1. Etterboek Town Square Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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1. Etterboek Town Square

You wander through the streets of Etterboek, and come across the market, which is located in disorganized series of large tents. It seems that the vendors are organised by the social class to which the vendor caters. The market is known for having either absolute trash, or total bargains, and is rather dirty.   In the center is a large weathered stone statue of a man rearing a magnificent warhorse branding a lance. A bronze plate embedded into the base reads "Diptherius Langmuir Vice Royalty of Ferrond. "   To the side of the statue is a double post notice board with newer post nailed over much older notices.

A Hub of Commerce and Community

Etterboek Town Square is the bustling heart of the township of Etterboek. Situated along the banks of Nigb’s Run, the square is a vital hub for trade and social interaction. The square comes alive on market days, drawing traders and visitors from the City of Verbobonc to the north, the township of Penwick to the east, and the fertile fields of Cienega Valley and the Kron Hills to the south.

Detailed Description of the Location

The Etterboek Town Square is a vibrant, disorganized series of large tents and semi-permanent stalls. Two-story shops line the perimeter, with the imposing Cathedral of Trithereon to the west and the Browich Bridge crossing Nigb’s Run to the east. The market is a mix of treasures and trinkets, catering to a wide range of social classes.
The Central Statue
In the center of the square stands a large, weathered stone statue of a man rearing a magnificent warhorse, brandishing a lance. A bronze plate embedded into the base reads, "Diptherius Langmuir Vice Royalty of Ferrond."
The Notice Board
Next to the statue is a double post notice board, with newer posts nailed over much older notices. This board serves as a hub for announcements, advertisements, and public notices.

Market Days and Trade

  • Market Days: The square is busiest on market days, with vendors setting up their stalls from dawn. Traders from Verbobonc, Penwick, and further afield gather to sell their wares.
Trade Routes
  • Verbobonc, City to the North: Regular trade caravans bring goods and news from the city.
  • Township of Penwick to the East: Traders bring local produce and handmade goods.
  • Cienega Valley and Kron Hills to the South: The fertile fields yield a bounty of grapes and wines, while goods from the gnomes and elves of Ostverk and the Fey Kingdom of Celene add to the variety.


Etterboek Town Square is the vibrant, beating heart of the township. With its mix of commerce, social interaction, and local governance, the square exemplifies the dynamic nature of Etterboek. The interplay of noble influence, local trade, and the everyday lives of the townsfolk creates a rich tapestry of community life in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Etterboak Town Square by 3orcs
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Stalls of the Town Square
  • Toby the Pie Seller: An average-sized man with two fingers missing calls out, "Tasty meat pies, baked into the shape of otters! Delicious! Be the envy of your friends!" He runs a permanent stone stall and wears a fairly short-sleeved, cloth jacket tied loosely at the center.
  • Bertram the Berry Vendor: An obese human sells seasonal berries from a little push cart. His deep v-neck jacket reveals a simple shirt beneath, held together by a small cloth belt with a big belt buckle.
  • Hugo the Cheese Merchant: A barely five-foot human sells aged cheeses from a push cart. He wears a scraggy vest over his t-shirt, which is too big, torn, and very dirty, but helps protect him from the wind.
  • Milo the Trinket Trader: A young adult human sells magical trinkets from a huge sack set down on the ground. Or, at least, they're supposedly magical items.
  • Fisherman Frank: A weathered human sells fresh fish from a semi-permanent wooden stall.
  • Halfling Harper: A weedy halfling sells blankets and pillows from a sizable horse-drawn wagon. His ripped coat over his shirt is too big and dirty, but helps him stay relatively dry.
The Message Pole
In the center of the marketplace, a tall wooden pole stands, covered in official notices from House Langmuir and local announcements.
  • Official Notices from House Langmuir: These include decrees, tax announcements, and public orders.
  • Local Offers and Services: Notices for the sale of livestock, available locations for rent or sale, and various services offered by the townsfolk.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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