Adrienne the Chaos Sorceress Character in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

Adrienne the Chaos Sorceress

Adrienne had a very eventful and tragic life despite never making it to age thirty-five.   She was a POV in the novella Legacies which goes over her whole life story, but her story is outlined in broad strokes below for those too impatient to read a full novella or who already read the piece long ago and want a refresher.  
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Adrienne was the third-born daughter of an unimportant peasant farmer in the Empire province of Nordland. Her childhood was rough as her father resented that she wasn't born a boy, having already two girls. One older sister was prettier and the other had a tomboyish personality that pleased their father so Adrienne was viewed as a redundant spare daughter at best. She ran away from home when she believed her father was getting read to sell her.   She eked out a living as a beggar and a pickpocket until she eventually rose to become a leader to a gang of street urchins in the Nordland city of Saalzenmund, until a series of unfortunate events led her to the attention of an underground Slaanesh cult who planned to torture and sacrifice her but they were impressed by her Moxy so they inducted her into the cult instead.   Adrienne quickly rose to the head of the cult and transformed the cult from skulking murder fetishists into being a rich and powerful crime syndicate. Adrienne was content to milk Saalzenmund from the shadows until telepathic pleases from Darfiel of the Dark Mirrors and urgings of Slaanesh himself/herself pushed Adrienne to fund an expedition to Lustria and attempt to free Darfiel the Lord of Change from his prison in the Biting Bogs of northwest Lustria which she utterly failed to do but ended up inadvertently tipping the balance of power between various Lustrian factions.
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