G6 The Rusty Nail Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G6 The Rusty Nail

The Hidden Gem of Gnomesberg
The Rusty Nail is an unexpected delight located in the heart of the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter in Verbobonc. Unlike typical subterranean taverns, it is vibrant with illusionary windows and magical décor, creating an atmosphere of enchantment and wonder.  

A Tavern of Illusions

The Rusty Nail's walls are adorned with illusionary windows showing enchanted gardens, complete with unicorns and pixies. The domed ceiling features magical-glowing paintings of the Greenway Valley and Kron Hills, adding to the whimsical charm.
Gnomish Ingeniousness
  • Illusionary windows: Enchanted gardens, unicorns, and pixies
  • Magical paintings: Greenway Valley and Kron Hills
  • Shrine: Illusion of an arcane trickster, dedicated to Garl Glittergold
  • Intricate tap system: Polished brass tubes and valves


From Humble Beginnings
Founded by Snipple Bimplenose, the Rusty Nail evolved from a simple tavern into a beloved local landmark. Its innovative use of illusionary magic and unique design have made it a popular destination for gnomes and visitors alike.
Notable Developments
  • Establishment: Founded by Snipple Bimplenose
  • Evolution: From a simple tavern to a local landmark
  • Popularity: Attracts gnomes and visitors with its unique ambiance

Politics of Verbobonc

A Neutral Haven
The Rusty Nail maintains a neutral stance in the politics of Verbobonc. It serves as a safe haven for patrons from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and cooperation.
Political Neutrality
  • Neutral stance: Maintains neutrality in city politics
  • Safe haven: Welcomes patrons from diverse backgrounds
  • Community: Fosters a sense of cooperation and camaraderie


Community Connections
The Rusty Nail enjoys strong relationships within the Gnomesberg Quarter and the broader city. It serves as a meeting point for traders, adventurers, and officials, facilitating connections and fostering friendships.
Key Relationships
  • Local community: Strong ties within the Gnomesberg Quarter
  • Broader city: Welcomes visitors from other quarters
  • Meeting point: Facilitates connections and friendships

Goods and Services

Offerings of the Rusty Nail
The Rusty Nail offers a variety of beverages and snacks, with a special emphasis on gnomish meads and baked goods provided by Snipple's admirers.
Tavern Fare
  • Beverages: Ales, beers, wines, and Kron mead
  • Baked goods: Cakes and pies, often provided by admirers
  • Prices: Average, accessible to a wide range of patrons
Snipple Bimplenose owner/barkeep The charismatic owner, Snipple Bimplenose, is famed for his exceptionally large nose. His charm and the tavern's enchanting atmosphere draw numerous admirers, making the Rusty Nail a bustling social hub.
Charming Host
  • Large nose: A point of pride and attraction
  • Social hub: Draws numerous admirers and patrons
  • Personality: Charismatic and engaging
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Gnomish Ales, Wines, and Spirits
Gnomish Ales
  • Greenway Gold: 5 silver pieces per pint
  • Kron Hill Brew: 6 silver pieces per pint
  • Glimmering Stout: 7 silver pieces per pint
Gnomish Wines
  • Enchanted Elixir: 8 silver pieces per glass
  • Pixie’s Nectar: 9 silver pieces per glass
  • Moonlight Mead: 1 gold piece per glass
Gnomish Spirits
  • Garl's Glory: 2 gold pieces per shot
  • Trickster’s Tonic: 2.5 gold pieces per shot
  • Glittergold’s Reserve: 3 gold pieces per shot

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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