Session 8: Leaving Little Ferry Report

General Summary

Morsday the 25th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   The Fate Bound decided to spend two weeks in Little Ferry to recover from their battle with the cultists and the damage done to the Temple of Dalana by the unidentified astral vessel. Each of them had much to think about and they looked forward to the downtime so that they could prepare for the challenges ahead.   The partially burnt letter that they found in the fire within the Arnbyte mansion pointed them toward the ruined village of Cold Hollow within The Blighted Waste. The cultist of Thydos who had been the major domo for Colwyn Arnbyte was headed there to meet someone referred to only as "K". Since the 25th happened to be Leonardo's 18th birthday the heroes decided that they would leave in the morning after they celebrated with him.   Druss surprised them all again with a group breakfast. As they were enjoying their meal, they received an invitation from Lord Manfred Amberhall requesting their presence for an audience in the evening. During the day the heroes went their own way getting ready to say good bye to Little Ferry.   Leonardo went to the temple of Dalana to speak with his mentor Gregori Erwin. Gregori told him that what had happened during the harvest festival was clearly targeted a their order of the Shining Circle. He tasked Leonardo to find out why the order had been targeted and put a stop to whoever was behind it. If he did that, he would become a full member of the organization. He also taught him the handshake known only to those in the order that the could use to identify himself to other members. Gilligan visited Jennifer Alstott one last time to make sure the she was getting along well. He told her that he would not forget her and would always be there if she needed him. Druss made sure that Cory Arnbyte had the support he needed to run his family business in a fair and just way. Shayne hoping for a response to the letter he sent his sister, visited Dockside, but the caravan master had not returned.   As evening approached they headed to Amber Hall and their audience with Lord Manfred Amberhall. They were shown into the audience chamber and noticed that they were not alone. Many of the wealthy and powerful of Little Ferry were there as well as Commander Zander and Goren Apfel. Lord Manfred thanked each of them for everything they had done for the people of Little Ferry. To show his appreciation he gave them each a palm-sized amber gem to remind them of the gratitude of the people of Little Ferry. Arveer used his skill as an armorer to mount the gem into the pommel of his sword and was also able to use his leatherworking ability to attach the gem to the staff of Tenzin and the wand of Iados.
Lord Manfred's Gift   After the audience they headed to Bloody Bill's to celebrate Leonardo's birthday. Gilligan had written a song for he occasion and he performed it for his friends. After a long night, they retired for the evening.   Odrinsday the 26th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   The day dawned revealing a rainy day with dark storm clouds. After purchasing two donkeys and a wagon, the Fate Bound headed out of the north gate leaving Little Ferry behind. Most of the first day was uneventful as they were on the road headed to Garrison. They occasionally passed travelers on the road, cloaks huddled around them against the storm. As they day neared its close, they saw a campfire off to the side of the road. It was roaring and bright apparently unaffected by the weather. As they approached, they realized they had met Tyrubeli once again.   She was pleased to see them and was ready to feed them the amazing stew she had prepared. Once again, the area around the fire was warm, dry and comfortable. As they ate, she told them she as pleased with their progress. She was happy to see that Gilligan had joined them as she had suggested and even offered Druss one of her prophetic cards, which he quickly refused. Tyrubeli then told them that she was willing to answer one question for each of them. She promised that if she could answer that she would.   Arveer was very unhappy to see Tyrubeli . He felt as if she was just playing with all of them and most importantly keeping vital information from them. Tyrubeli met his scowl with a smile. Arveer reluctantly asked her is his sister was safe. She thought long and hard about it pacing in front of the fire and finally answered after a deep sigh that yes his sister was safe. Iados seeing the concern on his friend Arveer's face then asked Tyrubeli where Arveer's sister was. Tyrubeli answered quickly saying that she was with the ruler of the Blackroot Forest forest. Druss wanted to learn more asked her who the lord of the Blackroot Forest was. Tyrubeli responded that the forest was ruled by a viscous green dragon.  
