12. Gaol manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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12. Gaol manor

From the outside this house looks cozy. It has been built with brown stones and has red brick decorations. Tall, rectangular windows add to the overall style of the house and have been added to the house in a very symmetric way. It seems the tenant officer for not owning much land is doing well for himself under the grace of House Langmuir.   The building is rectangular shaped. The house is fully surrounded by a garden path. The second floor is the same size as the first, which has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. This floor has roughly the same style as the floor below.   The roof is low, triangular, but one side is longer than the other and is covered with brown wood shingles. One large chimney sits at the side of the house. Two roof terraces let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof. The house itself is surrounded by paved ground, with an outdoor eating and relaxing space and various potted plants.

The Reeve's Estate

Gaol Manor is the residence of Carremvek Gaol, the reeve of Etterboek, and a senior tenant officer under House Langmuir. Situated on the north side of Etterboek, within a stone's throw of the Etterboek docks and warehouse, Gaol Manor stands as a testament to the influence and oversight of House Langmuir over this bustling village.

Historical Background

Carremvek Gaol holds the position of reeve, making him a crucial figure in the administration of Etterboek's agricultural and social affairs. Appointed by House Langmuir, Gaol’s role is steeped in tradition and responsibility, ensuring the smooth operation of the manor's lands and the welfare of its tenants.  
  • Establishment: Gaol Manor has been a cornerstone of Etterboek for decades, serving as the administrative hub for the village's agricultural activities.
  • Evolution: Over time, the manor has expanded from a modest dwelling to a large stone house with a walled compound, reflecting the growing responsibilities and status of its reeves.
Exterior Description
From the outside, Gaol Manor appears cozy yet stately, blending traditional design with the practical needs of a working estate.  
  • Structure: Built with brown stones and red brick decorations, the manor features tall, rectangular windows arranged symmetrically. Roof: The low, triangular roof is covered with brown wood shingles, with one side longer than the other, creating an asymmetrical yet balanced look.
  • Chimney and Terraces: A large chimney sits at the side of the house, and two roof terraces let in plenty of light to the rooms below.
  • Garden and Pathways: The house is surrounded by a well-kept garden path, paved ground, outdoor eating and relaxing spaces, and various potted plants, creating a serene and welcoming atmosphere.
Interior Description
Inside Gaol Manor, the ambiance is one of efficiency and modest comfort, befitting the residence of a diligent reeve.  
  • Main Hall: The main hall serves as the meeting place for tenant meetings and village moots, featuring sturdy wooden furniture and practical decor.
  • Living Quarters: Carremvek's personal quarters are simple yet comfortable, reflecting his no-nonsense personality.
  • Administrative Rooms: The manor includes several rooms dedicated to the administration of the estate, filled with records, maps, and farming tools.

Political Influence

Gaol Manor is a significant site in the political landscape of Etterboek, given its role in local governance and its ties to House Langmuir.  
  • Oversight: Carremvek’s position grants him significant influence over local agricultural policies and tenant relations.
  • Loyalty: His unwavering loyalty to House Langmuir ensures that the manor's operations align with the broader political goals of the barony.
Relationships with Lords of Verbobonc
Carremvek maintains professional relationships with various noble houses, particularly House Langmuir.  
  • House Langmuir: His direct superiors, Baron Ludovic Langmuir and Baroness Godeleva Langmuir, rely on him to manage Etterboek’s affairs efficiently.
  • Other Noble Houses: While his primary allegiance is to House Langmuir, Carremvek occasionally interacts with other noble houses for administrative and agricultural matters.
Role in Etterboek
As the reeve, Carremvek Gaol plays a crucial role in the governance of Etterboek. He presides over the village moot, supervises agricultural activities, and ensures that all villagers fulfill their obligations. His authority is recognized and respected, though his strictness sometimes causes friction among the villagers.
Politics throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
Gaol Manor plays a role in the wider political dynamics of the Viscounty, particularly in agricultural and tenant matters.  
  • Agricultural Policies: The manor’s successful management of crops and land influences agricultural policies within the viscounty.
  • Tenant Relations: Carremvek's strict yet fair management style serves as a model for other reeves and estate managers in the region.

Current Affairs

Challenges and Issues
  • Rumors and Dissension: Recent rumors and slander against House Langmuir have created unrest among the villagers. Carremvek is tasked with addressing these issues and ensuring the loyalty of the villagers.
  • Agricultural Management: Ensuring the productivity of the village's farmlands is a constant challenge. Carremvek works tirelessly to oversee the planting and harvesting cycles, often personally supervising the work.
  • Security Concerns: With Ettercaps and other threats in the surrounding hills, maintaining the security of the village is a top priority. Carremvek coordinates with the village guards to protect Etterboek and its inhabitants.


Gaol Manor, under the stewardship of Carremvek Gaol, is a vital part of Etterboek’s social and agricultural framework. Its strategic location, efficient administration, and strong ties to House Langmuir ensure that it remains a cornerstone of the village's governance and a symbol of the barony's influence.
Goal Manor by 3orcs
"In Service We Thrive."
Personality and Role of Carremvek Gaol
Carremvek Gaol is a sullen, boring man known for his extreme diligence and commitment to House Langmuir. His personality and role define the operations and atmosphere of Gaol Manor.
  • Personality: Though he may seem dull, Carremvek is far from incompetent. His stern demeanor masks a deep commitment to his duties and an unwavering loyalty to House Langmuir.
  • Role: As reeve, he supervises the operation of the manor, presides at village moots, decides on crop rotations, and ensures everyone does their fair share of work.
  • Motivations: Carremvek's motivations are driven by both generous monetary compensation and a fear of disappointing his superiors, Baron Ludovic Langmuir and Baroness Godeleva Langmuir.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization
House Langmuir by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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