Currsfoot Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Currsfoot is a mid-size city along the base of the Hunderhas Mountains. Many of the locals make their living working in the metal, coal, and firepowder mines; Awakened Cats & Dogs are valued for their ability to explore smaller spaces in the mines, scouting ahead for the best places to build new mineshafts.   With a steady supply of components from the mountains, the local alchemist's college conducts state-of-the-art studies, attracting students from across Yeshilan.   Summers are cooler in the shadow of the mountains, and coastal winds direct heavy rainstorms into the city as clouds let loose their water before passing over the mountains. Winters are cold with heavy, wet snows that sometimes block the paths to the peaks.    
Primary Residents: Human, Dwarf, Dragonborn, The Awakened (Dogs & Cats)
  Primary Language: Common, Dwarvish, Draconic
  Market Trade: Lumber, metals, coal, firepowder.
  Temples: Primary: Bahamut, Nethys Smaller: Ordunnin, The Good Mother, Urbaste
Rainy streets of Currsfoot

Cover image: EON: City by