C17 Lord Langmuir’s Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C17 Lord Langmuir’s Manor

Langmuir's Manor, a stately home situated near the Temple district of Verbobonc, is the newly acquired residence of Lord Ludovic Langmuir. Featuring recent restorations that blend modern opulence with historical significance, the manor serves as a cultural and social hub within the city. The architecture and decorations reflect the grandeur and political standing of House Langmuir. Lord Ludovic Langmuir recently purchased this stately manor house near the Temple district of the city, on the east end. The manor itself is old, although it shows sign of recent restoration. The doors to the manor are flanked by two of the House Langmuir Guard.

Architectural Details and Interior Design

  • Exterior: The manor is constructed from dazzling pale stone and surrounded by a meticulously kept garden. Its design includes latticed windows and multiple chimneys, each uniquely crafted.
  • Interior: Interiors boast high ceilings, dark wood paneling, and elaborate decorations, including a large dining hall with an imposing fireplace and a uniquely carved great table.

Historical Significance

  • Foundations: Although the manor itself is old, its recent renovations highlight the Langmuir family's efforts to cement their status in Verbobonc’s nobility.
  • Legacy: The manor reflects the historical and ongoing influence of House Langmuir in the Viscounty, serving as a symbol of their wealth and power.

Social and Political Hub

  • Notable Gatherings: The manor frequently hosts gatherings of high society and political meetings, reinforcing the Langmuirs' social status.
  • Strategic Location: Positioned near the Temple district, the manor is at the heart of the city’s religious and cultural conversations.

Facilities for Entertainment and Leisure

  • Games Room: Features a custom-built oaken table for games, a well-stocked bar, and luxurious seating.
  • Terrace: Overlooks the expansive gardens with paths leading to various outdoor features, perfect for hosting social events.
  • Study: A private area filled with books, the study is designed for quiet reflection or scholarly work, featuring a large desk and comfortable seating.

Relationships and Influence

  • Local Politics: The manor and its inhabitants play a significant role in shaping local governance and policy, particularly in aligning with or opposing the Viscount’s directives.
  • Community Relations: Despite its opulence, the manor and its occupants maintain a complex relationship with the citizens of Verbobonc, marked by both reverence and resentment.

Goals and Motivations

  • Preservation of Legacy: Ensuring the continuation and enhancement of House Langmuir’s legacy within the viscounty. 
  • Political Aspirations: Using the manor as a base to advance political ambitions, both within the viscounty and in broader regional affairs.
Langmuir's Manor is not just a residence but a pivotal element in the socio-political landscape of Verbobonc, embodying the legacy, ambitions, and complex relationships of House Langmuir.
This building of dazzling pale stone stands amid a manicured garden like a wedding cake on a royal table. Layers of latticed windows show it to be only three stories, but each is easily twice as tall as one might expect. A veritable forest of chimneys project above the gables, dormers, and cornices, each a unique swirl of masonry designed to fit pleasingly with the rest of the lavish architecture.
Description in the great manor
The large dining hall of Lord Langmuir’s manor is paneled in rich, dark woods. A low fire burns in an enormous hearth, warming the room but making it look even larger.. A great table dominates this long chamber. Porcelain plates gleam and sliver serving ware glitters in the warm light of several candelabras. The high-backed chairs around the table bear similar carvings but each is unique. No food seems to be on the table as yet, but a crystal bottle containing a dark red liquid stands uncorked. Perhaps it’s some wine left out to decant?
Games Room of a Manor
A large, oaken table with a recessed surface dominates the center of the room. The table’s surface is a worn leather dyed a deep maroon, ideal for rolling dice and sliding cards. Recesses ideal for drinks adorn each corner of the table, and in the arms of each high-backed chair. A bar along one wall features a variety of liqours. At the center of the table, a pair of six-sided bone dice rest, waiting to be rolled
Terrace of a Manor
The large terrace overlooks the manor’s expansive gardens. Elaborate stone tiles create a dizzying pattern upon the terrace, creating paths leading to a covered sitting area, a sunken outdoor hearth, even a raised spigot for washing the mud from one’s boots before entering the manor proper. A worked stone banister separates the terrace from the gardens, which boast a wide variety of flora and fauna, from local blooms to famed grapevines to exotic birds with prismatic feathers.
Study in a Manor
The room smells of pipe smoke, old parchment, and fresh ink. A massive oaken desk sits before a ceiling-height window, itself framed with burgundy curtains with elaborate gold filligree. Stacks of parchment, a set of quills, and half-a-dozen inkwells each containing a different shade of ink sit atop the desk. A wax stamp lies on its side, fresh wax still cooling around its edges. Massive shelves stand to either side of the desk, laden with hundreds of leatherbound tomes. And at the center of the room, a pair of high-backed leather chairs sit with a small, spindly-legged table between them.

Secrets of Langmuir’s Manor

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As you step onto the cobblestone path leading to the grand entrance of Langmuir’s Manor, the air thickens with an aura of mystery and ancient power. Here, within the heart of Verbobonc’s civic center, lies a house filled with secrets and political intrigue. The manor itself is a spectacle of architectural brilliance, but it is the stories and hidden truths that draw you deeper into its embrace.
Initial Encounter
Upon your arrival, you are greeted not by warmth, but by a cold and calculated reception. The butler, maintaining a crisp demeanor, insists that all weapons, magical items, and armors be left in a secure antechamber for the duration of your visit. This precaution hints at the importance—and perhaps the danger—of the conversations to follow.
  • Lady Godeleva scowls as the butler announces you, as though he’s given her bad news. The other figure is a nervous, tubby Lord who leaps to his feet and approaches you anxiously.
Setting the Scene
Meet Lord Ludovic Langmuir, a man whose nervous energy fills the room.
  • Encounter the "Iron Lady" Godeleva Langmuir, whose presence commands both respect and a hint of fear.
  • Observe the tension that fills the room, a silent testament to the power struggles within.
The Dining Hall Drama
Seated at an opulent dining table, you find yourselves across from Lord Ludovic and Lady Godeleva. The meal is sumptuous, yet the atmosphere is anything but comfortable. The conversation is a dance of diplomacy and hidden daggers.
Conversations and Confrontations
  • Navigate through probing questions and veiled threats.
  • Uncover hints of alliances and betrayals that weave through the history of House Langmuir.

Lohin’s Challenge

The stable boy, Lohin, presents a unique challenge, turning a simple inquiry into a frustrating ordeal of evasion and mockery. His tactics are a deliberate test—or perhaps a diversion—set by the house to gauge your intentions and patience. Lohin has been charged with dealing with the "riff-raff" that have been sent to annoy the house.
Testing Patience and Wits
  • Endure Lohin’s insults and deliberate obstructions.
  • Realize the stable boy’s illiteracy, a twist that adds depth to his character and the house’s dynamics.
  • When anyone arrives and asks to speak with a representative, they will be told to wait out on the front steps. Here they will wait for almost an hour.

Exploring the Manor

As you move beyond the dining hall, the manor reveals its secrets through whispered tales and hidden doors. Each room holds relics and remnants of the Langmuir legacy, offering clues to the manor’s true role in the viscounty’s politics.
Hidden Chambers and Forgotten Lore
  • Discover secret passages that hint at espionage or hidden treasures.
  • Encounter servants and guards whose loyalties may provide insight or further complicate your understanding of the Langmuir motives.


Your visit to Langmuir’s Manor is more than a simple dinner; it is a foray into a labyrinth of political intrigue and familial secrets. What you choose to do with the information gleaned here could influence your standing in Verbobonc, for better or worse. The manor, with its layered histories and secretive residents, remains a pivotal player in the city’s unfolding drama.
Notable Residents and Guests
  • Lord Ludovic Langmuir: Although a figurehead with limited actual power, Ludovic’s presence in the manor underscores the political maneuvering of his family.
  • 'Iron Lady' Godeleva Langmuir: The matriarch whose strategies and decisions are central to the family’s ambitions and the manor’s role in those plans.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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