Cmn. Scarlett Shaw

Scarlett Shaw is a damage control technician serving on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Shaw is a true believer in Starfleet and its mission to explore the frontier of the Universe. It is this belief that she has relied on heavily to help process the grief and trauma that she faced being trapped in a deadly stellar phenomenon for years and watching as her crew started turning against one another with sometimes deadly force. When it comes to her morals and ethics she is rigid and her convictions are strong however when it comes to technology and engineering she is more than willing to throw standard procedure out the window and undertake bold, creative, and sometimes even reckless operations. It was this spirit that led her to boldly propose joint operations between crew on the Atlantis that were otherwise in a cold war and then hot war against one another.    She is adapting quite well to the the 24th century however her history results in some very odd encounters and it is advisable to take special precautions when dealing with her and resolving any conflicts between her and the rest of the crew. She is unused to things that modern Federation citizens take for granted and although she has cleared her psyche evaluation, the trauma of losing almost half her crew and being trapped in a near constant life-or-death situation is not easily erased. It is the hope of the evaluators that the shared tragedy of her losing half her crew on the Atlantis and many original crewmembers of the Nightingale experiencing a similar fate with the encounter with the IRW Raknor will help her form bonds with the other crew.

Biographical Overview

Shaw was born in the mid-22nd century and grew up during a critical time in Earth history as she was serving in Starfleet with the launch of the NX-Class ships that served as humanity's first large scale exploration effort out of the local solar system. Unfortunately this was quickly marred by the outbreak of the Earth-Romulan war that would last for the next four years. At the time, Lt. Shaw was serving as an engineer assigned on the NX Atlantis when it engaged a pair of Romulan Bird-of-Prey class ships. During the ensuing conflict one of the Romulan ships and the Atlantis were caught in an interdimensional wormhole caused by a malfunctioning gravity drive. While the Atlantis managed to survive the gravity wave thanks to its hull polarization the Romulan ship was destroyed. The Atlantis and Romulan wreckage were pulled by the wormhole across dozens of lightyears until it temporarily stabilized inside the Typhon Expanse where it was eventually discovered and rescued by the USS Nightingale.   An extradimensional shapeshifter was accidentally brought on board the Atlantis and the belief that some kind of Romulan saboteur was on board had a severely detrimental effect on the cohesion of the Atlantis crew. After over a year of various attempts at freeing the ship the crew cohesion broke apart with many parts of Command, Engineering, and Security fighting one another. Lt. Shaw proved to be a critical voice to help keep the ship intact and she oversaw several joint operations between otherwise disparate sections of the crew.    After the Atlantis was rescued and the chief of engineering was arrested due to various criminal charges, Shaw was the most experienced engineer on the Atlantis and helped coordinate with the engineering team of the USS Nightingale in making the surviving saucer component of the Atlantis structurally sound enough for tractoring back to Federation.   Working closely with Chief Engineer Lt. Morrow, Shaw made the unorthodox request to continue her service as an engineer in Starfleet as part of the USS Nightingale to replace Cmn. Payne who died during the conflict on the Atlantis. She proposed that she be demoted back to crewman to reflect her outdated knowledge of Starfleet technology but be given the opportunity to work her way back up the ranks. After careful deliberation this proposal was accepted by both Lt. Morrow and Cpt. Lewis and so in 2377 Shaw joined the crew of the Nightingale as a junior enlisted.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Shaw has proven to be an excellent addition to the crew in terms of technical ability. Her knowledge of fundamental technologies has been very effective in conducting repairs in suboptimal conditions where modern parts and techniques are unavailable. She has shown signs of struggling with the diversity of species present and the crew has had several incidents of "accidental" racist behavior from her. Lt. Sel and Lt. Kixi are working with her to better acclimate her to the diverse nature of modern Starfleet.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Despite the temporal displacement Shaw has proven exceptionally capable in her engineering role. A request has been submitted to see if she can qualify for Starfleet Academy engineering exams to get her back on track as an officer now that she has proven she can acclimate to 24th century technology. In order to continue to utalize her skills she has been transferred from the USS Nightingale to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2150, 85th Percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
NX Atlantis (2156-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 17th, 2125
Year of Birth
2125 256 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations