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Lauriel Gliev


Lieutenant Lauriel Gliev is a figure of quiet strength and unwavering loyalty within the ranks of the Ostverk Guard. Serving as the second-in-command under Captain Baran Feath, Lauriel is known for her resolute nature and fierce determination. Though slight of build, she possesses an inner strength that belies her appearance, making her a formidable leader and a trusted protector of the village. Lauriel’s deep sense of duty is matched only by her loyalty to Baran, the man who saved her life and whom she now serves with unshakable devotion.

Early Life and Background

Lauriel’s early life was marked by hardship and struggle. Born into a poor family on the outskirts of the Gnarley Forest, she learned from a young age the importance of self-reliance and resilience. Her upbringing in the rugged environment of the forest honed her survival instincts, but it was an encounter with an ogre that would change the course of her life forever.
Key Experiences
  • Ogre Encounter: Several years ago, Lauriel found herself in a life-or-death struggle against an ogre in the depths of the Gnarley Forest. Despite her bravery and resourcefulness, she was no match for the beast and was on the brink of death when Captain Baran Feath intervened. Baran’s timely rescue not only saved her life but also forged a bond of loyalty between them that has endured ever since.
  • Joining the Guard: Following her rescue, Lauriel joined the ranks of the Ostverk Guard, eager to repay the debt she owed to Baran. Her dedication and natural leadership abilities quickly earned her a place as his lieutenant, a position she has held with distinction.

Physical Appearance and Personality

Lauriel is a mix of Oeridian Oerid and Flannae Flan is slight of build, with a lean and wiry frame that reflects her agility and speed. Her piercing eyes, which shine with an inner strength, are her most striking feature, conveying both determination and a deep-seated resolve. Though she may not possess the physical presence of some of her comrades, Lauriel’s strength lies in her quick thinking, strategic mind, and unyielding spirit.

Role and Duties as Lieutenant

As Lieutenant of the Ostverk Guard, Lauriel plays a critical role in the day-to-day operations of the guardhouse. Her responsibilities extend beyond the typical duties of a second-in-command, as she often serves as the bridge between Captain Baran Feath and the rank-and-file guards.
Key Responsibilities
  • Overseeing Patrols: Lauriel is responsible for organizing and overseeing the patrols that protect the village and its surrounding areas. Her keen understanding of the terrain and potential threats ensures that these patrols are both effective and efficient.
  • Training and Mentorship: Lauriel takes an active role in training new recruits, passing on the skills and knowledge she has acquired over the years. Her mentorship is invaluable to the younger guards, who look up to her as both a leader and a role model.
  • Strategic Planning: Lauriel’s strategic mind is one of her greatest assets. She works closely with Baran to develop defense strategies and contingency plans, ensuring that the guardhouse is always prepared for any eventuality.
Loyalty to Baran Feath
Lauriel’s loyalty to Baran Feath is the cornerstone of her character. The bond they share is one of mutual respect and deep trust, forged in the heat of battle and strengthened over years of service together.
Key Aspects
  • Debt of Gratitude: Lauriel’s loyalty to Baran stems from the life debt she owes him. The memory of the day he saved her life is ever-present in her mind, and she sees her service in the guard as a way to honor that debt.
  • Unwavering Support: Lauriel is Baran’s staunchest supporter, both on and off the battlefield. She trusts his judgment implicitly and is always ready to execute his orders without hesitation. In return, Baran values her counsel and relies on her to help maintain the morale and discipline of the guards.

Religious Views and Dedication to Shandril

While Lauriel is a woman of action, she also possesses a deep spiritual side. Her religious views are shaped by her experiences and her close relationship with Shandril, the cleric of Beory.
Key Beliefs
  • Faith in Beory: Lauriel’s connection to the natural world and her experiences in the Gnarley Forest have fostered a deep respect for Beory, the goddess of nature. She sees the goddess’s influence in the beauty and danger of the forest and believes in the importance of living in harmony with the natural world.
  • Dedication to Shandril: Lauriel holds Shandril in high esteem and views her as a role model. Shandril’s wisdom, strength, and unwavering commitment to the village have inspired Lauriel to strive for the same level of dedication in her own duties. She often seeks Shandril’s guidance and has incorporated some of the cleric’s teachings into her own approach to leadership.

