Eldurin Aerina Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Eldurin Aerina


In the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc stands the House of Eldurin Aerina, home to an up-and-coming young minor noble who has been making waves in the city’s social circles. Eldurin Aerina has quickly climbed the social ladder through elaborate plays, grand parties, and a newfound charm. His house has undergone rich renovations, and his elaborate ‘midnight’ balls attract the attention of prominent nobles and merchants alike. Despite his humble beginnings, Eldurin has been seen mingling with the upper echelons of Verbobonc society, leaving many to speculate about his newfound wealth.

Lore: A Noble's Journey to Prominence

Eldurin Aerina
  • Minor Noble with Major Ambition: A young noble who has swiftly gained influence through charm and elaborate parties.
  • Inheriting Wealth: Rumored to have inherited a significant sum of gold from a rich relative.
Social Climber
  • Charming Persona: Eldurin's previously unknown charm has won over many influential figures.
  • Grand Parties and Plays: Regularly hosts lavish ‘midnight’ balls and elaborate plays.
Noble Connections
  • Company of Nobles: Seen mingling with Lady Kathryn Sarcina, Lord Haxx, Lord Milinous, Lord Velysin, and Lord Tymak.
  • Mysterious Maiden: Accompanied by a beautiful maiden from the high courts of Greyhawk.

History: The Rise of Eldurin Aerina

Humble Beginnings
  • Minor Noble Family: Eldurin was born into a minor noble family with limited influence in Verbobonc.
Inheritance and Renovation
  • Inheriting Wealth: Inherited a substantial sum of gold from a rich relative.
  • House Renovation: Used his newfound wealth to renovate his family's house into a grand residence.
Social Climbing
  • Winning Influence: Gained influence through charming persona, elaborate plays, and grand parties.
  • Midnight Balls and High Society: Attracts prominent nobles and merchants through his lavish 'midnight' balls.


Noble Networks and Merchant Connections
Noble Allies
Merchant Connections
  • Lakash Quallad (Rich Merchant): Has been seen with the newcomer Lakash, indicating a potential alliance.
Court of Greyhawk
  • High Court Influence: Accompanied by a beautiful maiden from the high courts of Greyhawk.

Politics and Motivation

Ambition and Strategic Social Climbing
Political Role
  • Social Climber: Eldurin aims to strengthen his political influence through charm and strategic alliances.
  • Influencing Nobles: Uses his charm and parties to win the favor of prominent nobles.
  • Motivations
  • Strengthening Influence: Seeks to solidify his position among the greater houses.
  • Alliance Building: Forms alliances with nobles and merchants to bolster his power.
Secrets of Lord Eldurin (dm only)
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Secret: "A Vampire's Deadly Charm"
What the public does not know about Lord Eldurin Aerina is that he has fallen under the spell of a beautiful maiden, whom he believes to be his true love. In reality, this maiden is none other than the vampire Terica Fourlock, who has used her domination ability to enthrall the young noble. Disguised as a maiden from the high courts of Greyhawk, Terica uses her abilities to change into bat or gaseous form, slipping in and out of Verbobonc at night to manipulate Eldurin and the city’s social circles.

Terica Fourlock

A Vampire's Quest for Revenge
Heartbroken Transformation
  • Betrayed Love: Terica was once in love with a handsome nobleman, but when he chose Lady Kathryn Sarcina over her, she was heartbroken.
  • Dark Path to Vengeance: Grief turned to anger, leading Terica down a dark path where she eventually became a vampire.
Vengeance-Driven Ambitions
  • Domination over Lady Sarcina: Now, Terica wishes to dominate Lady Sarcina and turn her into a vampire plaything.
  • Using Lord Eldurin: Manipulates Eldurin to climb the social ladder and get closer to Lady Sarcina.

Manipulation and Influence

Terica's Hold Over Eldurin False Love and Manipulation:  
  • Entranced by Terica: Eldurin believes he is deeply in love with Terica, courting her every night.
  • Rising in Society for Her Purposes: His rapid social rise is driven by Terica's influence to gain revenge on Lady Sarcina.
Strategic Social Climbing
Mingling with Nobles: Terica uses Eldurin to mingle with influential nobles like Lady Sarcina, Lord Haxx, and Lord Tymak. Expanding Influence: She manipulates Eldurin to win favor among Verbobonc's high society, strengthening her reach.
Terica's Abilities and Methods
Subtle Influence and Vampiric Powers
Vampiric Powers  
  • Domination: Uses her vampiric domination ability to control Eldurin's actions.
  • Shapechanging: Changes into a bat or gaseous form to freely roam Verbobonc at night.
  • Charm and Hypnotic Gaze: Entrances others to ensure her plans proceed smoothly.
Strategic Manipulation
  • Leveraging Eldurin's Influence: Uses Eldurin's reputation to get close to Lady Sarcina and other influential nobles.
  • False Maiden Persona: Poses as a maiden from the City of Greyhawk, hiding her true nature.

Relationships and Conflicts

  A Web of Deception and Ambition Lady Kathryn Sarcina    Target of Vengeance: Terica seeks revenge on Lady Sarcina for taking her former love. Potential Victim: Plans to dominate and turn Lady Sarcina into a vampire plaything. Lord Eldurin Aerina
  • Unwitting Pawn: Completely unaware of Terica's true nature and intentions.
  • Charmed Noble: Believes Terica to be his true love and will do anything for her.
  Lord Haxx, Lord Tymak, and Lord Velysin
  • Manipulated Allies: Terica uses Eldurin to win their favor and expand her influence.


The House of Eldurin Aerina hides a dark secret within its lavish halls. Lord Eldurin, once an ambitious young noble, has become an unwitting pawn in the vampire Terica Fourlock's quest for vengeance. Terica manipulates Eldurin with her deadly charm, using his newfound influence to climb Verbobonc's social ladder and get close to Lady Kathryn Sarcina, her ultimate target. While Eldurin courts Terica every night, believing he is in love, she plots her revenge from the shadows, her ambitions driven by an insatiable need for vengeance.
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fortune favors the bold, and I intend to seize every opportunity!" - Eldurin's declaration of ambition and strategy
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Notable People

Faces of the House of Eldurin Aerina
Eldurin Aerina (Minor Noble and Host)
  • Role: Minor noble and host of the elaborate 'midnight' balls.
  • Background: Climbed the social ladder through charm and grand parties.
  • Personality: Ambitious and charming, always seeking new alliances.
Mysterious Maiden (Companion from Greyhawk High Courts)
  • Role: Accompanies Eldurin to parties and gatherings.
  • Background: From the high courts of Greyhawk.
  • Personality: Elegant and mysterious, attracts intrigue wherever she goes.
Lakash Quallad  (Rich Merchant and Business Associate)
  • Role: Newcomer merchant with ties to Eldurin.
  • Background: Made a fortune in trade and seeks to strengthen his influence.
  • Personality: Calculating and ambitious, always looking for new opportunities.
Lady Kathryn Sarcina  (Noble Ally)
  • Role: Prominent noblewoman who favors Eldurin.
  • Background: Known for hosting influential parties.
  • Personality: Sophisticated and strategic, values charm and wit.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Eldurin Aerina by 3orcs


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