Orbis HQ

Orbis HQ (aka Orbis Customer Synergies Trade Depot #0001) is the headquarters of Orbis Customer Synergies.   Orbis Trade Depots orbit throughout Xanid Suzerainty providing one-stop shops for consumers and foreign governmetns alike to indulge in requisitions, trade, and luxurious entertainment. Boasting expansive casinos, restaurants, holodecks and more, the Orbis Trade Depots are a favored destination throughout the Typhon Expanse, provided one can settle the tab.
Orbis does not trade currency while on the station, instead keeping tabs on their customers and having their customer service reps negotiate payments on how to settle up. This allows Orbis to custom tailor the exchange rate and bartering with each customer for maximum efficiency.
Trade Depot #0001 is the first of these depots and the headquarters of the mysterious Board that runs Orbis. In 2377, the USS Nightingale made contact with Orbis at Depot #0001. Using resource repositories recovered from the Ascendancy mining drones the crew of the Nightingale were able to secure R&R accomodations, maps and information on the sector, and even trade for some technology upgrades to their shuttlecraft. Despite some initial difficulties in keeping track of tabs and some light damage done during a hard night of carousing, contact with Orbis went well. The crew of the Nightingale participated in a race sponsored by Orbis however the Tzynn crew that they beat in the process retaliated by trying to kill the winning Starfleet team, in the process accidentally assassinating most of the Orbis board. As a result of this, Orbis temporarily cancelled their trade contracts with the Tzynn Star Empire until compensation could be made for the damages done. This interruption to arms shipment could directly link this event to the defeat of the Tzynn around Kel-Azaa and the loss of Bastion.