Relationships and Alliances

Lauriel’s relationships within Ostverk are built on mutual respect and shared goals. She is well-regarded by her peers and has forged strong alliances with key figures in the village.
Key Relationships
  • Captain Baran Feath: As Baran’s lieutenant, Lauriel’s relationship with him is one of deep trust and loyalty. She sees him as a mentor and protector, and their bond is the foundation of her service in the guard.
  • Shandril: Lauriel’s relationship with Shandril goes beyond simple respect. She views the cleric as a spiritual guide and often turns to her for advice on matters both personal and professional. The two share a mutual understanding of the importance of their respective roles in the village.
  • The Town Guards: Lauriel is well-respected by the guards under her command. Her leadership style is direct and fair, earning her the loyalty of her subordinates. She takes her role as a mentor seriously and is always willing to lend a helping hand or offer advice.

Current Challenges and Concerns

Despite her strength and resolve, Lauriel faces several challenges as she carries out her duties. The increasing threats to Ostverk and the strained relations with neighboring powers weigh heavily on her mind.
Rise of Banditry and Raids
  • Increased Threats: The rise in bandit activity has placed additional pressure on Lauriel and the guards. She is constantly on high alert, knowing that the safety of the village depends on their vigilance.
  • Impact on Morale: The constant threat of attack has taken a toll on the morale of the guards. Lauriel works tirelessly to keep spirits high, knowing that a demoralized guard is a vulnerable one.
Strained Relations with Celene
  • Diplomatic Tensions: The closure of Celene’s borders and the strained relations with the elves have added a new layer of complexity to Lauriel’s duties. She is aware of the delicate balance that must be maintained and works closely with Baran and Shandril to navigate these challenges.
  • Protecting the Village: Lauriel’s primary concern is the protection of Ostverk. She knows that any escalation in tensions could lead to conflict, and she is determined to do everything in her power to prevent that from happening.

Legacy and Future Aspirations

Lauriel Gliev’s legacy in Ostverk is already being shaped by her actions and decisions. She is a figure of strength and reliability, and her contributions to the village’s safety will be remembered for years to come.
Future Goals
  • Strengthening the Guard: Lauriel is committed to strengthening the Ostverk Guard, both in terms of numbers and training. She believes that a well-prepared and well-equipped guard is the best defense against the threats facing the village.
  • Mentoring the Next Generation: Lauriel sees herself as a mentor to the younger guards and is dedicated to passing on her knowledge and skills. She hopes to inspire the next generation of leaders who will continue to protect Ostverk long after she is gone.


Lieutenant Lauriel Gliev is a cornerstone of Ostverk’s defense, a leader who combines strength, loyalty, and determination in equal measure. Her unwavering dedication to Baran Feath, Shandril, and the village of Ostverk has made her an indispensable part of the community. As she continues to face the challenges of her role, Lauriel’s resolve remains unshaken, driven by a deep sense of duty and a commitment to the safety and well-being of those she serves. Her legacy, like that of her captain, will be one of honor, sacrifice, and steadfast protection of the village she calls home.
"Stay sharp; the village depends on it."
Lauriel, Baran’s Lieutenant
  • Fighter level 2
  • HP 12; AC 3[16]
  • Atk longsword (1d8+1) or longbow (1d6+1)
Equipment: chain mail, shield, longsword, longbow, 40 arrows, small sack with 12 gp and 29 sp
Key Traits
  • Grim and Determined: Lauriel is known for her grim demeanor and no-nonsense attitude. She is deeply committed to her duties and approaches every task with a level of seriousness that commands respect from her peers.
  • Unafraid to Speak Her Mind: While Lauriel is respectful of the chain of command, she is not one to shy away from expressing her opinions, especially when she believes it is in the best interest of the village. However, she exercises caution and restraint when speaking in the presence of her superiors, knowing when to assert her views and when to hold her tongue.
  • Inner Strength: Lauriel’s piercing eyes are a reflection of the inner strength that drives her. She is a survivor, forged in the crucible of adversity, and her resilience has made her a pillar of stability within the guard.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
552 24 Years old
piercing blue eyes
long brunette
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Loyalty is earned, not given."
Aligned Organization

Lauriel Gliev

Medium Half-Elves Lieutenant Fighter , Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 17
Hit Points 25
Speed 30ft

10 0
16 +3
14 +2
14 +2
12 +1
12 +1

Skills Atk longsword (1d8+1) or longbow x2 (1d6+1


chain mail, shield, longsword, longbow, 40 arrows, small sack with 12 gp and 29 sp.
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome
Challenge 3


Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: LAURIEL GLIEV by 3orcs


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