Ludovic Langmuir Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Ludovic Langmuir


Lord Ludovic Langmuir is a notable yet controversial figure in Verbobonc's nobility. As the nominal head of House Langmuir, he presides over a strategically positioned parcel of land in the viscounty’s heartland. Despite his title, the real power behind the throne is his formidable mother, Godeleva Langmuir, whose influence and machinations shape the house's fate far more than Ludovic's own endeavors.

Background and Lore

  • Noble Lineage: Ludovic Langmuir is the current head of House Langmuir, a family with deep roots in the political and social fabric of Verbobonc.
  • Under Mother's Shadow: Ludovic's mother, Godeleva Langmuir, wields the actual power in the house, using her son as a figurehead to maintain control.


  • Physical Appearance: Ludovic is described as paunchy and balding, often seen as less formidable than his mother.
  • Character Traits: He is viewed by many as a puppet controlled by his mother, lacking significant influence or authority of his own.


  • Tragic Scandal: Ludovic was once involved in a scandalous affair with a maid who tragically (fall down the stairs) died, leading to whispers about the circumstances surrounding her death. 
  • Unmarried Status: Despite being in his late 30s, Ludovic remains unmarried, largely due to his mother's manipulations and the reluctance of potential noble brides to join the troubled house.


  • Struggle for Autonomy: Ludovic's personal motivations seem obscured by his mother's dominating presence, but it is hinted that he seeks more control over his life and possibly his title.


  • Family Dynamics: Dominated by his mother, Ludovic's relationship with Godeleva is complex and fraught with tension.
  • Nobility Interactions: His connections with other noble houses are heavily influenced by his mother’s political maneuvers.


  • Alliance and Influence: Godeleva’s attempts to forge alliances with factions in Veluna have caused ripples in local political circles, with Ludovic often seen as an extension of her political will.
  • Public Perception: Publicly, House Langmuir supports the Viscount and maintains a facade of loyalty and compliance, which masks the deeper political games at play.
  • House Langmuir puts on a public face of support for Viscount Wilfrick and pays its taxes to the viscounty in full and on time, which allows Godeleva a great deal of latitude in her actions.

Notable People

  • Godeleva Langmuir: Ludovic's mother, known as the "Iron Lady," who is the true power behind House Langmuir. Her reputation for being ruthless and politically savvy makes her a significant figure in the region.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: As the ruler of Verbobonc, his interactions with House Langmuir are essential, especially considering Godeleva's political machinations.
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
547 29 Years old
250 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Duty before desire, even when the crown weighs heavy."
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Ludovic Langmuir by 3orcs


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