Olidammara Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Laughing Rogue

Olidammara, intermediate god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks   Olidammara, the deity of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks, stands as a beacon of joy and mischief in the pantheon of Greyhawk. Known affectionately as the Laughing Rogue, his divine antics and good-natured schemes are legendary, often involving other deities and shaping the lives of his followers in unexpected ways.


Olidammara's origins are shrouded in mystery, much like the tricks he plays. His tales are woven into the fabric of Oerth's history, punctuated by the laughter of his followers and the grudging smiles of the gods themselves. Olidammara's worship predates many civilizations, initially spreading among nomadic tribes before finding a home in settled communities. His shrines and temples, such as the Burned Circle on the Tilvanot peninsula, testify to his longstanding presence among various cultures across Oerth.
  • Eccentric Beginnings: Olidammara's origins are as mysterious as the tricks he plays, with tales of his escapades spreading across Oerth.
  • Apotheosis: His ascension to godhood is marked by laughter and music, elevating him as a symbol of joy and rebellion against solemnity.


  • Creed of Joy: The worship of Olidammara encourages embracing chaos, seeking happiness, and living life to its fullest, away from the constraints of predictability.
  • Holy Symbol: The grinning mask represents the ever-changing and elusive nature of Olidammara, complemented by symbols like the kanteel and the number nine.
  • Dogma: Followers are encouraged to live unpredictably, find joy in life, and appreciate the humor in all situations, even at their own expense.
  • Scriptures: His teachings are scattered across hundreds of contradictory parables and songs, celebrating chaos and the impermanence of material things.

Culture and Lore

  • Common Appearances: Though capable of assuming any form, Olidammara often appears as a jovial young man, a persona that embodies his love for life and adventure.
  • Magical Instrument: The Kanteel of the Oldest, capable of conjuring both illusions and tangible matter, illustrates Olidammara's power to shape reality and emotion.
  • Realm: Known as the Den of Olidammara, his domain in Ysgard is a bewildering mansion of endless entertainment and hidden treasures, reflecting his unpredictable nature.

Church Organization

  • Clergy and Followers: Predominantly rogues, bards, and those who live by their wits. Formal priesthood is rare, as followers are guided more by shared joy and the spirit of Olidammara's teachings than by hierarchy.
  • Worship and Celebrations: Festivities are impromptu, filled with music, storytelling, and laughter, often spilling into the streets and taverns where life thrives.
  • Locations
  • Centers of Worship: While not confined to specific temples, places known for revelry, music, and gatherings often become impromptu shrines to his spirit.
  • Sacred Sites: Anywhere joy can be found, from bustling city squares to secluded glades in the forest, can be considered sacred to followers of Olidammara.


The clerics of Olidammara, known for their jovial spirit and clever minds, often lead dual lives, blending their sacred duties with more worldly professions. These individuals are integral to spreading the joy and teachings of Olidammara across the Flanaess.
  • Roles: Rather than formal priests, his followers act as spreaders of joy, mischief, and freedom, embodying the teachings of Olidammara through their actions.
  • Occupations: In urban areas, they might be vintners or entertainers, while in rural settings, they take on roles such as minstrels, messengers, or jacks-of-all-trades.
  • Attire: Their clothing is comfortable and functional, with a preference for colors that blend into the environment, like browns, greens, and blacks. Many wear a mask as their holy symbol, while others opt for a signet or amulet featuring a mask.
  • Temple Raiders: A unique group within the clergy, these elite thieves utilize divine magic to raid temples of other faiths, a practice kept secret from the public eye.
The path to becoming a cleric of Olidammara may seem filled with continuous celebration and escapade, but it serves as a test to identify those with the right balance of joy, mischief, and whimsy.


True temples dedicated to Olidammara are rare, with smaller shrines found in more casual and accessible locations, reflecting the god's approachable nature.
  • Shrines: Common in pubs, dens, or roadside piles of stones marked with his symbol, where followers leave tokens of esteem.
  • Temples: Often repurposed buildings, like inns or taverns, doubling as gathering places for followers. Larger temples, hidden within city infrastructures, serve multiple functions including marketplaces for illicit goods.
  • Guardians: Warrior/thieves, skilled in both combat and stealth, protect these sacred spaces.


Olidammara's rituals embody the essence of his teachings, focusing on joy, celebration, and the occasional touch of mischief.
  • Ceremony of the Cork: A simple ritual marking the opening of a wine bottle.
  • New Moon Follies: An elaborate three-act comedy celebrating Olidammara's spirit, performed under the new moon.
  • Missions: Encouraging acts of thievery and pranks against the affluent and powerful, embodying the faith's adventurous spirit.
  • Prayers: Always sung, these prayers are improvised, encouraging creativity among worshippers.

Holy Days

Olidammara's followers celebrate several holidays throughout the year, each emphasizing different aspects of his ethos.
  • Brewfest: A week-long celebration, marking the holiest time for the Laughing Rogue's followers.
  • The Great Escape: Commemorates Olidammara's legendary escape from the archmage Zagig.
  • The Feast of the Doubling Dare: A post-New Year celebration that involves challenging one another to daring feats.
  • Taste of a Hundred Years: An annual event where a century-old cask of wine is opened and shared among followers.


