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7. Ostverk Guardhouse

The Ostverk Guardhouse, officially known as The Bastion of Vigilance, stands as a stalwart protector in the heart of Ostverk. Located by the bustling market square and south of the serene Hingnora Pond, this stone watchtower is the nerve center of the town's defenses. Manned by a dedicated garrison under the command of Captain Baran Feath, the guardhouse plays a critical role in maintaining the safety and order of Ostverk, especially in these troubled times marked by growing banditry and strained relations with the neighboring elven kingdom of Celene.


The Bastion of Vigilance was constructed shortly after the founding of Ostverk, as the village grew from a small settlement into a vital trading post on the borders of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Recognizing the need for a strong and organized defense, the villagers pooled resources to build a stone watchtower that could serve as both a barracks and a fortification. Over the years, the guardhouse has seen numerous upgrades, reflecting the increasing importance of Ostverk as a strategic point along the border.
Key Historical Events
  • Construction and Early Years: The guardhouse was one of the first permanent structures built in Ostverk, initially serving a small contingent of town guards. As the village expanded, so too did the guardhouse, evolving into the three-story tower it is today.
  • The Appointment of Baran Feath: Ten years ago, Baran Feath, a seasoned mercenary, was appointed Captain of the Guard. His leadership has been instrumental in shaping the guardhouse into a disciplined and effective defense force.
  • Recent Upgrades: With increasing threats from bandits and the retreat of the Mounted Borderers, the guardhouse has become more crucial than ever. Recent upgrades include reinforcing the iron doors, expanding the armory, and installing a ballista on the roof.

Architecture and Layout

The Bastion of Vigilance is a sturdy, three-story stone structure designed for both functionality and defense. Its architecture reflects the pragmatic needs of a military outpost, with reinforced doors, a well-stocked armory, and a dungeon for holding prisoners. The tower is both a symbol of the town's resilience and a practical hub for its defense.
Key Features
  • First Floor: Barracks and Mess Hall: The ground floor of the guardhouse serves as a barracks for the town guards and a mess hall where they take their meals. The space is utilitarian, with rows of cots and a large communal table. The walls are adorned with shields and weapons, a constant reminder of the guards' duty.
  • Second Floor: Captain’s Chambers: The second floor houses the private chambers of Captain Baran Feath. His quarters are Spartan, reflecting his disciplined lifestyle. The room contains a simple bed, a writing desk, and a small chest for his personal belongings.
  • Third Floor: Armory and Storage: The top floor is dedicated to storing the town's weapons and armor. The armory contains spears, arrows, longbows, shields, swords, and chain mail, enough to outfit twelve men in the event of an emergency. The room is carefully organized, ensuring quick access in times of need.
  • Roof: Signal Fire and Defense: The roof of the guardhouse is crenelated, providing cover for the guards stationed there. It features a signal fire that can be lit to alert the town of danger, a large bell for sounding alarms, and an old spear-firing ballista capable of striking distant targets. A barrel of spears is kept next to the ballista, ready for use.
  • Dungeon: Beneath the first floor lies a hidden dungeon, accessible by a concealed stairwell. The dungeon has four individual cells and a watch station for the jailer. It is used to detain criminals and bandits until they can be brought to justice.

Leadership and Key Personnel

The leadership of the Bastion of Vigilance is characterized by experience, loyalty, and a deep commitment to the safety of Ostverk. Under the command of Captain Baran Feath, the guardhouse has become a beacon of security in uncertain times.
Captain Baran Feath
A former mercenary with years of combat experience, Baran Feath was appointed Captain of the Guard a decade ago. His strict discipline and unwavering dedication have earned him the respect of both his men and the townsfolk.
  • Personality and Leadership Style: Baran is stern and serious, driven by a deep sense of responsibility for the safety of Ostverk. His reddish-brown hair is always pulled back, and his mustache hides a scar from a battle long past. He values order, loyalty, and sacrifice, and he holds himself to the highest standards of conduct.
  • Relationship with Shandril: Baran has a deep respect for Shandril, the cleric of Beory. Though she could not heal an old injury of his, her wisdom and strength have made her one of his closest confidantes. He often seeks her counsel on matters of town security.
Lieutenant Lauriel Gliev
Lauriel Gliev serves as Baran’s lieutenant, a position she earned through courage and loyalty. Years ago, Baran saved her from an ogre’s clutches, and since then, she has been fiercely devoted to him.
  • Personality and Role: Lauriel is slight of build but strong in spirit. Her piercing eyes and determined demeanor make her a formidable leader. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the guardhouse and is unafraid to voice her opinions, though she remains deeply respectful of Baran.
  • Religious Views: Lauriel is devoted to Shandril and views her as a role model. She often assists in maintaining order during town rituals and sees her role as a protector of both Ostverk’s people and its spiritual sanctuaries.

