the Biting Bogs

The Biting Bogs is a region in the northwest region of Lustria, north of Klodorex and the Monument of Izzatal.   Swamps are common place throughout Lustria, but the Biting Bogs region has more prevailent swamps than most of the continent and the population of biting insects is even greater here than elsewhere.


The Biting Bogs is a region in the northwest region of Lustria, north of Klodorex and the Monument of Izzatal.


The region is a swampy jungle renown for lots of water loving insects of various kinds, especially mosquitos.   The little insects are eaten by bigger insects who are then eaten by fish and amphibians, who are then eaten by bigger creatures like in the rest of Lustria.   The region has aa lot of wild Salamanders and Razordons and these are arguably the apex predators of the region as the larger Lustrian predators don't like swamps as much as they do.

Ecosystem Cycles

The region has a monsoon season and a dry season with intermissions in between them.   Even during the "dry" season, the Biting Bogs is quite wet indeed, filled with narrowly spaced swamps and bogs with mud inbetween.   During the peak of the monsoon season, the entire Biting Bog regions is little more than a giant shallow lake dotted with a few muddy islands here and there.   The monsoon season is the mating season for most creatures in the swamp and this makes everyone hungrier and more aggressive. At this time of year, even Lizardmen have trouble safely traversely the region.

Natural Resources

The Lizardmen of Klodorex will sometimes venture into the Biting Bogs to try to capture Salamander or Razordon eggs or to forage for rare marshland plants for medicines and poisons.   That said, even Lizardmen generally avoid the Biting Bogs. Even skinks are not immune to being annoyed by mosquito bites, to say nothing of crocodile bites.


For most of Lustria's history, the local Lizardmen of Klodorex didn't think much about the Biting Bogs and the more distant Lizardmen didn't think about the Biting Bogs at all.   Lizardmen are generally not afraid of swamps, but even as Lustrian swamps go, this area doesn't have enough natural resources for most Skinks to bother visiting them. There are plenty of marshlands with fewer hazards and more exploitable resources.   Most but not all invaders to Klodorex seeking to despoil the Monument of Izzatal would land their ships north of the Biting Bogs and march directly toward Mount Klodor in a straight line through the marshes.   This has provided a built in defense as many invaders are greatly weakened by the natural hazards Biting Bogs causing them to turn back or making them easy prey for skink patrols.   It was only after the events of The Orphaned Temple City story that the Biting Bogs became truly important.   There are now two demon lords imprisoned there in a magical warded cave the Slann converted into a makeshift magical prison. Now the First of Klodorex have to patrol the Biting Bogs to make sure foreign invaders don't accidentally (or deliberately) free the prisoners there.
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