F5 House of Eldurin Aerina Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F5 House of Eldurin Aerina

A Minor Noble with Major Ambition
In the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc stands the House of Eldurin Aerina, home to an up-and-coming young minor noble who has been making waves in the city’s social circles. Eldurin Aerina has quickly climbed the social ladder through elaborate plays, grand parties, and a newfound charm. His house has undergone rich renovations, and his elaborate ‘midnight’ balls attract the attention of prominent nobles and merchants alike. Despite his humble beginnings, Eldurin has been seen mingling with the upper echelons of Verbobonc society, leaving many to speculate about his newfound wealth.

Manor Description

The House of Eldurin Aerina is a grand noble residence nestled amidst the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc. Reflecting Lord Eldurin Aerina's ambition and charm, the house features a richly renovated facade adorned with intricate carvings and elaborate stonework. The elegant courtyard is meticulously landscaped, with statues, flowerbeds, and lush greenery adding to the whimsical and charismatic aura of the estate.
  • Facade and Architecture: The exterior boasts a blend of early 17th-century architectural styles, with richly decorated columns, detailed stonework, and large, inviting windows.
  • Courtyard and Gardens: The courtyard features statues and flowerbeds, with lush greenery creating a serene ambiance.
  • Grand Ballroom: A spacious ballroom where Eldurin hosts his famous 'midnight' balls, complete with shimmering chandeliers and polished wooden floors.
  • Drawing Room: Richly furnished with plush chairs and ornate tables, providing a comfortable space for private meetings and social gatherings.
  • Library and Study: Shelves filled with rare books and manuscripts, and a study where Eldurin plans his strategic social moves.
  • Private Quarters: Luxurious living quarters for Eldurin and his distinguished guests, offering privacy and comfort.

Social Events and Atmosphere

  • Elaborate 'Midnight' Balls: The house is known for its lavish 'midnight' balls that attract prominent nobles and merchants.
  • Charming Aura: The whimsical and charismatic atmosphere reflects Eldurin's personality and ambitions, making the estate a lively hub of Verbobonc society.
Overall, the House of Eldurin Aerina stands as a testament to the young noble’s aspirations and charm, with its richly renovated facade and lively social atmosphere providing a striking presence in Verbobonc's Foreign Quarter.
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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