  • Influence: Olidammara's influence is subtle, seen in the push for freedom, joy, and the breaking of oppressive structures through humor and cunning rather than force.
  • Alliances and Enemies: Though he maintains a generally amicable relationship with many deities, his tricks do not always endear him to all, leading to complex divine dynamics.


Olidammara, known for his jovial nature and fondness for mischief, maintains a complex network of relationships within the pantheon of gods. His interactions with other deities range from friendly camaraderie to cautious avoidance, reflecting his role as the bard of the gods and the master of revels.
Allies and Friendly Deities
Aasterinian, Fharlanghn, Dalt, Garl Glittergold, Ehlonna, Hlal, Ye'Cind, and Kord: These deities share a positive rapport with Olidammara, appreciating his humor and zest for life. Their domains, which often intersect with aspects of travel, nature, creativity, and strength, naturally align with Olidammara's ethos of joy and freedom.   Zagyg, the Mad Archmage: Despite a history of run-ins, Zagyg holds a respect for Olidammara's chaotic nature. The archmage's own unpredictable behavior and embrace of chaos create a bond of mutual appreciation between the two.   Rudd and Kuroth: Olidammara played a pivotal role in the apotheosis of both the demigoddess Rudd, whom he particularly favors, and Kuroth. His sponsorship of their divine ascent underscores his influence and the esteem in which he holds these deities.
Rivalries and Contentious Relationships
Kurell: Envious of Olidammara's popularity among thieves, Kurell constantly schemes to usurp his followers, reflecting a rivalry fueled by jealousy.   Astilabor: This deity harbors a dislike for Olidammara, possibly due to the contrasting nature of their domains and the Laughing Rogue's irreverent demeanor.
Complex Dynamics
Heironeous and Hextor: These deities, often at odds with each other, find Olidammara's antics annoying at times. However, they tolerate him, acknowledging the charm and humor he brings to the pantheon.   Scahrossar: Olidammara's relationship with his brother, Scahrossar, is distant and largely non-existent. Mentioned only in obscure texts, their divine kinship does not translate into any significant interaction.
Deities of Destruction and Malevolence
Nerull, Erythnul, Iuz: Olidammara steers clear of these deities, whose domains of death, destruction, and tyranny starkly contrast with his own principles. While he might have wished for a more amicable relationship, the inherent malevolence of these gods compels Olidammara to limit his interactions to occasional, gentle teasing.
Flan Pantheon
Holy Symbol: The grinning mask
Realm: Heroic Domains of Ysgard
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Specialty Cleric
  • Cleric of the 1st order: hide in shadows as thief
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: music skills as 1st lvl bard
  • Cleric of the 4th order: music skills as 2nd lvl bard
  • Cleric of the 5th order: alter self (W2)
  • Cleric of the 6th order: music skills as 3rd lvl bard
  • Cleric of the 7th order: Tasha’s hideous uncontrollable laughter (W2)
  • Cleric of the 8th order: change self
  • Cleric of the 10th order: confusion
  • Divine Classification
    intermediate god
    Chaotic Neutral
    Olidammara holysymbol by 3orcs
    The path to becoming a cleric of Olidammara, filled with continuous celebration and escapade, is designed as a multifaceted test that goes beyond mere enjoyment and revelry. Those who can navigate the complexities of joy, mischief, and whimsy without losing sight of their divine purpose. Here are the kinds of tests aspirants might face:
    Tests of Joy
    • Endurance of Pleasure: Initiates may be subjected to prolonged periods of celebration and festivity to see if they can maintain a genuine sense of joy without succumbing to jadedness or fatigue.
    • Spreading Happiness: Candidates are tasked with bringing laughter and joy to those in sorrow or suffering, proving their ability to use joy as a tool for positive change.
    Tests of Mischief
    • Clever Pranks: Aspiring clerics are expected to devise and execute pranks that challenge the status quo, test boundaries, and provoke thought, all while causing no harm.
    • Escaping Sticky Situations: They might find themselves in tricky scenarios engineered by their superiors, from which they must extricate themselves through wit and guile.
    Tests of Whimsy
    • Creative Expression: Initiates must demonstrate their ability to think and act creatively, often through artistic endeavors like composing music, crafting tales, or performing in theatrical pieces.
    • Adaptability: Being thrown into unpredictable situations, candidates are assessed on their ability to adapt and thrive, embodying the fluid nature of Olidammara's domain.
    Observational Assessment
    Throughout these tests, senior clerics and followers of Olidammara discreetly observe the initiates, looking for:
    • Genuine Enthusiasm: Authentic enjoyment and engagement in the activities, indicating a true resonance with Olidammara's ethos.
    • Positive Influence: The ability to inspire others to join in the fun, spreading the infectious spirit of Olidammara's teachings.
    • Innovative Problem-Solving: Using creative and non-traditional methods to navigate challenges, reflective of Olidammara's trickster aspect.
    • Moral Integrity: Ensuring that their actions, even in jest, adhere to a code that respects the well-being and dignity of others.

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Olidammara by 3orcs


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