Wooden Sea Turtles Vehicle in Warhammer Fantasy, Scale Universe | World Anvil

Wooden Sea Turtles

The "Wooden Sea Turtles" are an infromal nickname used for the first blue water vessels constructed and crewed by the Lizardmen.   While Skinks and Kroxigor are great swimmers and Sauri are adequate swimmers, the First have employed simple boats and barges to move people and equipment quickly over water for countless centuries, but they never built anything resembling a Prodigal built deep ocean vessel until very recently.   The Lizardmen captured several ships but ended up accidentally sinking or crippling most of them with their trial and error approach to learning seamanship losing four out of five of their captured ships.   Now they have constructed a few ships of their own.  


  Many outsiders believed that the Lizardmen are not capable of making ships because they are too stupid and primitive which is odd because even orcs and goblins can make surprisingly effective seaworthy vessels.   The Lizardmen, or the First Children of the Old Ones as they call themselves did not make ships not because they couldn't but because they didn't want to.   The First rarely left Lustria except in the most extreme circumstances and when these extreme circumstances occurred, the Slann could use their mightiest magic to move armies. This includes parting the sea, mass levitation, and commanding mighty sea creatures, especially giant sea turtles.   Sometimes aquatic skinks or Terradon riders would attack enemy vessels near the Lustrian coastline, but generally in order for the Lizardmen to engage foes at sea, they need to use Slann magic to do so. This works if and when the Slann can divine attacks in advance but if the First are caught by surprise, it is very difficult to rouse a Slann in time to respond before they are out of range.   The Slann of the Merestar Coalition believe that the old ways are no longer sufficent. They want their minions to be able to take to the seas without calling upon the Slann every time.   These Slann have instructed Skinks to copy the designs of Prodigal sailing ships to make their own. Other Slann think this is a bad idea but they aren't actively acting against this. They think the ship building are just a waste of time, not a true threat.   Traditionally, Lizardmen only worried about invaders once they landed and ignored the ships altogether or only visited docked ships long enough to burn them or drive them away, but they have recently made efforts to capture them intact.   After the rogue vampire lord, Renliss, defeated Luthor Harkon, Renliss took most of Luthor Harkon's undead pirate minions and went inland abandoning most of his vessels.   The Lizardmen have since occupied the Vampire Coast to salvage what ships they could and try out their own ship building and sailing manuevers here.


The World Pond Boats were modeled off the human built vessels that sailed to Lustria, so they are propelled primarily by wind powered sails.   They allow for Saurus and Kroxigor rowers for short term manuevers.

Weapons & Armament

As of yet, the Lizardmen are just trying to make reliable vessels that don't sink, so they haven't been able to focus on weaponry.   The basic military strategy is to make ship-to-ship contact with enemy vessels as quickly as possible in order to board the enemy vessels and kill the enemy crew.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Lustria has no shortage of Skink priests that can manipulate the magic of the Heavens and some of them are experimenting with using magically generated winds to enhance the speed and manueverability of sail powered vessels.

Ship Names for the Lizardmen?

  The humans, elves, dwarves, and even orcs name their ships and take great pride in them.   Very few First Children of the Old Ones are aware of this custom, and those that are aware of it do not care.   They name dinosaurs, but they don't name ships. If they need to differentiate a ship, they will say "the turtle with the blue sail" or the "turtle commanded by Chief Pachi"
Owning Organization
Current location

Sailor's Superstitions?

  Sailors are a superstitious lot in general.   Lizardmen are deeply religious and take tradition and relgious rituals very seriously, but they don't form new rituals quickly or easily. They do pray to Tzunki before going to sea but beyond this the Skinks have developed no sailing rituals.   This means that Lizardmen constructed ships are built entirely for practicality, at least within the Skinks' limited ability to understand sailing practialities.   This means the First Children of the Old Ones are the only sailors in the world without their own superstitions. They don't name their ships, they don't carve figure heads at the prow, they don't paint eyes on the hull, or do anything of the like.


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