D7 Ash Horn Stream Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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D7 Ash Horn Stream

In the heart of the pebblestone roads of Verbobonc's Elven Quarter lies the Ash Horn Stream religious meeting area. The stream, which empties into Nigb's Run from the sacred Pond of the Hart, serves as a spiritual hub for elves devoted to Corellon Larethian, the Creator of the Elves. On holy days, the faithful gather here in a solemn procession, donning gold and white robes and singing in perfect harmony. They place flower petals into the stream, watching them drift away in a symbolic offering to their god.

Blessings of the Protector

Corellon Larethian
  • Creator and Protector: Corellon is the Creator of the Elves and Ruler of the Seldarine.
  • Divine Beauty: His temples blend seamlessly into sylvan landscapes, incorporating living plants or trees.

Ash Horn Stream

  • The Sacred Pathway: Carries the blessings from the H6 Pond of the Hart to the river Nigb’s Run, linking the elven community to Corellon's grace.
  • Holy Processions: Elves gather here thrice monthly to honor their deity with harmonious songs and floral offerings.

Description of Facilities

"Temples Amidst the Trees"
The Grove of Corellon
  • Natural Sanctuary: A lush grove that serves as a temple, incorporating natural elements like living trees and wildflowers.
  • Prayer Circles: Designated areas for private prayers and meditations.
  • Hilltop Overlook: Offers a strategic view of the Pebblestone Roads and the surrounding Elven Quarter.
Meeting Grounds
  • Ceremonial Pathway: The procession route from the D1 - D7 Elven Dawn Quarter to the mouth of the stream.
  • Flower Altar: An intricately carved stone altar where elves place their floral offerings.
  • Singing Circle: A sacred area where worshipers gather to sing hymns to Corellon.


"Legacy of the Elven Protector"
Foundation Era
  • Ancient Blessings: The Ash Horn Stream has long been a sacred site, revered even before Verbobonc became a city.
  • Connection to Celene: Historical ties with the elves of Celene strengthened the stream’s spiritual significance.


"Rivers of Unity and Harmony" Elven Enclave
  • Council of Elders: Oversees the spiritual well-being of the elven community, with Resheph providing counsel.
  • Cultural Safeguards: The Elven Enclave ensures that religious observances maintain the spirit of Corellon's teachings.
Druids of the Hart
  • Nature's Custodians: Work alongside the Conclave to maintain the sanctity of the Ash Horn Stream.
  • Shared Traditions: Collaborate with Corellon’s followers to uphold the divine protector's principles.

Politics and Motivation

"Harmony in Faith and Governance"
Political Role
  • Council of Lords Representation: Resheph and other druids represent the enclave’s interests on The Council of Lords of Verbobonc.
  • Elven Conclave Leadership: The Ash Horn Stream area plays a central role in shaping the enclave's policies.
  • Cultural Preservation: Maintain the Ash Horn Stream as a symbol of elven faith and unity.
  • Sanctuary Defense: Collaborate with allies to protect the meeting area from threats.
  • Diplomatic Harmony: Advocate for peaceful coexistence with Verbobonc’s broader society.

Notable People

"Guides of the Ash Horn Stream"
Resheph (Druid, High Councilor)
  • Role: Leads the religious observances and provides counsel to the Council of Elders.
  • Background: A master druid and spiritual guide known for his deep connection to the elven gods.

Holy Observances

"Rituals of the Protector"
Monthly Processions
  • Thrice Monthly: Elves don gold and white robes, singing hymns as they proceed to the Ash Horn Stream.
  • Floral Offerings: Place flower petals into the stream, symbolizing blessings for Corellon Larethian.
Major Festivals
Blessing of the Seldarine: Honors Corellon and his divine children, held at the start of each season.
  • Rites of Renewal: Celebrates the renewal of life and nature in spring.


The Ash Horn Stream religious meeting area stands as a beacon of elven faith and unity in Verbobonc. Under the guidance of Resheph and the Council of Elders, this sacred sanctuary preserves the rich traditions of Corellon Larethian while promoting harmony and coexistence within the broader city. Through its history, facilities, and notable people, the Ash Horn Stream continues to inspire the elves of Verbobonc in their devotion to the Protector.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs


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