G4 Clotho’s Cheese House Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G4 Clotho’s Cheese House

A Fragrance of Festivity and Flavor
  Clotho’s Cheese House stands out as a unique gourmet hub within the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter of Verbobonc, a delightful shop owned by the renowned gnome entrepreneur, Clotho. The intense aroma of various cheeses beckons from a block away, drawing in cheese lovers and curious bystanders alike. The shop is renowned for its vast selection of local and imported cheeses, catering to all palates.

From Subtle to Robust

  • Aromatic Ambiance: The shop is engulfed in the rich, heady scents of cheeses from around the realm, creating an inviting atmosphere for connoisseurs and casual shoppers.
  • Diverse Selection: Patrons can find an extensive array of cheeses, from sharp aged cheddars and creamy bries to exotic blues and pungent gorgonzolas.

Specialty Services

Cheese and Chance
  • Exclusive Gaming Nights: Every third evening, the Cheese House hosts high-stakes games of ‘Porva’, a beloved gnomish game involving strategy and wooden blocks, turning the shop into a lively gambling den.
  • Social and Political Gatherings: These evenings are not only about gambling but also serve as a platform for the gnome elite to engage in exchanging rumors, striking deals, and social networking.


A Taste of Tradition and Innovation
Clotho’s Cheese House is more than just a shop; it is a cornerstone of the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter’s cultural and social life. It offers an eclectic mix of traditional and fantasy cheeses alongside a unique social gaming experience, making it a must-visit for anyone in Verbobonc looking for quality cheese and a taste of gnome hospitality.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Clotho's Cheese Shop by 3orcs
"Cheese, Charms, and Cheer — that's the Clotho way!"

Notable People

Clotho, the Gnomish Gourmand
  • Clotho's Dual Roles: Already established as a prominent figure with Clotho’s Clothes, Clotho continues his business ventures with this cheese emporium.
  • Social Hub of Gnomesberg: Beyond being just a shop, the Cheese House transforms into a social gathering spot for gnomes, featuring the exclusive game of ‘Porva’ on designated nights.
Clotho clothing and cheese merchant by 3orcs
Shop, Generic
Clotho's Cheese Selection
  • Whisper Whey: A soft, whisper-light cheese with hints of almond; 2gp per pound.
  • Goblin Gouda: A bold, slightly spicy cheese that's a favorite among local gnomes; 1gp per pound.
  • Dragon’s Breath Blue: An intensely sharp and crumbly cheese with a fiery finish; 3gp per pound.
  • Elven Emmental: Known for its nutty flavor and large holes, perfect for festive occasions; 5sp per slice.
  • Halfling Havarti: Creamy and mild, popular for its versatility; 1gp per half-pound.
  • Dwarven Delight: A very aged, hard cheese that can almost be used as a weapon; 2gp per pound.
  • Fey Feta: Crumbly and salty, often used in salads by the more health-conscious gnomes; 8sp per pound.
  • Mystic Mozzarella: Ideal for cooking, it melts into a magical consistency; 1gp per pound.
  • Pixie Parmesan: A hard, granular cheese that is grated over dishes for a touch of magic; 5gp for a small wheel.
  • Gnomish Gruyère: A rich, creamy cheese with a slight hint of earthy tones from the Gnomesberg cellars; 3gp per pound.

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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