Austol Pengelly Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Austol Pengelly


Canon Austol is motivated by a deep desire to serve his community and uphold the teachings of St. Cuthbert. He strives to be a source of spiritual guidance and support, helping the villagers navigate the challenges of life with faith and resilience. Austol is also driven by a commitment to justice and the eradication of evil, believing that everyone has the potential for redemption and enlightenment.


Canon Austol Pengelly is a man in his late fifties with a commanding presence. He stands at about 5'10" with a sturdy build, the result of years spent working both in and out of the chapel. His short, greying hair frames a face marked by deep lines and a pair of piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you. His hands are calloused from a life of service, and his voice, though soft and gentle in conversation, carries a resonant authority when he preaches.


Canon Austol is known for his unwavering dedication to his faith and his community. He is compassionate and understanding, always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand to those in need. His stern yet fair demeanor commands respect, and he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right. Austol has a keen sense of justice and is often seen as a moral compass for the community. He balances his sternness with a warm, approachable nature, making him both a leader and a friend to the villagers.


Canon Austol's primary motivation is to guide and support the people of Cienega Valley in their spiritual and everyday lives. He is driven by a deep sense of duty to St. Cuthbert and a desire to see his community thrive. Austol aims to foster a sense of unity and purpose among the villagers, encouraging them to live honest and righteous lives. He is also motivated by a personal commitment to uphold the teachings of St. Cuthbert and ensure that the chapel remains a sanctuary for all who seek solace and guidance.


Born into a devout family in Verbobonc, Austol Pengelly was raised with a strong sense of faith and duty. His father was a respected cleric, and his mother was known for her charitable works. Austol followed in his father's footsteps, dedicating his life to the service of St. Cuthbert. He trained at a seminary in the city of Verbobonc before being assigned to Cienega Valley, where he has served for over twenty years. Under his leadership, the Chapel of the Cudgel has become a cornerstone of the community, known for its welcoming atmosphere and active involvement in village life.


  • House Asbury: Canon Austol maintains a positive relationship with House Asbury, appreciating their support and protection of the chapel and the village.
  • House Milinous: While respectful, Austol remains cautious of House Milinous's ambitions, striving to keep the chapel neutral and focused on its spiritual mission.
  • Druid Tanithil Mornala: Austol has a relationship of mutual respect and occasional tension with Druid Tanithil, as their differing beliefs sometimes lead to disagreements.
  • Villagers: Austol is deeply respected by the villagers, who see him as a moral and spiritual leader.
Canon Austol Pengelly priest of St. Cuthbert
7th level Cleric
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
522 54 Years old
Attire: Traditional priestly robes of St. Cuthbert
Deep-set, compassionate blue
Salt and pepper, short and neat
St Cuthbert
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Canon Austol Pengelly by 3orcs


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