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Habooni Keeleene

Habooni Keeleene, the charismatic and cheerful leader of Clan Keeleene, is a central figure in the Greenway Valley's township of Tulver. Known for his hospitality, strategic acumen, and ability to navigate political tensions, Habooni has guided his family to success and prominence. This article explores his history, personality, motivations, and political relationships within the Viscounty of Verbobonc.


Habooni Keeleene is a gnome of 160 years, with a cheerful demeanor that belies his age. He is often seen with a welcoming smile and twinkling eyes, embodying the spirit of his clan. Despite his advanced years, he remains spry and active, his movements quick and deliberate.
Habooni is known for his optimistic outlook and confidence. He is a consummate host, always ready with a kind word and a tray of gnome pastries. While generally honest, he is not above telling a white lie to protect his family's interests or maintain harmony. His love for practical jokes has mellowed over the years, but he still enjoys seeing the younger gnomes play tricks on each other.


Early Life
Habooni was born into the Keeleene family, which has long been a pillar of the gnome community in the Kron Hills. From a young age, he displayed a talent for diplomacy and leadership, quickly becoming a respected figure within the clan.
Rise to Leadership
Habooni assumed leadership of Clan Keeleene through his charisma and strategic mind. His tenure has seen the family flourish, navigating political and economic challenges with deftness.
Key Events
  • The Hateful Wars: Although he was not directly involved due to his age, Habooni's family played a significant role, and the stories of bravery and strategy have influenced his leadership style.
  • Trade Negotiations: Habooni has successfully negotiated numerous trade agreements, ensuring the prosperity of Tulver and the Greenway Valley.

Leadership and Governance

Vision and Goals
Habooni's primary goal is the prosperity and happiness of his clan and the broader gnome community. He balances tradition with innovation, ensuring the clan remains strong while adapting to changing circumstances.
Governing Style
  • Inclusive Leadership: Habooni values input from all clan members, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
  • Strategic Planning: He employs careful planning and foresight, particularly in matters of trade and political alliances.
Key Policies
  • Economic Growth: Focuses on expanding trade networks and improving gem-cutting techniques.
  • Community Well-being: Promotes social cohesion and mutual support within the clan.


Habooni views his family as the cornerstone of his life. Although he has no children of his own, he treats his nephews and nieces as his successors, grooming them for future leadership.
Habooni is beloved by the residents of Tulver, known for his hospitality and willingness to help. His open-door policy has earned him the respect and affection of his community.
External Relations
  • Verbobonc: Maintains a cautious yet constructive relationship with the human nobility, balancing trade interests with cultural preservation.
  • Other Gnome Clans: Collaborates with other gnome families within the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, ensuring mutual support and cooperation.

Political Relationships

Local Politics
Habooni plays a crucial role in Tulver's governance, ensuring stability and prosperity through inclusive leadership and strategic planning.
Regional Politics
  • Free Alliance of the Kron Hills: Active participant, collaborating with other gnome families for mutual benefit.
  • Verbobonc, Viscounty: Navigates complex political landscapes, advocating for the gnome community's interests while managing tensions with human nobility.
Key Political Figures
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Habooni supports Glennddarc's leadership in Sheernobb, working together to ensure the prosperity of the entire clan.
  • Other Gnome Leaders: Maintains alliances and fosters cooperation among various gnome families within the Free Alliance.

Economy and Trade

Trade Dynamics
Habooni is central to the region's economic activities, particularly in gem-cutting and trade. He leverages his skills and strategic location to facilitate trade with surrounding regions.
Key Economic Activities
  • Gem-Cutting: High-quality craftsmanship that is highly sought after.
  • Trade Networks: Engages in trade through Greenway Valley, ensuring the flow of goods to Verbobonc and beyond.
Economic Challenges
  • Trade Disruptions: Recent political tensions and security issues have affected trade routes, necessitating careful navigation of economic relationships.


