Assel Tazagull

Assel Tazagull serves as the elected Prime Minister for the Djomar.   Tazagull was elected to her position in 2372 as the foremost politician amongst a race of consumate diplomats and politicians. Her 12-year term was viewed by some as the last for the Starlight Alliance and she spent her early years desperately trying to keep the other Alliance members aligned and begging Orbis Customer Synergies, Xanid Suzerainty and Voor Technocracy for help in their war with the Tzynn Star Empire to little avail.   In 2378 however the Djomar came into contact with the Starfleet vessel USS Nightingale where she successfully negotiated a tenative alliance with the Federation which ultimately resulted in a complete reversal for both the Djomar and the greater Starlight Alliance. Starfleet inteference indirectly led to the collapse of both the Tzynn and the Voor while Starfleet was also able to secure a military alliance with the Xanids in order to combat the growing threat of the XT-489 Exterminators and Zuul.   What was once a tenuous position has transformed into a hopeful new future for her people and Tazagull has been spending all of her time trying to spin the localized wins throughought 2378 and 2379 into long term strategic wins.