Political and Social Influence

The Bastion of Vigilance is not just a military outpost; it is also a significant player in the social and political landscape of Ostverk. The decisions made within its walls can have far-reaching consequences for the town and its inhabitants.
Relations with the Elves of Caer Ostverk
  • Diplomatic Relations: The guardhouse maintains a careful relationship with the elves of 1. Caer Ostverk. While tensions exist due to the closed borders of Celene, the guards strive to keep communication channels open, respecting the elves' sovereignty while protecting Ostverk’s interests.
  • Shared Concerns: Both the town guards and the elves are concerned about the rise in banditry and the security of the Gnarley Forest. Although their methods may differ, they share a common goal of maintaining peace in the region.
Concerns Over the Closed Borders of Celene
  • Impact on Security: The closure of Celene’s borders by Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty has led to increased tensions and a sense of unease in Ostverk. The guardhouse has had to step up its vigilance, as the usual elven patrols are no longer as present as before.
  • Strained Relations: The closed borders have also strained trade relations, leading to shortages and increased frustration among the townsfolk. The guards often find themselves mediating disputes that arise from these pressures.

Current Challenges and Issues

The Bastion of Vigilance faces several challenges as it works to keep Ostverk safe in a time of growing uncertainty.
Rise of Banditry and Raids
  • Increased Threats: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills has left Ostverk more vulnerable to bandit attacks. The guards have had to take on additional patrols to cover the gaps left by the Borderers' departure.
  • Protecting the Villagers: The rise in banditry has put a strain on the guardhouse’s resources, and Captain Baran is deeply concerned about the safety of the villagers. He has called for additional support from the Viscounty, but response has been slow.
Depleted Mounted Borderers
  • Empty Barracks: The barracks, once filled with the Mounted Borderers, now stand mostly empty, save for a dozen cots. The absence of these soldiers has created a palpable sense of vulnerability in the town.
  • Impact on Morale: The depletion of the Borderers has had a noticeable impact on the morale of the guards and the townsfolk. Many fear that without the Borderers’ protection, Ostverk could fall prey to more frequent and devastating raids.


The Bastion of Vigilance, Ostverk’s guardhouse, is more than just a watchtower; it is a symbol of the town’s resilience and determination to stand strong in the face of adversity. Under the leadership of Captain Baran Feath and Lieutenant Lauriel Gliev, the guardhouse continues to serve as a beacon of security and order in a time of growing uncertainty. As the town faces challenges from banditry, strained relations with Celene, and the withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers, the role of the Bastion of Vigilance has never been more crucial. The guards within its walls remain ever vigilant, ready to defend Ostverk and its people against any threat that may come.
OSTVERK Guard House by 3orcs

Town Guards and Duties

The guards stationed at the Bastion of Vigilance are a disciplined group, handpicked by Captain Baran for their dedication and reliability. Their duties range from patrolling the town’s perimeter to manning the guardhouse’s defenses.
Key Responsibilities
  • Perimeter Patrols: Guards regularly patrol the perimeter of Ostverk, keeping an eye out for bandits, wild animals, and any other threats to the town.
  • Market Square Security: With the guardhouse located near the market square, guards are responsible for maintaining order during market days and festivals, ensuring that trade can proceed safely.
  • Night Watch: Each night, guards take turns on the rooftop, watching for any signs of danger and ready to sound the alarm if necessary.
Town Guard Names
Prudent, Guustave Benoist, Sarle, Osbert, Clovis, Laud, Gilles   City Guard
Alternative Names
The Bastion of Vigilance
Guard post / house
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Ostverk Town Guard by 3orcs

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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