7. Langmuir Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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7. Langmuir Manor

This stately manor house presides over Etterboak Town Square. The manor itself is old, although it shows sign of recent restoration. The doors to the manor are flanked by two of the House Langmuir Guard, a human and a half-elf.   From the outside this house looks impressive. It has been built with poplar wood and has blue stone decorations. Tall, large windows add to the overall style of the house and have been added to the house in a fairly symmetrical pattern.   The tower extension extends into wooden overhanging panels circling around half the house. The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a slightly different style than the floor below.   The roof is low, triangular, but one side is longer than the other and is covered with red roof tiles. One small chimney sits at the side of the house. There are no windows on the roof. The house itself is surrounded by a modest garden, covered mostly in grass, a few flower patches and with a small pond.
House Langmuir Manor, the esteemed residence of Lord Ludovic Langmuir, stands as a symbol of nobility and tradition in the township of Etterboek. Overseeing the town square, this stately manor reflects the power and influence of House Langmuir within the Verbobonc, Viscounty.

Dining Hall Description

The large dining hall of Lord Langmuir’s manor is paneled in rich, dark woods. A low fire burns in an enormous hearth, warming the room but making it look even larger. The hall is adorned with tapestries depicting the history and accomplishments of House Langmuir. A grand dining table sits in the center, surrounded by high-backed chairs, each bearing the Langmuir crest.

Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc

House Langmuir, under the guidance of Lord Ludovic and Lady Godeleva, maintains intricate relationships with other noble houses. Brevin Voss, as the main house servant, often interacts with representatives from these houses, ensuring diplomatic relations are smooth and favorable for House Langmuir.

Current Affairs

House Langmuir is actively involved in the ongoing political dynamics within Verbobonc. Lord Ludovic and Lady Godeleva Langmuir frequently host gatherings at the manor to discuss political strategies and forge alliances. Brevin Voss ensures these events run smoothly, providing an atmosphere of elegance and authority.   In conclusion, House Langmuir Manor stands as a beacon of nobility and tradition in Etterboek. With Brevin Voss at the helm of its operations, the manor not only maintains its grandeur but also serves as a pivotal location for the political and social engagements of House Langmuir.
Brevin Voss Welcomes Adventurers to Langmuir Manor Setting: The grand foyer of Langmuir Manor. The adventurers stand at the entrance, taking in the opulent surroundings. Brevin Voss, impeccably dressed, approaches them with a dignified air.
Brevin Voss: [With a slight bow] "Welcome to Langmuir Manor, esteemed travelers. I am Brevin Voss, the steward of this estate. How may I assist you today?"
  • Adventurer 1: "Thank you, Brevin. We seek an audience with Lord Ludovic Langmuir."
Brevin Voss: [Nods thoughtfully] "Indeed, Lord Ludovic is currently attending to important matters. However, I shall inform him of your arrival immediately. Please, make yourselves comfortable in our drawing room. Refreshments will be provided."
  • Adventurer 2: "We appreciate your hospitality, Brevin. Your manor is quite impressive."
Brevin Voss: [With a faint smile] "Your kind words are most appreciated. Langmuir Manor has a long and storied history, much like our esteemed guests, I presume. It is an honor to have you within these walls."
  • Adventurer 3: "Can you tell us more about the history of the manor while we wait?"
Brevin Voss: [Gestures towards a set of plush chairs] "Certainly. Langmuir Manor was constructed many centuries ago and has been the residence of House Langmuir ever since. The recent restorations you see are a testament to our commitment to preserving its grandeur for future generations. Each brick and beam holds a tale, much like the one you are here to tell."
  • Adventurer 1: "We have heard much about House Langmuir and its esteemed reputation."
Brevin Voss: [Nods solemnly] "House Langmuir has always strived to uphold the virtues of honor, duty, and perseverance. Our lord and lady are deeply committed to the welfare of Etterboek and its people. It is our collective duty to ensure that these lands remain prosperous and safe."
  • Adventurer 2: "We hope to aid in that cause during our stay."
Brevin Voss: [With a warm, sincere smile] "Your assistance would indeed be most welcome. Now, if you will excuse me for a moment, I shall inform Lord Ludovic of your arrival. Please, enjoy the comforts of the manor."
Brevin Voss exits the foyer with a courteous nod, leaving the adventurers to marvel at the grandeur of Langmuir Manor.
Langmuir Manor by 3orcs
Main House Servant: Brevin Voss
Brevin Voss is the main house servant in charge of the Langmuir Manor. He is a tall, slender man in his late forties with graying hair neatly combed back. His piercing green eyes are always observant, and his demeanor is both formal and approachable.
Brevin Voss by 3orcs
Brevin is meticulous and dedicated, with a sharp mind and a keen sense of duty. He maintains an air of professionalism at all times and expects the same from the manor's staff. Despite his stern exterior, Brevin is known for his fairness and the respect he shows to those under his charge.   History
Brevin Voss comes from a long line of loyal servants to House Langmuir. He started his service in the manor as a young boy, working his way up from a stable hand to his current position as the main house servant. His father and grandfather both served the Langmuir family, instilling in him a deep sense of loyalty and tradition.   Motivation
Brevin is motivated by his desire to uphold the honor and legacy of House Langmuir. He is committed to ensuring that the manor runs smoothly and that all guests are treated with the utmost respect and hospitality. His loyalty to Lord Ludovic and Lady Godeleva Langmuir is unwavering, and he takes pride in his role within the household.   Duties
  • Overseeing the daily operations of the manor.
  • Managing the household staff and ensuring their duties are performed to the highest standard.
  • Coordinating events and gatherings held at the manor.
  • Ensuring the safety and comfort of all guests.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization
House Langmuir by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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