleeck could buy it for the Accipiter library back at the Arie. Hassan was a bit taken aback at Kleeck’s learning this sort of subterfuge. I stuffed my hand in my mouth not to laugh out loud at the tables being turned and Bandua gave me quite the stern look and pretended to go to sleep. So, the head teacher came out to meet Kleeck and Hassan (Bandua and I were still under Hassan’s invisibility). They had quite a discussion about going inside and eventually Kleeck’s use of the name Oceanus convinced the teacher to talk to them in the inner courtyard. Bandua and I followed closely and made it to the courtyard undetected. Kleeck and Hassan continued to have a spirited discussion with many side arguments to distract the teacher while Bandua and I searched the place for the women in white, or where, or to whom they might have taken the note.   We slipped in the door that was directly behind the bench on which they were having their discussion just as Kleeck waxed loudly poetic about his family’s library and Hassan was fussing about getting the scroll authenticated right now. Inside the tower there were doors and stairways, so we went up and into rooms upstairs finding only empty classrooms meeting rooms and more stairways. Crossing to the other towers seemed ill advised given the guards we might physically bump into. One doorway at the top seemed to lead to an actively used room in which someone was orating like they do at the forum. We came back down and tried a door behind which we did hear voices, apparently, they were practicing a play and were a little perturbed by the door opening and shutting with no one there, but thought it was likely a student prank. We found no hint of where the white robes had gone and being concerned as to how long Hassan’s magic would last, we went back to the courtyard and waited for a chance to escape.   Escape! Ha! well the teacher offered to buy the scroll directly off Hassan and he played up the monetary gain excellently. Kleeck left in the most artful pretend huff and Bandua and I followed him out. Hassan… That lad! He tried to magically charm the head teacher in the center of his own college! And Hassan got thrown out on his tail for his trouble. He had to use disguise, when we went back in, but I get ahead of myself!   Having failed to discern who received the note, we figured we simply need to be at the temple at 9 pm tonight at the time we stated on the note. Although we were also thinking about coming back to the College at night. However, at this point it was still the morning of the 14th so we went to the library to talk to your friend (I am not naming her here for fear of implicating her in thigs should this fall into the wrong hands) about the inscription in the Pantheon. She was reminded of something and told us to come back today to see her. I do wish you had been here for that discussion; and the one this morning, I think knowing your friend as you do, we might be further along. I don’t think she is hiding anything from us, but not being human or city bred, Kleeck and I could easily be missing cues.   We decided to go back to the college at midnight and see if Kleeck could locate the note and Hassan could, disguised as the head teacher, help Kleeck (made invisible by magic) find any other clues about who is in change of keeping these secrets. This subterfuge was successful and Kleeck did indeed find the note and as Bandua and I played drunken relievers out front on the bench they went in. It was apparently in a study, perhaps that of the head teacher? I am not clear on this point. Beside it on the desk was a scroll, our heads are still spinning over it! "Canticle of the Titans." Giving their names and their descriptions. There are 9 and the circle pattern from the necropolis is associated! I hesitate to copy and send it with a letter - will have to discuss that with Kleeck, not knowing whose are the right hands and who’s the wrong within Rome unsteadies me. Perhaps it is something Kleeck can send you with Apollo’s light and better not to send it on paper. Suffice to say it gives the names and explains who they are, these "reptile-visaged Titans nine," Gods before gods. Kleeck and I were up way too much of the night trying to understand and figure it out.   So, morning came too quickly and we rose more on a Hassan schedule than I am want. But up we got and back to the library to see your friend. She had a scroll for us as well. We are not to indicate outside our group where we came by this, but as you should know of it being one of us, I pass it on in summary as best I can. There is double protection of name and God to conquer a city one must know the true name and true patron. This is why the Kuo-Toa took the votive offerings. To know the true name and true patron and have an object of that patron. Perhaps we did better than we knew defeating the Slaadi the other night. I can only pray to Diana this is so for the pax of Rome. But how to put others more forcefully on their guard? Please use your new station help us in that! I think this was your intent in going so suddenly?   All these clues lead to more mysteries dear Tertia, I hope this poor rendering of what has happened here will help you help us protect Rome.   Pax,   Laura

Rewards Granted

2100 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

Campaign Milestone - Figure out what the bad guys are truly after.

Character(s) interacted with

Riardan Flavius Netyove - Master Teacher of the Collegium Eruditionis
Mettia Vettnoius Glaucia - Senior Archivist of the Ulpian Library
Report Date
19 Mar 2022
Primary Location

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