The Great Library of Azure Building / Landmark in YonZora | World Anvil

The Great Library of Azure

One of the grandest and oldest building in all Azure.  The architect of this building is unknown let alone when it was built. This Library is considered one of the great wonders of all of YonZora. Scholars from all over the world come to Soteropolis to visit the Library for its vast knowledge and history of YonZora. Its is said that any tome that has ever been written on YonZora is in this library. Vast shelves are filled with tomes. There are rooms with scrolls that can be researched. Some old as dirt but yet perfectly reserved.

Purpose / Function

History and research of YonZora


One of the greatest wonders of the world this library is often compared to the library of Alexandria on earth.


Scholars from all over the world will come here seeing the vast knowledge and history that is stored in this grand library.  One could spend weeks researching and gain only a little of the vast knowledge that is in this library.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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