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Baran Feath

Captain of the Guard

The captain is an imposing man with a grim expression. He is arrayed in well-used chain mail, his reddishbrown hair pulled back away from his face and his heavy green cloak swept back. A woman in chain mail and two town guards holding spears and shields, wearing green surcoats with the House Deleveu symbol of the golden tree emblazoned on the left breast, accompany him. The man lifts his left hand, motioning you to stop. You notice that his left hand is missing three fingers, certainly lost in some horrible manner. In a well-worn scabbard, a longsword rests against his hip.
Baran Feath, the Captain of the Guard in Ostverk, is a man of unwavering dedication and stern resolve. With a past shaped by the harsh realities of mercenary life, Baran now finds purpose in safeguarding the village he has come to call home. His leadership, marked by discipline and a deep sense of responsibility, has been pivotal in maintaining the safety and order of Ostverk, especially during these challenging times. Despite his gruff exterior, Baran's commitment to the villagers is profound, and he views their protection as his paramount duty.

Early Life and Mercenary Background

Baran's journey to becoming Ostverk’s Captain of the Guard began far from the peaceful village. Born into a life of hardship, Baran quickly learned the skills necessary for survival. His early years were spent as a mercenary, fighting in countless battles across the lands of Greyhawk. It was a life of constant conflict, one that left him with scars both physical and emotional.
Key Experiences
  • The Mercenary’s Life: Baran's years as a mercenary were marked by violence and loss. He fought in numerous campaigns, each battle honing his skills but also deepening his weariness. This life taught him the value of discipline, loyalty, and the importance of a well-defended home.
  • The Owlbear Encounter: One of the most defining moments of Baran’s mercenary career was his encounter with an owlbear in the Gnarley Forest. The beast claimed three fingers from his left hand, leaving him with a permanent reminder of the dangers he had faced. The injury, though long healed, continues to pain him, a constant echo of his past struggles.
Arrival in Ostverk
After years of wandering, Baran sought respite from the turmoil of his mercenary life. He found that peace in Ostverk, a small village nestled on the edge of the Gnarley Forest. Here, he hoped to leave behind the violence of his past and build a new life.
Key Relationships
  • Befriending Shandril: Shortly after arriving in Ostverk, Baran met Shandril, the revered cleric of Beory. Despite her inability to heal the old wounds on his hand, Shandril became a close friend and confidante. Their bond grew over shared experiences and a mutual respect for each other's strength and dedication.
  • Trust of Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu: Baran’s disciplined nature and his commitment to the safety of the village quickly earned him the trust of Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu, the mayor of Ostverk. Recognizing Baran’s capabilities, Corbin appointed him Captain of the Guard, a position he has held for the past ten years.

Leadership and Duties as Captain of the Guard

As Captain of the Guard, Baran’s primary responsibility is the safety and security of Ostverk. His leadership style is marked by stern discipline and a deep sense of duty. Baran runs the guardhouse, known as the Bastion of Vigilance, with military precision, ensuring that his men are always prepared to defend the village.
  • Village Defense: Baran oversees all aspects of Ostverk’s defense, from organizing patrols to maintaining the guardhouse’s armory. His experience as a mercenary has made him an expert in fortifications and combat strategy.
  • Training and Discipline: Baran is a strict disciplinarian. He personally trains the town guards, instilling in them the values of loyalty, vigilance, and readiness. Under his command, the guards have become a well-trained and efficient force.
  • Community Protection: Baran sees every villager as his responsibility. He feels the weight of this duty keenly, and any harm that befalls a villager is taken as a personal failure. This deep sense of responsibility drives him to go to great lengths to ensure the safety of Ostverk.
Proposed Fortifications
  • Building a Wall Around Ostverk: In response to the rising threats of banditry and raids, Baran, along with Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu, has proposed the construction of a wall around the village. They believe that such a fortification is necessary to protect Ostverk from external dangers. However, Shandril has expressed reluctance, preferring to trust in the protection of Ehlonna, the goddess of forests.

Personality and Beliefs

Baran Feath is a man shaped by years of hardship and battle. He is stern and often seen as gruff, but beneath his tough exterior lies a deep commitment to those he protects. His beliefs are rooted in the values of law, order, and protection, which guide his every decision.

