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Are You Not Entertained?

General Summary

Axelrod Gunnarsson, Bartimus Codswallop, Emmalyn Rainsoar, and Shizen Moonwhisper (and Kuro) approached the town of Eywell from the west. They found many travelers living in a shantytown and other temporary conditions. The guard captain at the gate told them that the town was full and passage was restricted, and he turned them away. However, he soon came searching for them, explaining he didn't realize who they were and insisting they come inside for the evening. As they came to the inn, the Party saw several guests being thrown out of their rooms.   The next morning, the Party was quickly ushered to the River Gate, and they were encouraged to continue their journey immediately. When they reached the river's island, they could see the town's two leaders observing from their respective gatehouses. Both looked anxious for the Party to finish their passage and move on. After the Party crossed to the other shore, another guard captain and his squad met them and walked them to the eastern gate. No one seemed to want them in Eywell.   About a tenday's travel, Hobart Shaw and his new friends arrived in Mystryl and met back up with the others. They planned out their journey to the Mistglide Ruins, which would include a quick stop at Helga's in Redmund to repair Axelrod's armor. While they were in the city, they heard an announcement about the gladiatorial exhibitions at the western event grounds. A group of castle-building adventurers always needs extra coin, so Axelrod, Barty, and Hobart decided to give it a go.   The Party's first opponents were a battle mage, his bodyguard, and their skirmishers. They were greeted by the mage's fireball, which pushed Axelrod and Hobart to focus on him and his guard. This left Barty to manage the skirmishers, and he held out admirably before taking a knee. After disposing of their targets, the other two chased down and eventually defeated the skirmishers. Leaving the battlefield, they were told they could risk a portion of their winnings to advance to another round, but they only had ten minutes to decide. They agreed, and many potions were consumed.   The second group of opponents included two veteran warriors, a skilled archer, and a bard. The musician was adept at support magic, and his chanting girded his allies against the Party's spells. However, their need to stay close was their eventual downfall, as Barty emptied the chamber of his spellbook, launching several fireball spells into his enemies. The display was so impressive, the crowd started chanting "Firecracker!" for the young wizard. They had a celebrity on their hands. After leaving the event grounds, Barty's brother Alec sought them out. He'd heard about their successes and wanted to congratulate his little brother. It was a celebration all around. The gold was nice, too.   After spending the night, the Party continued on to Redmund and then the ruins. Dazmeat's crew had been hard at work, building up something admirable from the ruins. He estimated construction would take about another month, which gave everyone time to pursue other goals. Bartimus was finally able to make good progress into his golemancy manual, Hobart and Shizen scouted the countryside, and Axelrod made the round trip back to Redmund to collect his armor. Then, at long last, Miukav Keep was finished, complete with medium infantry. As a last treat for Axelrod, one of Dazmeat's workers — Nognud Earthbreaker — felt a strong connection to the keep and chose to stay on as the local mason.   Whose eyes have been drawn to new stronghold? What role will the Party play in this region? Find out next time...
Report Date
02 Oct 2021
Primary Location
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