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The Keeleene Silver and Gem Mine

The Keeleene Silver and Gem Mine, hidden southeast of Sheernobb, is a vital and secretive operation that fuels the economic and cultural heart of the gnome village. Overseen by the village elder, Glennddarc Keeleene, the mine's location and activities are shrouded in secrecy, with strict measures in place to prevent outsiders from discovering its existence. Half of Sheernobb’s gnome population is employed in various capacities, from mining and transportation to craftsmanship and security.


The Keeleene Mine is located southeast of Sheernobb, nestled deep within the verdant hills of the Kron Hills. The entrance is concealed by natural rock formations and dense vegetation, making it nearly impossible to detect without intimate knowledge of the area. A hidden path, known only to the miners and guards, leads to the entrance, ensuring that no uninvited guests stumble upon it.


  • Glennddarc Keeleene: As the village elder, Glennddarc oversees the entire operation, ensuring the mine runs smoothly and securely. He is adamant about maintaining the secrecy of the mine, understanding its importance to the village’s prosperity.
  • Foremen: A group of experienced gnomes who manage day-to-day operations, supervise the workforce, and ensure safety protocols are followed.
  • Miners: Skilled in extracting silver and precious gems, the miners work in shifts around the clock. They use advanced gnomish tools and techniques to maximize efficiency and safety.
  • Transportation Workers: Responsible for transporting raw materials from the mine to Sheernobb. They use specially designed carts and hidden pathways to maintain secrecy.
  • Craftsmen: Gemcutters and silver refiners who transform raw materials into valuable goods. Their workshops are located within Sheernobb and are equally well-guarded.
  • Support Staff: Includes cooks, medics, and maintenance workers who ensure the well-being of the miners and the smooth operation of the mine.

Guards and Patrols

Security Measures
  • Sheernobb Gnome Scouts: A dedicated force of scouts patrols the area around the mine. They are trained in stealth and combat, ensuring that any potential threats are dealt with swiftly and discreetly.
  • Hidden Watchtowers: Strategically placed and camouflaged watchtowers provide vantage points for scouts to monitor the area.
  • Alarm System: A series of hidden bells and signal fires that can alert the village in case of an emergency.
Patrol Routes
  • Perimeter Patrol: Scouts patrol the perimeter of the mining area, ensuring that no one approaches unnoticed.
  • Pathway Patrol: Regular patrols along the hidden path leading to the mine entrance.
  • Mine Interior Patrol: Inside the mine, guards ensure the safety of the workers and protect against any internal threats or accidents.

Illusion Magic Protections

Magical Protections
  • Illusionary Terrain: The entrance to the mine is concealed by powerful illusionary magic, making it appear as a solid rock face or dense thicket.
  • Phantasmal Guardians: Illusory creatures and sentinels patrol the area, deterring potential intruders and providing an additional layer of security.
  • Camouflage Enchantment: The paths and trails leading to the mine are masked by illusions that blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to follow gnome workers.

Mine Description

  • Concealment: The mine entrance is masked by a rock outcrop and thick foliage. A small, unassuming stone door, hidden behind a waterfall, serves as the main entry point.
  • Access: Only those with the proper knowledge can open the stone door, which requires a specific sequence of knocks and pressure points to unlock.
Interior Layout
  • Main Tunnel: A winding tunnel leads from the entrance to the main mining areas. The walls are reinforced with wooden beams, and glowstones provide illumination.
  • Mining Chambers: Several large chambers where silver and gems are extracted. Each chamber is equipped with advanced gnomish mining equipment.
  • Workshops: Located deeper within the mine, these workshops are where initial processing and sorting of materials take place.
Living Quarters
  • Barracks: Simple yet comfortable accommodations for the miners and guards who stay overnight.
  • Mess Hall: A communal dining area where meals are served.
Security Features
  • Hidden Exits: Multiple concealed exits allow for quick evacuation if needed.
  • Traps and Alarms: Various traps and alarm systems are in place to deter intruders and alert guards of any breach.

Security Enhancements with Illusion Magic

Magical Protections
  • Illusionary Terrain: The mine entrance is concealed by powerful illusionary magic, making it appear as a solid rock face or dense thicket.
  • Phantasmal Guardians: Illusory creatures and sentinels patrol the area, deterring potential intruders and providing an additional layer of security.
  • Camouflage Enchantment: The paths and trails leading to the mine are masked by illusions that blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to follow gnome workers.


