D3 The Red Don Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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D3 The Red Don Inn

Nestled high in the branches of a twisted, reddish ipt tree, the Red Don Inn stands as a testament to ancient elven architecture and hospitality within the Elven Quarter of Verbobonc. Renowned for its enchanting ambience and exclusive clientele, this inn not only caters to elves but also welcomes diverse patrons from far and wide. The name of the inn derives from the unusual red hue of the tree, believed by some to have once sheltered elven royalty.

Architectural Marvel

  • Treehouse Design: Built upon a giant ipt tree, the inn's structure integrates seamlessly with nature, sprawling across the tree’s major branches.
  • Rooms with a View: Many guest rooms are open to the elements, shielded only by magical barriers that regulate temperature akin to a 'Ring of Warmth', ensuring comfort regardless of weather.
  • Unique Features: Carvings in each room reflect exquisite craftsmanship, and some rooms feature branches that intertwine with the living spaces, enhancing the naturalistic experience.

Historical Significance

  • Legacy and Lore: The inn’s origins trace back to a time dominated by elven rule, with legends hinting at its royal past.
  • Cultural Hub: The Red Don serves as a cultural gathering spot for elves, offering a platform for exchanging news and maintaining connections with elven traditions and affairs.

Proprietor - Delon Redleaf

  • Background: Delon, rumored to be as ancient as the inn’s namesake tree, has been the sole steward of the Red Don for as long as any local can recall.
  • Personality: Known for his gracious hospitality, Delon treats every guest with the deference due to royalty, regardless of their background.
  • Motivation: His deep commitment to preserving and showcasing elven culture drives his every decision.
  • Politics: Delon remains diplomatically neutral, focusing on service and hospitality while subtly promoting elven values and traditions through his inn.

Notable Patrons

  • Diverse Clientele: While predominantly frequented by elves and those seeking the elven experience, it also attracts diplomats from Celene and wealthy adventurers.
  • Elven Conclave Connections: Often serves as a rest stop for members of the Elven Conclave traveling through or conducting discreet meetings.

Services and Amenities

  • Luxury at a Price: With costs reflective of its high-quality offerings, the inn provides exquisite vegetarian cuisine, magical climate control in rooms, and serene natural surroundings.
  • Exclusive Experiences: Guests can enjoy special amenities like rainwater baths, fresh fruit feasts, and nightly performances by bardic harpists.

Relationships and Influence

  • Elven Quarter Integration: Positioned strategically near the Low Road, it bridges cultural exchanges between the Elven and Gnome Quarters.
  • Role in Local Politics: While not overtly political, the inn influences local dynamics through its status as a neutral ground for discussions among various factions.
  Delon Redleaf’s mastery in creating an immersive elven experience makes the Red Don Inn a cornerstone of the Elven Quarter, embodying the spirit and heritage of its people while serving as a beacon of hospitality in Verbobonc.
Common meals
Common Meals
Good meals
Good Meals
Delon Redleaf by 3orcs
Inn Owner: Delon Redleaf
  • Delon, rumored to be as ancient as the inn’s namesake tree
  • The sole steward of the Red Don
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Red Don Elven Menu by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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