Session 32 - The Roman Way Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 32 - The Roman Way

General Summary

From Hassan's Journal   On the road
Here we are, marching with a Roman Century from Turris to the Kuo-Toa caverns, bent on wiping out all of the fish-folk (including their children, I suppose) just because some votive offerings were stolen from the Temple of Diana. What started out as a way to gain access to the temple so we could further unravel the mysteries of the Titans, has turned into something far worse. We were just supposed to retrieve the offerings and return -- it was going to be rather simple. Granted, we had no idea there was an entire horde of Kuo-Toa living in the caverns. Neither did we think it would be so difficult to explore and escape with our lives. But's one thing to reclaim something that was stolen, and to fight something trying to kill you, but it's another thing to massacre hundreds of beings just because they aren't Roman.   I guess that's why I've never embraced "The Roman Way" as much as many others. Spending time with Roman soldiers who enforce Roman law is a far cry from spending most of my time with Eris and friends in Port Voltur's Low District. It's even different than my time with Kleeck and the others. Everything with these soldiers is strictly observed with no one stepping out of line, sometimes literally! I haven't had a relaxing dice game in days. Any mentioning any qualms about the upcoming slaughter is met with disapproval and disdain. If I ever felt like I didn't belong, it's certainly now.   Cavern strike
We are back inside these dank caverns, and it's both better and worse at once. After we led the Century to the Kuo-Toa dwelling, the skirmishes began. The fish-folk emerged in droves, warriors and non-warriors alike, defending their home. We were lucky to miss most of the fighting as we had a different goal: to find and defeat the Kuo-toa leader, and its personal guard. That particular battle was not as difficult as the last time we were here -- I suppose we were less afraid with the Roman soldiers providing such a distraction. The Kuo-toa (prince? shaman?) leader was formidable, but we succeeded without any serious injury. Sometime later, the Century also finished their culling, and we were free to search for votive offerings and anything else of interest.   The number of bodies was astounding. I never want to participate in war again. More than ever, I feel the pull to my own people, and to the other person that I love, wherever she might be, even if I don't really remember her....

Rewards Granted

1100 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

Major Milestone - Obtain the Votive chests.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
22 May 2021
Primary Location

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