Po. Thiroji Salazar

Thiroji Salazar is a shuttle technician serving on the USS Orpheus (Beta Shift) as part of a Klingon officer exchange program.  

Psychological Profile

Salazar's psychological screening is missing several key evaluations although due to her being on exchange with the Klingon Empire the Evaluations office is waiving these requirements. From the information available Salazar is a skilled technician however she struggles to consider her actions from a Starfleet perspective. She has viewed this assignment as dishonorable and as a way for the Empire to get rid of her. She has faced prejudice throughout her life as being a hybrid and she strongly believes she is viewed as a black sheep in the family.   Although she views her placement in Starfleet as a punishment, her work is exemplary. What she lacks in formal Starfleet training she makes up for with raw experience and a natural intuition for getting broken systems to work, at least for a little while. Off duty she is viewed as temperamental and disruptive and care has to be taken when disciplining her as she is a representative of the Klingon Empire.   ADDENDUM: Salazar seems to have her customary confidence rattled after her marriage proposal was rejected by Lt. Kixi. While this seems to have been a result of miscommunication across cultures as opposed to an act of malicious intent, Salazar seems to be alternating between grief and rage in regards to Kixi and it is our recommendation that security be advised in case Salazar decides to act upon her anger.  

Biographical Overview

Salazar was born on Earth to the klingon warrior of a cadet branch of the House of Konjah. Although born on Earth and being given an Earth name in 2350 she was relocated to Q'onoS. There she grew up among the Klingons where she had to fight twice as hard to overcome the prejudices of her human heritage.  She showed keen interest in joining the space force and in 2363 she joined up with a raiding party where she discovered she had an aptitude for technology as well as battle.   In 2373 after a decade of serving independent raiders she formally applied and was accepted into the IKS serving the Klingon Empire directly. In 2376 she was selected as a candidate for a Federation-Klingon officer exchange program where she was transferred over to serve on the USS Nightingale in its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.   NOTE: In 2372 her uncle through rite of combat took control of House Konjah dramatically increasing Salazar's influence within the Klingon Empire.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 while serving on the Nightingale the ship was confronted by the Klingon Cpt. Krash who claimed that Salazar was his fiance and he had come to collect his bride. She named Lt. Kixi as her champion claiming that they were instead a couple now after a recent romantic encounter. Kixi declined to fight and in the end Lt.Thanum was selected as her champion and Thanum killed Krash in the duel. While duels to the death are not condoned by Starfleet everything proceeded by legal customs for the Klingons and no charges were filed by either government against those involved.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When the USS Nightingale was ordered back for repairs and retrofits an inquiry was made to the Klingon Empire about the status of Salazar. After an exchange between diplomats it was decided that she would be re-assigned to the USS Orpheus to continue the intended mission of Salazar accompanying a Federation ship through a complete exploration rotation. She has been reassigned as a Shuttle Technican on the Orpheus and maintains her rank equivalent.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
IKS Heghchaj'Hoch (2375-2376)
IKS Vaj'hu (2373-2735)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 7th, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations