B24 Sisters of Mercy Hospital of Zodal Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B24 Sisters of Mercy Hospital of Zodal

A Sanctuary of Hope in Verbobonc
Nestled in the cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, the Sisters of Mercy Hospital of Zodal serves as both a hospital and a church dedicated to Zodal, the lesser god of Mercy, Hope, and Benevolence. This unique institution is renowned for its comprehensive care, welcoming all who seek aid, regardless of their origins or affiliations. Staffed primarily by devoted nuns of Zodal, the hospital is a beacon of compassion in the city, embodying the god’s teachings through its services and community engagements.
  • Dual Purpose: Functions as a medical facility and religious center, integrating spiritual care with physical healing.
  • Inclusive Service: Adheres to Zodal’s decree to offer help to all, creating a diverse sanctuary for humans, demi-humans, and even monstrous creatures.

Historical Background

The hospital's foundation is deeply rooted in the teachings of Zodal, evolving from a simple infirmary to a significant religious and healing institution in Verbobonc.
  • Origins: Initially established as a small clinic by early followers of Zodal.
  • Expansion: Grew into a larger hospital with the increasing need for both spiritual and physical healing in the growing city of Verbobonc.

Facilities and Services

The Sisters of Mercy Hospital is equipped with wards designed for the recovery of the physically and mentally ill, and also those seeking asylum from societal or mystical afflictions.
  • Recovery Wards: Rooms designed to promote healing, filled with natural light and soothing aesthetics.
  • Asylum Services: Offers refuge to those persecuted, including escaped slaves and other marginalized entities.
  • Healing Services: Provides free healing for minor wounds and diseases to the devout; nominal fees for others.

Notable People

The hospital is led and staffed by figures who embody the virtues of Zodal and are dedicated to the mission of the hospital.
  • Bishop Gifemund Merton (Cleric of Zodal 9th level): A man who rose from humble beginnings, driven by a childhood inspiration to emulate the heroic deeds of a cleric in children's tales.
  • Nuns of Zodal: Comprised mainly of women, these clerics are integral to the daily operations and spiritual services of the hospital.

Political and Community Relationships

Despite its primary focus on healing and sanctuary, the hospital navigates complex relationships within Verbobonc’s socio-political landscape.
  • Local Government: Operates under the scrutiny and occasional disapproval of city officials due to its policy of universal asylum.
  • Interfaith Dynamics: Maintains cooperative relations with other religious groups, though its policies sometimes lead to friction.
Motivation and Vision
The guiding principles of the hospital are drawn directly from Zodal’s teachings, focusing on providing mercy, fostering hope, and performing acts of benevolence.
  • Spiritual Healing: Emphasizes the healing of both body and soul, providing care that reflects the compassionate doctrines of Zodal.
  • Community Outreach: Engages in numerous outreach programs aimed at bringing hope and recovery to the disadvantaged sectors of Verbobonc.

Fee Structure

The hospital's pricing policy is designed to be inclusive, offering several tiers of payment based on the patient's faith alignment and financial situation.
  • For the Devout: All diseases and minor wounds are treated free of charge for devout followers of Zodal, reflecting the hospital's role as a spiritual center as well as a medical facility.
  • For Non-Devotees: A nominal donation of approximately 1 gold piece is requested from those not devoted to Zodal. This fee covers treatment for minor wounds, ensuring the hospital's services are accessible to a broader public.
  • Non-Magical Services: The hospital provides non-magical care, such as bed rest and minor meals, for just 1 copper piece per night. This option is designed to be affordable to virtually anyone in need, supporting the community’s health without financial burden.
Funding and Operations
The hospital’s funding is primarily derived from donations and the modest fees charged for services. This financial model supports the hospital’s operations and allows for the maintenance of its facilities and the employment of skilled medical and clerical staff.
  • Donations: Significant contributions from community members, local businesses, and other religious organizations help subsidize the costs for those unable to pay.
  • Service to All: By requiring only minimal fees from those who can afford to contribute, the hospital upholds its commitment to universal care.


The Sisters of Mercy Hospital of Zodal in Verbobonc stands as a testament to the enduring power of compassion and faith. Through its dedicated staff, inclusive services, and deep community ties, the hospital not only heals but also transforms lives, embodying the divine virtues of its patron deity, Zodal. This institution remains a pivotal element of Verbobonc’s landscape, offering a sanctuary where all are welcome, and hope is a way of life.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Sisters of Mercy Hospital of Zodal by 3orcs
Gifemund Merton
Cleric of Zodal 9th level   History: Gifemund was born to in a poor docking district. He spent his early days working in the same smith shop his mother was employed at, doing general labor. He found a children's book about a Cleric who fought for good and justice and never realized it was just a child's story. He modeled his life after the story, seeing himself destined a hero. He has dedicated himself to building a better world.
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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