Bralm Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Bralm goddess of Insects and Industriousness
The Flying Queen, the Hive Goddess, the Toiling Lady   Bralm, revered in the Suel pantheon, embodies the essence of Industriousness and the intricate world of Insects. Her divine presence guides the laborious and the diligent, advocating for a society where structure and hard work form the backbone of civilization. This article delves into the myriad aspects of Bralm, offering insights into her lore, worship, and the intricate tapestry of her divine influence.

Lore and History

Bralm's genesis is deeply rooted in the ancient Suel pantheon, emerging as a deity who personifies the virtues of hard work and the natural order within the insect kingdom. Her ethos mirrors the meticulous and unyielding labor of insects, symbolizing her as a beacon of productivity and organization.  

The Divine Persona

Bralm manifests as a middle-aged woman, her aura graced with dark blonde hair, sometimes depicted with insect wings sprouting from her back. Alternately, she embodies the form of formidable insect creatures, symbolizing her dominion and affinity with the insect world.  

Relationships and Politics

Alliances and Enmities
Bralm stands neutral within the pantheon, her judgment based on merit over status. She harbors a distinct aversion to Trithereon's championing of individualism and maintains a cautious distance from fire deities, protecting her insect wards from their flame.

Friendly Ties and Neutral Stance

While generally friendly with the Suel pantheon, Bralm does not form close alliances easily, preferring to maintain a level of independence. Her relationships are dictated by her goal-oriented perspective, which sometimes leads to collaborations but rarely to deep alliances.
Key Friendly and Neutral Relationships
  • General Friendliness: Has a basic level of friendliness with most of the Suel pantheon, driven by a common cultural heritage.
  • Lack of Close Allies: Avoids deep alliances, focusing instead on mutual interests and shared goals.

Enmities and Oppositions

Bralm's enmities are notably influenced by her disdain for certain characteristics or domains that conflict with her own. Her aversion to individualism and the chaotic elements within the pantheon often puts her at odds with certain gods.
Notable Enmities
  • Trithereon: Opposes his ideals of individualism and freedom, which clash with her emphasis on collective effort and order.
  • Joramy and Pyremius: Avoids these deities due to her dislike for their association with fire, an element she finds destructive and contrary to her nature.
  • Heironeous: Has a longstanding enmity with Heironeous, stemming from conflicting ideologies about order and justice.

Alliances within the Pantheon

Despite her generally reserved stance, Bralm does form strategic alliances when they align with her objectives. Her relationships with deities of order, especially in the face of pantheon-wide conflicts between law and chaos, highlight her pragmatic approach to divine politics.
Strategic Alliances
  • Wee Jas: Often sides with Wee Jas and other lawful deities in conflicts, finding common ground in their shared appreciation for structure and order.
  • Hextor: Maintains a strong, albeit sometimes uneasy, alliance with Hextor, united by a common goal to uphold and spread the influence of law.
Divine Interactions
In the eternal skirmishes between order and chaos within the pantheon, Bralm aligns with deities like Wee Jas, advocating for a structured cosmos. Her relationship with Heironeous is strained, contrasting her philosophy of collective well-being against his valorous individualism.

Dogma and Teachings

Bralm's doctrine emphasizes the societal hierarchy, likening her followers to a well-organized hive, each individual serving a purpose towards the greater good. She champions the virtues of hard labor and subservience, cultivating a culture of efficiency and diligence.
  • Society mirrors an insect hive
  • Emphasizes hard labor and subservience
  • Promotes societal hierarchy and efficiency

Worshipers and Clergy

Follower Demographics
Bralm's acolytes are found across various strata of society, from farmers toiling in the fields to slaves yearning for divine favor in their servitude. Her strongest followings burgeon in warm climates, where the land teems with life and labor is ceaseless.
  • Follower Demographics: Farmers, slaves, and those in labor-intensive roles
  • Clerical Hierarchy: Overseers in agriculture, construction, and slavery

Clerical Hierarchy

Her clergy dons robes of earthy hues, adorned with symbols of their insect deities. Taskmasters in essence, they orchestrate operations in agriculture, construction, and beyond, embodying Bralm's ideals of order and industry.  

Temples and Sacred Sites

Bralm's temples, often concealed in the bowels of the earth or in sequestered locations, resonate with her affinity for insects and labor. Each shrine serves as a hub for her followers, offering solace and guidance in the pursuit of industriousness.
  • Temples are hidden or in remote locations
  • Serve as community hubs for followers

Rituals and Ceremonies

Divine Observances Bralm's rituals mimic the natural world of her insect wards, marked by twilight prayers and offerings that echo the bustle of life at dawn and dusk. The most sacred of days is observed in the peak of Goodmonth, a testament to the zenith of labor and toil under the scorching sun.
  • Divine Observances: Prayers at twilight and dawn, sacred day in Goodmonth
  • The Sacred Bee: A legend of a giant bee producing miraculous honey

Myths and Legends

The Sacred Bee
Among the myriad tales that weave Bralm's mythology, the story of the Sacred Bee stands out. It tells of a temple deep within the jungle, home to a giant bee seen as the incarnation of Bralm herself, producing honey with miraculous properties.


Bralm's essence permeates through the fabric of society, her teachings a constant reminder of the value of hard work and the inherent order within the cosmos. In a world often marred by chaos and discord, Bralm offers a beacon of hope and structure, guiding her followers towards a harmonious and industrious existence.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: giant wasp in front of an insect swarm
Realm: Infernal Battlefield of Acheron
Domains: Animal, Community, Law, Pact, Strength
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Clerics: Unable to TurnUndead
  • Cleric of the 1st tier: substitute 1 druid spell per caster level
  • Cleric of the 9th tier: shape change into giant warrior ant, 1 hour, 1/week
  • Cleric of the 11th tier: shape change into giant warrior ant, or giant wasp
  • Cleric of the 14th tier: shape change into giant warrior ant, or giant wasp or giant scorpion
  • Cleric of the 16th tier: shape change into giant warrior ant, or giant wasp or  giant scorpion or anhkheg
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Neutral (LN/LE)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Each serves the hive, and the hive serves all."
"From the smallest ant to the greatest labor, all is sacred."
Bralm holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Bralm by 3orcs


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