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Temple of Corellon Larethian

The Temple of Corellon Larethian, known as Lómelindor Istarnon in the Elven tongue, stands as the spiritual heart of Celene. This grand temple is dedicated to Corellon Larethian, the chief deity of the Seldarine and the creator of the elven race. With its soaring minarets, black marble obelisks, and a great domed structure, the temple serves as a place of worship, reflection, and celebration for the elves of Celene. It is here that the elven people gather to honor their creator, seek guidance, and partake in the sacred rites that bind them to their divine heritage.

Architecture and Design

A Monument to the Elven Creator
Lómelindor Istarnon is a masterpiece of elven architecture, combining artistic beauty with profound spiritual significance. The temple’s design reflects the grace and wisdom of Corellon Larethian, with every detail crafted to inspire reverence and awe.
Key Architectural Features
  • Domed Structure: The temple's centerpiece is a vast dome that symbolizes the heavens, intricately painted with scenes from elven mythology and the constellations that guide elven lives.
  • Obelisks of Black Marble: Two towering obelisks flank the main entrance, representing the pillars of elven strength and endurance.
  • Mithral Throne: Inside the temple, a great throne of pure mithral is reserved for Corellon Larethian, where it is said he watches over Enstad.
  • Circular Fresco: The walls of the temple are adorned with a circular fresco that depicts the elven life cycle, from birth to ascension, in exquisite detail.

History of Lómelindor Istarnon

From Ancient Origins to Sacred Sanctuary The history of the temple is intertwined with the history of the elven people themselves. Built in the early days of Celene, the temple has served as a sanctuary, a place of learning, and a fortress in times of need.
Early Construction
  • Foundation of Faith: The temple was established shortly after the founding of Celene, marking the formal recognition of Corellon Larethian as the patron deity of the elves.
  • Role in the Hateful Wars: During The Hateful Wars, the temple served as a rallying point for the elves of Celene, where they sought divine guidance and blessings before going into battle.

Religious Practices and Ceremonies

Sacred Rites of the Elven Faith
The temple is the center of religious life in Celene, where the most important rites and ceremonies of the elven people are performed. These practices are designed to honor Corellon Larethian and to maintain the spiritual well-being of the elven community.
Key Ceremonies
  • The Festival of the First Light: A celebration of Corellon’s creation of the elves, marked by songs, dances, and the lighting of sacred fires.
  • The Moonlit Vigil: A monthly ceremony dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow, where elves gather to reflect under the moonlight and receive visions from the goddess.
  • The Ascension Ritual: A sacred rite performed for elves who are nearing the end of their life cycle, preparing their spirits for the journey to Arvandor, the elven afterlife.

Political and Cultural Significance

The Temple as a Pillar of Elven Society
Lómelindor Istarnon is more than just a place of worship; it is a symbol of elven identity and unity. The temple plays a crucial role in the politics and culture of Celene, influencing decisions that shape the future of the kingdom.
Influence on Governance
  • Advisory Role: The high priests of the temple often serve as advisors to Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty, offering spiritual guidance on matters of state.
  • Cultural Center: The temple is a hub of elven culture, hosting festivals, art exhibitions, and performances that celebrate elven heritage.

Relationships and Diplomacy

A Nexus of Divine Alliances
The temple maintains relationships with other religious institutions and spiritual leaders throughout the Flanaess, forging alliances that are vital to the stability and prosperity of Celene.
Key Alliances
  • Gnomish Temples of the Kron Hills: A close relationship is maintained with the gnomes, who share a deep reverence for Ulaa, the goddess of hills and mountains.
  • The Old Faith: Druids of The Old Faith often collaborate with the temple, especially in matters concerning the protection of nature and the balance of the natural world.
  • Human Faiths of Verbobonc: While interactions are limited, the temple occasionally engages with human religious leaders, particularly in the context of regional threats such as the rise of Iuz.
Relationship with the Old Faith and Ehlenestra
The Bond with Nature
The Temple of Corellon Larethian shares a deep and intrinsic connection with the Old Faith, particularly with Ehlonna, known to the elves as Ehlenestra. Ehlenestra, the elf goddess of forests, woodlands, flora, fauna, and fertility, is revered alongside Corellon as a protector of the natural world.
Ehlenestra’s Role
  • Guardian of the Forest: Ehlenestra is seen as the divine protector of the Gnarley Forest and other woodland areas that are sacred to the elves.
  • Complementary Worship: The temple often holds joint ceremonies with druids and clerics of the Old Faith, particularly during the equinoxes and solstices, to honor both Corellon and Ehlenestra.
  • Rituals of Fertility: Special rituals are conducted to bless the forests and ensure the fertility of the land, reflecting Ehlenestra’s role as a goddess of growth and renewal.

Resources and Treasures

The Wealth of the Divine
The temple is home to a vast array of resources, both material and spiritual. These treasures are not only used in the worship of Corellon but also serve to protect and sustain the elven people.
Key Treasures
  • Sacred Relics: Artifacts from the early days of Celene, believed to hold the blessings of Corellon and the Seldarine.
  • Magical Tomes: Ancient books of elven lore and magic, stored in the temple’s library, accessible only to the highest-ranking priests.

Military and Defense

Guardians of the Sacred
The temple is protected by a dedicated group of warriors and clerics who ensure that the sanctity of Lómelindor Istarnon is never violated. These defenders are trained not only in combat but also in the sacred arts, allowing them to channel divine power in their defense of the temple.
Key Defenders
  • The Crescent Guard: An elite group of elven warriors who are sworn to protect the temple and its clergy.
  • Arcane Wardens: Clerics who specialize in both divine magic and martial prowess, tasked with defending the temple against magical threats.


Lómelindor Istarnon, the Temple of Corellon Larethian, is the spiritual heart of Celene, a place where the elven people gather to honor their creator and seek guidance in times of need. Through its grand architecture, sacred rites, and influential role in elven society, the temple stands as a beacon of faith and a symbol of the enduring strength of the elven people. The temple’s deep connection with Ehlenestra, the elven aspect of Ehlonna, further emphasizes its role as a guardian of the natural world and a protector of the elven way of life. As the challenges facing Celene continue to grow, the temple will remain a bastion of hope and a guiding light for the elves in their quest to preserve their heritage and protect their homeland.

Leadership and Clergy

The Keepers of Corellon’s Wisdom The temple is governed by a council of high priests and priestesses, all of whom have dedicated their lives to the service of Corellon Larethian. They are the spiritual leaders of Celene, guiding the elves in their faith and ensuring that the teachings of Corellon are upheld.
Key Figures
  • High Priestess Elionar: The current leader of the temple, Elionar is known for her deep wisdom and her ability to commune with Corellon directly during times of great need.
  • Council of Elders: A group of elder priests and priestesses who oversee the various rites, ceremonies, and daily operations of the temple
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Lómelindor Istarnon, the Temple of Corellon Larethian in Celene by 3orcs

Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs


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