Tyrubeli's Campfire   Shayne who had also been deep in thought then asked Tyrubeli where Korwin was. As she as responding that he was somewhere in the Blighted Waste, he mumbled the person that decapitated his sister. Tyrubeli cryptically responded that person was somewhere else.   Gilligan was still concerned about his friend Burrin Goldstone and so he asked Tyrubeli if she knew where he was. She told him that his friend was alive and in the city of Garrison. Leonardo was thinking about his quest and he asked Tyrubeli if she could tell him more about who had attacked the Shining Circle in Little Ferry. She thought about it for a few moments and then responded that raiders from the astral plane were behind the attacks. Tenzin asked Tyrubeli asked if Tyrubeli could tell him anything more about the mark of the Empaths. Tyrubeli did not have much to offer, but she reminded Tenzin that he could influence many lives with his decision and that the path to darkness would give more power, but cause more pain.   With much to think about, the Fate Bound made camp for the night to prepare for the journey west toward the Blighted Waste. The night passed uneventfully, but all of them felt a bit strange as it had been quite some time since they had slept out under the stars.   Galensday the 27th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   The morning dawned to reveal a crisp day with flowing clouds masking a high sun. Druss used the berries and game that were gathered by his friends and they all enjoyed a Fate Bound Feast. After the meal they packed up and headed out along the winding western road.   Around mid-day they discovered a body lying face down in the road ahead of them. Trees were spread out sporadically around the road and to the west there was a line of hedges. Arveer, Tenzin and Iados rushed forward to inspect the body. Shayne snuck forward and hid behind some nearby brush. The rest of the Fate Bound remainder near the mules and their wagon.   The body was lying face first in a dried pool of blood. The heroes realized too late that the body was a decoy as hidden attackers sprang their trap. A line of archers emerged from cover behind the hedges and shot at the group around the body. Arveer charged forward toward the hedge and Iados launched spells and Tenzin blessed his friends to help them in the coming battle.   As Leonardo charged forward to help more hidden attackers emerged from his left flank. Now that all of their attention was toward the center of the road, the real threat was revealed. An assassin emerged from hiding behind Shayne and stabbed him three times in the back telling him that no one leaves the Shadows alive. Shayne collapsed to the ground alive, but gravely wounded. Another hidden attacker emerged behind Gilligan wounding him gravely.   As the battle unfolded it was clear that the attackers hidden along the road were only decoys. They were only there so that the assassin could be left free to kill Shayne. Three times during the fight, Shayne was healed only to be struck down by the enforcer from the Shadows. As the Fate Bound closed in on the masked assassin, she reached into her pouch and threw crystals of sand over his body that caused her to disappear from view. With that she was able to escape. @shayne could not shake the thought that he knew the woman, but he could not remember from where. After taking a short rest, the heroes continued along the road on the way toward Cold Hollow. After about an hour, they noticed a caravan coming toward them. As they hailed the caravan, Shayne noticed that the caravan master was the man that he had hired to deliver the letter to his sister. The man recognized him immediately and as Shayne asked him about his sister, the man took out a letter and handed to him saying it was from his sister. The man also told him that the village of Darwin was in danger from incursions of monsters and brigands from the Blighted Waste. As much as Shayne wanted to go to his sister immediately, he spoke with his friends and decided to stay with them on the way to Cold Hollow. He reasoned that there would be time enough to head to Darwin when their business in Cold Hollow was done.   sparsely traveled path. They had headed into the Blighted Waste  
Troll   They approached the bridge warily and noticed a few skeletons strewn about. Suddenly, two large, green-skinned trolls lumbered onto the bridge their yellowed teeth bared in anger. The lead troll asked the heroes for a donation to cross the bridge. Gilligan stepped forward and did his best to convince the trolls that a piece of lint in his pocket was worth more than gold. Seeing that the trolls were not inclined to agree, Arveer Bloodbane stepped forward with his shoulders back and threatened the trolls pointing out that dragons often kill trolls and eat them for sport. The intimidation was successful as one of the trolls went back to sleep beneath the bridge. The other roared and attacked.   With only one troll, the Fate Bound confidently battled the troll on the bridge. Gilligan caused the troll to flee to the other side of the bridge and the heroes were able to kill it there. The noise of the battle roused the other troll and he lurched onto the bridge and attacked the heroes from behind. This caught Iados by surprise as he found himself next to the troll after blasting the monster with flames. The troll attached the tiefling and after wounding him picked him up and hurled him from the bridge. Leonardo dove in after him, while he rest of the Fate Bound made short work of he troll.
Into the Maelstrom
Leonardo Gallois
Level 6 Human Lawful good Paladin
(Folk Hero)
61 / 61 HP
Druss the Destroyer
Level 1 human lawfull good Fighter
10 / 12 HP
Gilligan Trottle
Level 6 Halfling Neutral Bard
42 / 42 HP
Tenzin Lurong
Level 6/1 Human lawful Good Cleric/sorcerer
(Acolyte )
42 / 42 HP
Iados Mahari
Level 6 Tiefling Chaotic Good Wizard
28 / 38 HP
Arveer Bloodbane
Level 6 Dragonborn Lawful Good Fighter
(Folk Hero)
2 / 61 HP
Shayne Karth
Level 6 Drow Chaotic Good Rouge
46 / 47 HP
Report Date
03 Nov 2020


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