G7 The Guild of Millers Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G7 The Guild of Millers

Heart of the Gnomesberg Quarter
The Guild of Millers, located in the bustling Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter of Verbobonc, is the central hub for flour millers and grain processors. It is where rural representatives negotiate crop prices and livestock owners bargain for feed.

Lore and Description

A Busy Trade Center
The Guild of Millers is a small yet vital guild hall bustling with activity. Its modest exterior belies the importance of its role in the local economy, where deals are struck and grievances aired. The hall features sturdy wooden beams and a spacious central area filled with negotiating tables.
Key Features
  • Negotiation tables: For crop and feed prices
  • Rustic decor: Reflecting the guild's agricultural roots
  • Central location: Easily accessible within the Gnome Quarter


Foundation and Growth
The guild was established to unify and protect the interests of flour millers and grain processors. Over the years, it has grown into a crucial institution for the local agricultural community.
  • Founding: Established to unify flour millers and grain processors
  • Growth: Evolved into a key institution in Verbobonc
  • Challenges: Addressing the impact of magical interventions on agriculture

The Guild Leaders

The guild is managed by three gnomes, each bringing their unique background and expertise. These leaders are well-respected within the community and are known for their dedication to their trade.

Politics of Verbobonc

A Delicate Balance
The Guild of Millers operates within the complex political landscape of Verbobonc, balancing the needs of rural farmers with the policies of the city's leadership.
Political Dynamics
  • Grievances: Ongoing protests against the 'Create Food and Water' spell
  • City Clergy: Tensions with the clergy over magical interventions
  • Nature Deities: Farmers' reliance on deities for crop success


Connections and Influence
The guild maintains strong relationships within the Gnome Quarter and with external entities, ensuring the smooth operation of its members' businesses.
Key Relationships
Millers Guild Leaders
  Fimble Ironshanks: A burly gnome with a no-nonsense attitude, known for his deep understanding of grain quality.  
  • Description: Burly, no-nonsense, expert in grain quality 
  • Personality: Direct and practical
  • Motivation: Ensuring the highest standards for the guild’s products
  • Politics: Advocates for minimal magical interference in agriculture
Lira Greenleaf: A kind-hearted gnome who excels in negotiations and is beloved by the local farmers.
  • Description: Kind-hearted, skilled negotiator 
  • Personality: Compassionate and diplomatic
  • Motivation: Fair deals for farmers and millers
  • Politics: Mediates between farmers and city clergy
Tibbit Copperpot: An inventive gnome with a knack for mechanical improvements in milling processes.
  • Description: Inventive, mechanically inclined 
  • Personality: Creative and resourceful
  • Motivation: Improving milling processes through innovation
  • Politics: Supports technological advancements in agriculture
Owning Organization

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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