The Keeleene Silver and Gem Mine is the hidden jewel of Sheernobb, a secret guarded fiercely by the gnomes who call this village home. Under the watchful eye of Glennddarc Keeleene, this operation is a testament to the gnomish ingenuity, skill, and dedication that keep the village prosperous and thriving. The combination of advanced security measures, skilled labor, and the strategic use of illusion magic ensures that the mine remains well-protected and undiscovered by outsiders.   Every aspect of the mine, from its hidden entrance to its bustling inner workings, reflects the gnomes' commitment to their community and their heritage. The mine is not just a source of wealth; it is a symbol of the unity and resilience of the Sheernobb gnomes, who work tirelessly to protect and nurture their home.   Through their meticulous craftsmanship, vigilant security, and the enchanting magic of illusion, the gnomes of Sheernobb have created a hidden world of beauty and productivity, where the treasures of the earth are transformed into objects of wonder. The Keeleene Silver and Gem Mine stands as a shining example of what can be achieved through cooperation, secrecy, and the unyielding spirit of a community dedicated to its future.
Keeleene Silver Gem Mine by 3orcs
“The secrecy of the Keeleene Mine is paramount; without it, our village’s lifeblood would be at risk.” - Glennddarc Keeleene

Characters at this Location

Foreman Brindle
  • Physical Description: Stocky and muscular, with a short beard and a perpetual layer of dust. He is always seen with his mining tools.
  • Personality: Gruff but fair, with a deep respect for hard work and dedication.
  • Background: A veteran miner, Brindle has worked in the Keeleene Mine for most of his life.
  • Motivation: To ensure the mine runs smoothly and safely.
  • Political Relationships: Close ties with Glennddarc and other foremen.
"Every gnome in Sheernobb knows the importance of the mine, and we all play our part in keeping its location a secret.”
Guard Captain Norrin
  • Physical Description: Lean and agile, with keen eyes and a watchful demeanor. He wears light armor suitable for stealth.
  • Personality: Vigilant, disciplined, and protective.
  • Background: A former adventurer who settled in Sheernobb, Norrin now dedicates his skills to guarding the mine.
  • Motivation: To keep the mine and its workers safe from any threat.
  • Political Relationships: Trusted by Glennddarc and respected by the village guards.
“Our scouts are the best; they ensure no outsider ever gets close to our precious mine.”
Master Gemcutter Liana
  • Physical Description: Delicate features, with nimble fingers and sharp eyes. She wears a jeweler’s magnifying glass around her neck.
  • Personality: Meticulous, creative, and passionate about her craft.
  • Background: Born into a family of gemcutters, Liana has honed her skills over decades.
  • Motivation: To create the most exquisite gems from the mine’s raw materials.
  • Political Relationships: Respected by fellow craftsmen and trusted by Glennddarc.
"The craftsmanship of our gemcutters is unrivaled, and it all starts with the raw beauty we extract from these hidden depths."
Scout Loryn
Physical Description: Small and wiry, with quick movements and a perpetual look of alertness. She is always dressed in camouflage gear.
  • Personality: Sharp, observant, and resourceful.
  • Background: Raised in Sheernobb, Loryn has always had a knack for stealth and tracking.
  • Motivation: To ensure no one discovers the mine’s location.
  • Political Relationships: Close working relationship with Guard Captain Norrin and Glennddarc.
"The pathways and hidden entrances are like a maze, designed to confuse and mislead any who dare to intrude.”
Craftsman Tilden
  • Physical Description: Tall for a gnome, with strong hands and a focused expression. He wears practical work clothes and a leather apron.
  • Personality: Dedicated, patient, and proud of his work.
  • Background: A skilled craftsman who takes pride in refining the silver extracted from the mine.
  • Motivation: To produce the highest quality silver goods.
  • Political Relationships: Works closely with Master Gemcutter Liana and other craftsmen.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Narration Flavor Text
As you follow the gnome miners deeper into the Kron Hills, the landscape begins to shift in subtle, almost imperceptible ways. The trees seem denser, the shadows longer. You catch fleeting glimpses of movement out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look, there’s nothing there. The air hums with a faint, magical energy, as if the very forest is alive and watching you.  
Ahead, you see the miners approach what looks like a sheer rock face. Just as you begin to wonder where they will go next, the scene wavers, like a mirage in the desert. The rock face dissolves into a narrow, hidden path, lined with ancient, weather-worn stones. The gnomes pass through without hesitation, and as you follow, the illusion snaps back into place behind you, leaving no trace of the path or the entrance.  
Inside, the mine is a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers, each one reinforced with gnomish ingenuity. Glowstones embedded in the walls cast a soft, steady light, illuminating the intricate workings of the mine. The air is filled with the sounds of industrious activity: the rhythmic clink of pickaxes, the rumble of carts, and the murmur of voices. Everywhere you look, there are gnomes—working, chatting, and moving with a purpose, their faces lit with the determination and pride that come from protecting a precious secret.

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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