Habooni Keeleene's leadership has been instrumental in the success and prosperity of Clan Keeleene and the wider community of Tulver and Greenway Valley. His strategic acumen, combined with his cheerful demeanor and dedication to his clan, ensures that the gnome settlements continue to thrive amidst the complexities of the broader political landscape.
Habooni true character
Show spoiler
Habooni can give the characters the following information. If they passed the test, he is more willing to help them than if they had to sneak into town at night and investigate on the sly. His statements are marked true and fals. Make up other answers as needed. He doesn’t know where any other family’s mines are located, but he’d love to find out. He also doesn’t know much about the Jillink family, as the two important families are rivals. He likes Coelline, though, and supports her leadership of Tulvar.
  • • There are always troubles with the humans. They want the mines, and we have the mines. What can you expect? (Generally true, but mostly his opinion) • This latest situation is not as bad as it was a few hundred years ago. Back then, Verbobonc almost fell to Keoland. (True)
  • • We are the most important trading family in Tulvar. (Not really true, but everyone has a high opinion of their own importance)
  • • Reports from Verbobonc do raise some concerns for me. We thrive by selling our goods to the city. If the gnomes are expelled, then we’ll have to spend more to sell in Dyvers or Veluna. We don’t want that.
  • • (On the cheated merchant incident) What are you talking about? We haven’t sold anything to Vulin in quite a while. His next shipment is due in a week. Habooni can produce family transaction records to show that he did not sell anything to Vulin, but of course if he were lying there would be no record of the transaction anyway, so the records should not be much help. (True)
  • • We know that other gnomes in the town have objected to humans in the mountains, but we don’t. They protect the area from bandits. (Not completely true, as he would rather not have the humans poking around where they could find the family mines)
  • • The Jillink family? They’re harmless. Not as important as we are, of course, and they can be uppity, but they haven’t shown enough spunk to pull of the things you are talking about. (Mostly his opinion, which is incorrect because the Slikkina has been downplaying the Jillink family reputation for a while)
  • • Slikkina Jillink is the head of the Jillink family. She’s pretty smart, but conservative. Doesn’t take risks. The family won’t prosper under her leadership. (He believes all this, but Slikkina is putting on an act.)
  • • Would we pull out of Verbobonc? If we could make better money elsewhere. And it looks like we can. (If they report the incident in the market from round one, the one with the Jillink brothers, he’ll mutter about things coming to a pass, but offer no comment.)
  • • Bliss Jillink is my nephew. I don’t have any sons, and so he’s in line to take over the family business when I’m too tired for it. I sent him to Verbobonc to get practice dealing with the humans. He’s always been a little hot under the collar, if you know what I mean. Quick to jump the wrong way. Sometimes quick to jump the right way, and I hope that he learns more wisdom in the city. His cousins are trouble, pure and simple. It’s sad what this family’s coming to, but I don’t have any children of my own to hand it all over to. (Very much his opinion, but he believes this)
Other gnomes can add:
  • • Habooni has been good for the family. He’s taken a few risks, but he was always one for doing outrageous things as a child. (Or so I have been told.)
  • • Habooni’s kind of a clown in some ways. He really likes jokes, but he’s lost any knack he might have had for pulling them. So he’s stopped.
  • • Habooni doesn’t always tell the truth, even to us. But he never lies on anything that is important to the family, and we’ve gotten used to sorting out what is true and what is likely not true. • Habooni really likes parties and celebrating, and can drink as much as a dwarf without losing control completely, or falling asleep. Mainly, he just likes having a good time.
Clan Leader Habooni Keeleene
gnome male Ranger 9, hp 79  
His attire is a blend of practicality and elegance, reflecting the wealth and craftsmanship of Clan Keeleene. He typically wears finely crafted garments adorned with intricate designs, showcasing the clan's renowned gem-cutting skills. His clothes often include vibrant colors and patterns, with a preference for greens and blues that echo the lush landscapes of Sheernobb and Greenway Valley. Habooni is always seen with a warm smile and an inviting demeanor, making him a beloved figure among his people and visitors alike.
Primary Motivations
Habooni's main motivation is the well-being and prosperity of his clan. He is driven by a deep sense of duty and love for his family and community, striving to ensure they thrive.
Personal Passions
  • Diplomacy: Skilled in negotiation and conflict resolution.
  • Celebrations: Enjoys hosting and participating in community events and festivals.
  • Gem Crafting: Takes pride in the clan's renowned gem-cutting skills, though he focuses more on the strategic side of the business.
Year of Birth
416 160 Years old
Gnome Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Clan Leader Habooni Keeleene by 3orcs


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