D6 Elven Enclave Barracks Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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D6 Elven Enclave Barracks

At the heart of the pebblestone roads in Verbobonc's Elven Quarter lies the Elven Enclave Barracks. These barracks house a disciplined militia of 64 elven veterans from Celene, renowned as spellcasters and fighters. Their unwavering loyalty to the Elven Conclave and mastery in both magic and combat make them formidable protectors of the Elven Quarter and maintainers of peace in the city.

Sentinels of the Ancient Glades

The Elven Enclave Barracks traces its origins to an era when Verbobonc was a simple elven settlement. During this period, elves forged the first alliances with gnomes and humans, defending their shared lands against invaders. The current militia reflects this deep-rooted history and commitment to protection.

Ancient Origins

  • Foundation Days: The Enclave's roots go back to the time when Verbobonc was a modest elven outpost.
  • Elven-Gnome Alliance: A bond with the gnomes of the Kron Hills strengthened the elven community’s defense.

Facilities: Bastion of the Conclave

The Elven Enclave Barracks is more than just a Verbobonc Military outpost; it's a cultural bastion that reinforces the Elven Conclave’s values and traditions.
Barracks Complex
  • Main Hall: The central structure for strategy discussions and training.
  • Living Quarters: Residences for the militia, designed with elven grace and simplicity.
  • Armory and Archives: Holds the militia’s enchanted weapons and the historical records of their campaigns.
Training Grounds
  • Sparring Arenas: For weapons practice and dueling.
  • Arcane Field: A dedicated space for spell training.
  • Obstacle Course: Tests agility, archery skills, and spell precision.
Council Chamber
  • Elven Conclave Headquarters: The nerve center where leaders convene to discuss political matters.
  • Strategic Map Room: Contains maps of Verbobonc and the surrounding regions for military planning. Every step and leaf of the Elven Dawn is meticulously drawn.

History: Chronicles of the Elven Conclave

The Elven Enclave's long and storied history reflects the trials and triumphs of Verbobonc's elves.
Settlement Era
  • Founding of the Enclave: Established as a protectorate when elves first settled in Verbobonc.
  • Gnome Alliances: Joint efforts with the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills gnomes to repel humanoid threats from the Iron Wood and Kron Hills.
Temple of Elemental Evil Campaigns
  • First Campaign (568 CY): Elven militia supported the allied forces at Emridy Meadows.
  • Second Campaign (574 CY): Reinforced Hommlet during the construction of its defensive castle.
Post-War Era
  • Greyhawk Wars (582-584 CY): Defended the Elven Quarter from infiltrators during the Greyhawk Wars.
  • Modern Enclave (Current Era): Formed a militia to maintain stability in the Elven Quarter amidst growing threats.

Relationships: Converging Paths

The Elven Enclave Barracks maintains intricate relationships with various factions in Verbobonc.
Elven Conclave
  • Stewards of Tradition: Guards elven culture and ensures the Elven Quarter’s peaceful coexistence with the city.
  • Council of Elders: The supreme decision-making body within the Enclave.
City of Verbobonc
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: The Enclave recognizes the Viscount’s authority while securing autonomy for the elves.
  • Lords of Verbobonc: Maintains diplomatic ties with influential lords, especially those overseeing areas adjacent to the Elven Quarter.
Gnomes of the Kron Hills
  • Trade and Defense Allies: Continued cooperation in trade and regional defense.

Politics and Motivation

"Pathways of Influence"
The Elven Enclave Barracks is deeply involved in Verbobonc's political landscape, balancing autonomy and cooperation.
Political Relationships
  • City Government: Advocates for elven interests while supporting the Viscount’s broader initiatives.
  • Lords of Verbobonc: Collaborates with nobles who favor peace and stability.
  • Cultural Preservation: Maintain the Elven Quarter as a sanctuary for elven culture.
  • Peaceful Coexistence: Work towards mutual respect with other city factions.
  • Militaristic Vigilance: Prepared to defend Verbobonc against external threats.

Notable People

"Faces of the Enclave"
Lathlaeril Silverbough (Captain of the Guard)
  • Role: Commands the militia with a strategic and tactical mindset.
  • Background: Veteran of the Celene forces and a skilled spellcaster.
Ilverin Thalor (Councilor and Mage)
  • Role: Advises the Conclave on political matters and arcane threats.
  • Background: An elven mage with centuries of political and magical experience.
Vanya Elothir (Master Scout)
  • Role: Leads reconnaissance missions and gathers intelligence.
  • Background: Trained as a ranger, adept at stealth and archery.
Council of Elders
Roles: The supreme governing body within the Enclave.


The Elven Enclave Barracks stands as a symbol of elven unity and resilience amidst Verbobonc's diverse landscape. As the elven militia continues to guard the Pebblestone Roads, they embody both the Elven Conclave’s rich heritage and their unwavering dedication to peace and coexistence.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Elven Enclave Barracks by 3orcs
Parent Location
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Relationship Between the Elven Enclave and the Knights of Luna

Shared History and Lore
Mutual Legacy of Emridy Meadows
  • Both the Elven Enclave Barracks and the Knights of Luna trace their origins to the Battle of Emridy Meadows (570 CY).
  • This historic campaign solidified their commitment to defending Celene's noble values and the elven way of life.
Guardians of Tradition
The Elven Enclave and the Knights of Luna uphold ancient elven traditions, striving to preserve Celene's monarchy and martial prowess.
Collaborative Efforts
Strategic Defense of Celene
The Elven Enclave frequently coordinates with the Knights of Luna to ensure the security of Celene’s borders and elven interests in Verbobonc.
Campaigns Against Evil
Jointly conducted operations against remnants of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Collaborative efforts in safeguarding Verbobonc during the Greyhawk Wars.

Political Relationships

Advocating Against Isolationism
The Elven Enclave aligns with the Knights of Luna in advocating for a more open policy within Celene, countering the fey queen’s isolationist stance.
Viscount of Verbobonc
Both groups maintain a delicate relationship with Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, balancing respect for his authority with the need to safeguard elven autonomy. Elven Enclave and Knights of Luna: collaborate with the Knights of the Hart, sharing common enemies and objectives, particularly in the defense of the Viscounty.

Core Values and Creed

Elven Leadership
The Elven Enclave shares the Knights of Luna’s belief in elven leadership as crucial for guiding the lesser races toward a brighter future.
Noblesse Oblige
The Enclave echoes the Knights of Luna's sense of responsibility toward both their kin and other races, driving their endeavors in Verbobonc.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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