C15 Archer’s Eye: Bowyer /Fletcher Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C15 Archer’s Eye: Bowyer /Fletcher

Archer’s Eye stands as a prominent establishment in the heart of Verbobonc’s civic center, dedicated to the craft of bow making and fletching. This shop is not only a business but a local gathering spot for archery enthusiasts and followers of Rudd, indicating its integral role in the community’s social and recreational life.

Shop Description and Atmosphere

  • Shop Layout: Compact yet bustling with activity, Archer's Eye is cluttered with archery-related materials from wood shavings to fletchings.
  • In-House Crafting: All bows are handcrafted on-site, and arrows are assembled with imported heads, ensuring high-quality and customization.
  • Testing and Tuning Area: The basement houses a small range where bows are tuned and tested, enhancing the service experience for customers.

Historical Background

  • Establishment and Growth: The shop’s establishment dates back several decades, founded by a renowned local archer whose techniques and designs have been passed down.
  • Community Role: Over the years, Archer’s Eye has grown from a mere shop to a community hub for archery lovers, hosting discussions and planning local archery events.

Products and Services

  • Variety of Bows: Offers a wide range of bows including shortbows, longbows, and crossbows.
  • Specialty Items: Available are exotic and masterwork bows, including 'mighty' bows which are customized for added strength.
  • Ammunition: Stocks various types of ammunition, ensuring archers have access to high-quality supplies.

Pricing and Quality

  • Cost Structure: Pricing is set at standard market rates with special items priced accordingly for their enhanced qualities.
  • Quality Assurance: Specializes in high-quality, durable bows with options for upgrades and customizations.

Community and Cultural Impact

  • Disciples of Rudd: The shop serves as a meeting place for followers of Rudd, often discussing and organizing archery contests.
  • Local Hangout: It’s a known gathering spot where community members share their passion for archery and engage in friendly competitions.

Political and Social Relationships

  • Influence on Local Policies: The shop’s popularity and central role in archery have positioned it as a significant player in discussions about local sports and recreational policies.
  • Partnerships: Collaborates with local guilds and other crafters, contributing to the economic and social fabric of Verbobonc.
Archer’s Eye not only equips its patrons with essential archery supplies but also fosters a community centered around the sport, enhancing its cultural and social value within Verbobonc.


in addition to normal items, this shop has access to exotic bows (e.g.: repeating crossbow), and master-work bows. The shop also has a large quantity of ‘mighty’ bows for sale (or the shop can tune a bow as ‘mighty’ for the additional price difference +10%).
Notable Individuals
Feiwick Graystone (half-elf Ranger 4/Exp 4) 
  • A half-elf with profound expertise in both archery and craftsmanship manages the shop. 
  • His dual heritage brings a unique flair to his work, attracting a diverse clientele.
"Aim true, shoot true — that's the Archer's Eye promise."
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Feiwick Graystone by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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