Tanithil Mornala Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Tanithil Mornala


Tanithil is a youthful adult male human. He is short and unbelievably nimble, and has pale blue eyes with tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Yan is that he has old faith tattoo's along his forehead and cheeks. He has poor hygiene and is usually snacking on acorns. When he is relaxed, he is confident. In moments of stress, he becomes angry.   Yan is a druid, with a background of being a acolyte. Yan currently has a list of local taverns in his pockets, and 3 Silver 6 Copper to his name. In combat, he uses a quarterstaff. bracelets
Tanithil Mornala, a youthful adult male half-elf druid, serves as the spiritual leader of the Old Faith in Cienega Valley. Known for his nimbleness and distinct tattoos, Tanithil is a dedicated servant of Obad-Hai, the ancient god of nature, woodlands, and beasts. Despite the dwindling congregation of the Old Faith, he remains a steadfast guardian of the sacred grove and a vigilant observer of the natural world.


Tanithil is short and unbelievably nimble, with pale blue eyes and tan skin. His most notable physical traits are the Old Faith tattoos adorning his forehead and cheeks. Often seen snacking on acorns, Tanithil has poor hygiene but exudes confidence when relaxed. However, in moments of stress, he can become angry. As a druid with a background as an acolyte, he is always prepared with a quarterstaff and wears bracelets that signify his devotion to Obad-Hai.


Tanithil is confident and approachable when relaxed but can become quickly angered under stress. His deep connection to nature and the Old Faith guides his actions, making him both a wise counselor and a fierce protector of his sacred grove.


Tanithil has served as the Druid of Health of Obad-Hai since before the Battle of Emridy Meadows. His role has been to oversee the spiritual well-being of the Old Faith's followers in Cienega Valley and to protect the natural world from encroaching evil.
Key Historical Events
  • The Battle of Emridy Meadows: Served as a druid before and after the pivotal battle.
  • Stewardship of the Grove: Maintains and protects the sacred oak grove in Cienega Valley.
  • Monitoring Human Settlements: Sent by the Druids of the Gnarley Forest to oversee human activities and suppress any rise of evil.

Sacred Grove

Tanithil's sacred grove is a place of deep spiritual and natural significance. A copse of ancient oak trees forms a ring, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere. The grove is meticulously maintained, with branches pruned into arches and seats, and a polished teakwood altar at its heart.
Features of the Grove
  • Ancient Oaks: Majestic trees with sprawling branches and deep roots.
  • Sacred Altar: A polished teakwood altar carved with Sylvan and Druidic runes, used for rituals and offerings.
  • Scrying Basin: A basin for scrying, capturing the moon’s image to augur future events.
  • Flora and Fauna: Thick bramble bushes, wild berries, and small creatures like squirrels and a great badger named Acorn.


Tanithil maintains friendly relationships with the people of Cienega Valley, including the militia captain of Fort Emridy and the mayor, Marcus Greensward. Despite the diminishing congregation, he remains a respected figure within the community.
Key Relationships
  • Militia Captain Olean Rodrigo of 1. Fort Emridy: Works collaboratively to maintain the safety and well-being of the valley.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Maintains a close and respectful relationship, providing spiritual guidance and support.
  • Squirrel Companions and Acorn the Badger: Loyal animal companions that aid in his druidic duties.

Challenges and Conflicts

Tanithil faces several challenges, including the declining number of followers of the Old Faith and the rising influence of Church of St Cuthbert. Additionally, he contends with mysterious disturbances in the area that the trees sense but cannot fully understand.
Key Challenges
  • Declining Congregation: Fewer followers of the Old Faith, with many converting to the faith of St. Cuthbert.
  • Natural Disturbances: Unexplained disturbances sensed by the ancient oaks, causing concern and uncertainty.
  • Conflict with Divis: Frequent visits from Divis, a raving lunatic demanding use of the grove’s altar for his prophetic visions.

Lore and Mysticism

The sacred grove and Tanithil's duties are steeped in lore and mysticism. The grove itself is a place of immense power, where the boundary between the mundane and the divine is thin. Tanithil's connection to the grove and his ability to communicate with its ancient oaks underscore his deep bond with the natural world.
Mystical Elements
  • Sacred Oak Grove: A place of power and reverence, central to the worship of Obad-Hai.
  • Scrying Practices: Uses the scrying basin to capture the moon’s image and interpret auguries.
  • Communication with Trees: Speaks with the ancient oaks, which are in communication with the rest of the Gnarley Forest.

Divis and the Prophetic Visions

Divis, a figure of chaos and erratic behavior, frequently visits Tanithil, seeking to use the grove’s altar for his visions. The Arch Druid Holdefer Paravis has cast Divis out due to his ramblings, but he continues to trouble Tanithil with his demands and ravings.
Divis's Impact
  • Erratic Behavior: Divis's unpredictable visits and demands disrupt the peace of the grove.
  • Prophetic Visions: Claims to have prophetic visions of primordial elements rising against man and earth.
  • Tension with Tanithil: Tanithil views Divis as a raving lunatic, adding to the challenges he faces in maintaining the grove's sanctity.


Tanithil Mornala is a dedicated and resilient druid of Obad-Hai, committed to preserving the natural beauty and spiritual sanctity of the Hearth of Obad-Hai in Cienega Valley. Despite numerous challenges, he remains a vigilant guardian of the sacred grove, a wise spiritual leader, and a respected figure in the community. Through his efforts, the legacy of the Old Faith endures, fostering a deep connection to nature and the divine.
"In every leaf, in every root, we find the essence of Obad-Hai."
Tanithil Mornala, half-Elf (Drd8)
  • HP 28; AC 4[15]
  • Atk +1 spear (1d6+1) or sling (1d4)
  • Move 12; Save 8
  • AL N; CL/XP 10/1400
  • Special: elf traits, druid abilities
  • +2 save bonus vs. fire, spells (4/3/2/1)
  • 1st: faerie fire, locate animals x2, predict weather
  • 2nd: create water, cure light wounds x2
  • 3rd: call lightning, hold animal; 4th—animal summoning I
Equipment: +1 leather armor, +1 wooden shield, +1 spear, sling with 40 bullets, potion of extra-healing (x3), potion of neutralize poison (x2)

Animal Companion

Badger(this is his female friend) Squirrel

Totem Wild Shape animal

Current Status
Scrying for what is causing the disturbance in nature
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
530 46 Years old
Attire: Simple druidic robes, bracelets of devotion
Pale blue
silvery brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Notable Traits: Old Faith tattoos on forehead and cheeks, poor hygiene, often snacking on acorns
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The grove is our sanctuary, our connection to the eternal cycle of life."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Duties and Responsibilities
Tanithil's primary duties involve maintaining the health of the sacred grove, performing rituals, and monitoring natural disturbances. He is also responsible for providing spiritual guidance to the remaining followers of the Old Faith.
Key Responsibilities
  • Grove Maintenance: Prunes trees, tends to the flora, and ensures the grove remains a place of power.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Conducts rituals and ceremonies to honor Obad-Hai and the cycles of nature.
  • Scrying and Augury: Uses the scrying basin to interpret signs and predict future events.
  • Monitoring and Protection: Keeps watch over the valley, addressing any unnatural disturbances and threats.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Hearth of Obad-Hai by 3orcs


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