G3 Clotho’s Clothes Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G3 Clotho’s Clothes

A tiny bell above the door announces your entry, but the gnomish proprietor ignores you and stares through her glass counter at the polished gems and jewelry, which light up her face. Several display cases shine throughout the perfumed shop, glinting amid long racks bearing elegant, expensive-looking outfits. An elderly elven customer silently appraises your attire before turning back to a fashionably-dressed mannequin. This store in the gnomish quarter is filled with every manner of clothing. All sizes are represented here from gnomish (50% of his stock) to human, elvish, halfling and even dwarven fits. Although most of his garments are of high quality, for the upper-class, he also has some lowend (Peasant’s outfits) items as well. This building has clothing shelves and racks that fill two floors.

The Fabric of Fashion in Verbobonc

A Tapestry of Style and Substance
Clotho’s Clothes, nestled in the bustling Gnome Quarter of Verbobonc, is not just a clothing store but a gateway to fashion from all corners of the realm. This establishment is renowned for its wide array of attire, catering to diverse sizes and styles, from gnome to human, elvish, halfling, and dwarven fits. The shop's charm is enhanced by its attentive service and the glittering array of polished gems and jewelry that adorn its space.

Elegant Displays and Diverse Offerings

  • Store Layout: Spanning two floors filled with clothing racks and shelves, the store features everything from high-end garments for the upper class to simpler peasant outfits.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The shop is perfumed and well-lit, with display cases that shine with jewelry and racks bearing elegantly tailored outfits.

Goods and Services

From Basic to Bespoke
  • Comprehensive Inventory: Offers a complete range from the 'Clothing' list in the Player's Handbook, except for the 'Royal outfit'.
  • Specialized Stock: Features unique items like cloaks of resistance and magically enhanced clothing that functions similarly to armor, catering especially to monks and adventurers.
Special Offerings
Magic Woven into Fabric
  • Enhanced Garments: Clotho’s second-floor stocks items that blend magic with fashion, such as clothing imbued with armor properties and other minor or medium wondrous items related to apparel.
  • Custom Orders: Offers tailoring services to adjust and personalize garments per customer specifications.

Business Operations and Cultural Impact

  • Cultural Integration: Clotho’s establishment acts as a bridge between various cultures within Verbobonc, showcasing a blend of styles that cater to a diverse clientele.
  • Economic Influence: With his flashy presence and strategic business sense, Clotho significantly contributes to the local economy, drawing patrons from across the city and beyond.


A Wardrobe for Every Walk of Life
Clotho’s Clothes stands as more than just a retail shop; it is a center of cultural exchange and a testament to the rich tapestry of Verbobonc’s diverse communities. Whether you seek a simple cloak or a magically enhanced garment, Clotho’s offers quality, style, and a splash of spectacle, all wrapped up in the vibrant personality of its owner.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Clotho’s Clothes by 3orcs
"Where craftsmanship meets charisma, you find Clotho."
Notable People Clotho, the Flamboyant Proprietor
  • Clotho's Profile: Known for his dramatic flair and extravagant dress sense, Clotho is a key figure in Verbobonc's business community, owning multiple stores throughout the city.
  • Community Relations: Despite the language barrier, as he speaks primarily Gnomish and broken Common, Clotho's charisma and unique style make him a beloved figure among locals and visitors alike.
Clotho clothing and cheese merchant by 3orcs
Shop, Tailor

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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