Relationships and Alliances

Baran’s relationships with others in Ostverk are built on mutual respect and shared goals. He is not a man of many words, but his actions have earned him the loyalty and trust of those around him.
Key Relationships
  • Shandril: Baran holds Shandril in high esteem, valuing her wisdom and spiritual guidance. Their friendship is built on a shared commitment to the well-being of Ostverk. Baran often seeks her counsel on matters of town security and respects her opinions, even when they differ from his own.
  • Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu: Baran’s relationship with Corbin Deleveu is one of mutual respect. As the mayor of Ostverk, Corbin relies on Baran’s military expertise to keep the village safe. Together, they have worked on plans to fortify Ostverk and ensure its continued security.
  • Lieutenant Lauriel Gliev: Lauriel Gliev, Baran’s trusted lieutenant, is fiercely loyal to him. Baran saved her from certain death at the hands of an ogre several years ago, and since then, she has been unwavering in her support of him. Baran values her strength, determination, and the counsel she provides, especially in moments of doubt.

Current Challenges and Concerns

Despite the relative peace of Ostverk, Baran is constantly vigilant against the growing threats that loom over the village. The recent withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers and the increasing bandit activity have caused him great concern.
The Growing Threat of Banditry
  • Rise in Bandit Attacks: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills has left Ostverk more vulnerable to bandit attacks. Baran has been forced to stretch his limited resources to cover the gaps left by the Borderers, and he is deeply concerned about the safety of the village.
  • Impact on Villagers: The increase in bandit activity has heightened the anxiety of the villagers, who fear for their safety and the security of their homes. Baran takes these fears seriously and is determined to find a way to protect the village, even with the limited resources at his disposal.
Strained Relations with Celene
  • Closed Borders of Celene: The closure of Celene’s borders by Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty has added to Baran’s concerns. The reduced elven presence in the area has made it more difficult to maintain security, and the strained relations have led to increased tension between the human and elven populations.
  • Diplomatic Efforts: While Baran is not directly involved in diplomacy, he supports efforts to maintain open lines of communication with the elves of Caer Ostverk. He recognizes the importance of these alliances in ensuring the long-term security of the region.

Legacy and Future Aspirations

Baran Feath’s legacy in Ostverk is already being written. His dedication to the village and its people has made him a beloved and respected figure, even if he remains a man of few words. Looking to the future, Baran’s primary goal is to ensure that Ostverk remains a safe and peaceful place for generations to come.
Future Goals
  • Strengthening Ostverk’s Defenses: Baran is committed to fortifying Ostverk’s defenses, whether through the construction of a village wall or by increasing the number of trained guards. He believes that a strong defense is the best way to ensure the village’s survival in these uncertain times.
  • Protecting the Next Generation: Baran sees the young people of Ostverk as the future of the village. He is dedicated to training the next generation of guards, passing on his knowledge and experience to ensure that they are ready to protect the village when the time comes.


Baran Feath is a man whose life has been shaped by conflict, but who has found peace and purpose in the protection of Ostverk. As Captain of the Guard, he has dedicated himself to the safety and security of the village, forging strong relationships with key figures like Shandril and Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, Baran remains resolute in his commitment to his duty. His leadership, marked by discipline, loyalty, and a deep sense of responsibility, continues to be a cornerstone of Ostverk’s defense, ensuring that the village remains a
Baran the One-Handed, Captain of the Town Guard
  • Fighter level 5
  • HP 32; AC 3[16]
  • Atk +2 Longsword (1d8+4)
  • light crossbow (1d4+1)
  • +1 chain mail
  • +1 long sword
  • light crossbow
Key Traits
  • Stern and Disciplined: Baran’s years as a mercenary have made him a man of strict discipline. He expects the same level of commitment and focus from his guards and does not tolerate laziness or insubordination.
  • Loyal and Protective: Baran is fiercely loyal to Ostverk and its people. He views the village as his home and its residents as his family. His protective nature extends beyond his duties as Captain of the Guard, influencing all his interactions with the townsfolk.
  • Religious Views: A follower of St. Cuthbert, Baran respects the values of common sense, honesty, and discipline. However, he also respects the worship of Ehlonna  and Beory recognizing the importance of these deities in the lives of the villagers and in the protection of Ostverk.
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
536 40 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
House Deleveu coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: aran Feath Captain of the Guard Ostverk by 3orcs


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