P13. Church of the Gentle Hand Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P13. Church of the Gentle Hand

The Church of the Gentle Hand, dedicated to Zodal, the Flan god of mercy, hope, and benevolence, is a unique sanctuary in Penwick. Staffed entirely by nuns of Zodal, this church provides healing and asylum to all who seek it, regardless of their nature or past deeds. High Priest Ellie Lagerkvist leads the church with unwavering compassion and faith.
"In mercy, we find our strength."

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
The Church of the Gentle Hand is a modest yet serene structure situated on the outskirts of Penwick. The building is constructed from simple stone, with a gentle, welcoming façade. A small garden filled with medicinal herbs and flowers surrounds the church, offering a peaceful respite to visitors. Inside, the church is adorned with modest furnishings and tapestries depicting scenes of mercy and healing.
  • Location: Outskirts of Penwick
Exterior Features
  • Simple stone structure
  • Welcoming façade
  • Garden with medicinal herbs and flowers
Interior Features
Inside, the church is divided into several areas, including a chapel for worship, a hospital ward for the sick and injured, and quarters for the nuns. The atmosphere is tranquil and soothing, with soft lighting and the scent of fresh herbs filling the air.
Interior Features
  • Chapel for worship
  • Hospital ward for healing
  • Quarters for nuns
  • Tranquil and soothing atmosphere

Community Role

Spiritual and Healing Leader
Ellie leads the church in providing spiritual guidance and healing services to the community. She conducts religious ceremonies and offers healing to all who enter the doors of the hospital. The church’s policy of accepting all comers, regardless of their nature or past deeds, sets it apart as a place of true sanctuary.
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Healing services
  • Acceptance of all comers

Goods and Services

In addition to religious ceremonies, the church offers various healing services. Minor diseases and wounds can be cured for free to the devout, while a small donation is required for others. Non-magical bed rest is available for a modest fee, providing a safe haven for those in need.
  • Healing of minor diseases and wounds
  • Bed rest for 1cp/night (includes minor meals)
  • Religious ceremonies

Politics in Penwick

Relationship with Local Authorities
The church’s policy of accepting all comers has garnered mixed reactions from local authorities. While the Viscounty of Verbobonc is tolerant of all religions, the city frowns upon the church’s practice of offering asylum to escaped slaves, orcs, madmen, and even rumored undead creatures. Despite this, Ellie maintains her stance, believing in the core teachings of Zodal.
  • Local Authorities: Mixed reactions due to the church’s acceptance policy
  • Ellie’s Stance: Firm belief in Zodal’s teachings
Interaction with Mayor Connor and Lord Milinous
Ellie maintains a respectful relationship with Mayor Connor Grantham and Lord Simon Milinous. While they may not always agree with her methods, they respect her dedication and the vital role the church plays in the community. Ellie often acts as a mediator, using her position to promote peace and understanding.
  • Mayor Connor Grantham: Respectful relationship
  • Lord Simon Milinous: Respectful relationship
  • Ellie’s Role: Mediator and promoter of peace


The Church of the Gentle Hand, under the leadership of High Priest Ellie Lagerkvist, stands as a beacon of mercy, hope, and benevolence in Penwick. With its commitment to accepting all comers and providing healing and sanctuary, the church embodies the teachings of Zodal and offers a vital service to the community. Ellie’s unwavering faith and compassionate leadership ensure that the church remains a place of refuge and hope for all who seek it.
High Priest Ellie Lagerkvist Cleric of Zodal by 3orcs
"Compassion is the first step towards healing."
High Priest Ellie Lagerkvist
Cleric of Zodal 5th level
  • Role: High Priest of the Church of the Gentle Hand
Ellie Lagerkvist is a woman of profound compassion and unwavering faith. She believes that even the most hateful and destructive beings can change with enough effort and love. Ellie is gentle yet firm, always ready to offer a helping hand and a kind word to those in need. Her demeanor exudes warmth and kindness, making her a beloved figure in Penwick. Role: High Priest of the Church of the Gentle Hand
Personality Traits
  • Profound compassion and unwavering faith
  • Gentle yet firm
  • Warm and kind demeanor
Physical Description
Ellie is a middle-aged woman with a serene expression and kind eyes. She wears simple gray robes, a symbol of her devotion to Zodal. Her hair is often covered with a modest headscarf, and she carries herself with a quiet grace that inspires those around her. Appearance: Middle-aged, serene expression, kind eyes, simple gray robes, modest headscarf
Background and Motivation
Ellie’s background is one of service and dedication. She was drawn to the teachings of Zodal from a young age, believing in the power of mercy and hope. Her motivation comes from a deep-seated belief that her efforts can bring about positive change in the world, even in the face of great evil and suffering.
  • Background: Lifelong dedication to Zodal
  • Motivation: Belief in the power of mercy and hope to bring about change
Temple / Church
Parent Location
"A gentle hand can mend the deepest wounds."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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