6. Chapel of the Cudgel Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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6. Chapel of the Cudgel

The centre of community life, second to the Druids Glade, the church is standing over the village proper on one of the few hills placing the church almost as high as Fort Emridy. Built of stone, this two story building is sturdy with tall curved stained glass windows depicting hard working vineyard peasants in the fields. Standing proudly in front of the large double iron banded oak doors is a 15' stone statue of St. Cuthbert himself. His watchful stern gaze under a crumbled hat with a large cudgel raises high.   Over the main entrance carved in an arc over the double iron bound oak doors boldly state in common "Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron".   Stepping through the doors leads to a warm, comfortable room, with a large stone fireplace against the southern wall. Placed in front of the fireplace were two soft padded chairs, along the wall near the entry was a long wooden bench and to the north were a simple desk and chair stationed next to a set of another pair of oak double doors leading into the main temple.   Through the double doors and past a circular chamber that was screened by a drape of deep green velvet. Inside was a life-sized statue of St. Cuthbert , smiling, the great cudgel held high in one hand while the left hand beckoned the doubter and the faithful alike. Growing ferns and other plants were behind this statue, while to either side were tree stumps from which the clerics officiate.   An altar seems to be carved from a single piece of bronzewood with billets, star bursts, and the sacred sign of the Crumpled Hat. The walls were wainscoted with carved panels, and the painted walls show various marvels performed by St. Cuthbert. A band of holy sayings is written out above the walls and wood.
The Chapel of the Cudgel of St. Cuthbert is a central hub of community life in Cienega Valley, second only to the Druids Glade. Located on one of the few hills in the village, the church stands proudly over the village, almost as high as 1. Fort Emridy The Chapel of the Cudgel is built of sturdy stone, featuring tall curved stained glass windows depicting hardworking vineyard peasants in the fields. A 15-foot stone statue of St. Cuthbert stands proudly in front of the large double iron-banded oak doors. The statue, with a stern gaze and a large cudgel raised high, serves as a reminder of the saint's watchful protection. Over the main entrance, an arc of carved stone boldly states in common: "Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron."


Stepping through the doors leads to a warm, comfortable room with a large stone fireplace against the southern wall. In front of the fireplace are two soft padded chairs, and along the wall near the entry is a long wooden bench. To the north is a simple desk and chair stationed next to another set of double oak doors leading into the main temple.   Beyond these doors lies a circular chamber screened by a deep green velvet drape. Inside, a life-sized statue of St. Cuthbert, smiling and holding the great cudgel high in one hand, beckons the doubter and the faithful alike. Growing ferns and other plants surround the statue, while clerics officiate from tree stumps on either side. The altar is carved from a single piece of bronzewood, adorned with billets, star bursts, and the sacred sign of the Crumpled Hat. The walls are wainscoted with carved panels, and painted murals depict the various marvels performed by St. Cuthbert, with holy sayings written above.


The Chapel of the Cudgel has been a cornerstone of spiritual and community life in Cienega Valley for decades. Built to serve the villagers' spiritual needs and provide a space for communal activities, the chapel has witnessed many significant events, from weddings and celebrations to moments of mourning and reflection.
Key Historical Events
  • Founding: The chapel was established to provide spiritual guidance and community support.
  • Major Renovations: Over the years, the chapel has undergone several renovations to maintain its structure and beauty.
  • Community Hub: The chapel has hosted numerous weddings, funerals, and community gatherings, solidifying its role as a central part of village life.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Chapel of the Cudgel plays a significant role in the politics of Verbobonc, particularly in its interactions with House Milinous and House Asbury. The chapel maintains a delicate balance, providing spiritual guidance while navigating the complex political landscape.
Political Influence
  • House Asbury: The chapel enjoys a positive relationship with House Asbury, benefiting from their protection and support.
  • House Milinous: While maintaining respect and courtesy, the chapel remains cautious of House Milinous's ambitions.


Canon Austol Pengelly
Canon Austol Pengelly, the ordained priest of St. Cuthbert, holds regular services on holy days and tends to the village’s spiritual needs. He also serves as a community leader, providing guidance and support to the villagers.
  • Role: Spiritual leader and community advisor.
  • Services: Holds regular services and opens the chapel for morning prayers each day.
Priest Gustaf
Priest Gustaf assists Canon Austol Pengelly and is known for his zeal in obtaining contributions for the church. He is dedicated to supporting the chapel and its activities, often acting as an intermediary for villagers seeking assistance.
  • Role: Assistant priest and collector of contributions.
  • Activities: Focuses on fundraising and supporting the church’s financial needs.
Druid Tanithil Mornala at Hearth of Obad-Hai
The relationship between the Chapel of the Cudgel and the 2. Hearth of Obad-Hai is one of mutual respect and occasional tension. While both serve the spiritual needs of the community, their differing beliefs and practices sometimes lead to disagreements.
  • Mutual Respect: Both religious leaders respect each other’s roles in the community.
  • Tensions: Occasional disagreements arise due to differing beliefs and practices.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The Chapel of the Cudgel’s influence extends beyond Cienega Valley, impacting the broader politics of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The chapel’s role in providing spiritual guidance and support contributes to the social stability of the region.
Regional Impact
  • Spiritual Guidance: The chapel provides spiritual guidance to villagers and travelers alike.
  • Community Support: Acts as a central hub for community activities and support.


The Chapel of the Cudgel of St. Cuthbert is a vital part of Cienega Valley, providing spiritual guidance and community support. With its rich history, influential relationships, and dedication to the villagers’ well-being, the chapel stands as a beacon of faith and stability in the region.
  • Square corners can be pounded smooth.
  • Thick heads are not made of glass.
  • Salvation is better than smart answers.
  • Some good folk can understand only one thing.
  • Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron.
  • Evil, which cannot be removed, must be eliminated.
  • Foolishness can be beaten.
  • Lawful correction lies in a stout billet.
  • Capricious behavior brings knots to the heads of those lacking wisdom.
  • Preach quietly, but have a large cudgel handy.
Canon Austol Pengelly by 3orcs
Canon Austol Pengelly priest of St. Cuthbert
7th level Cleric
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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