Sozion Settlement in YonZora | World Anvil


The Hamlet of Sozion is a farming community located 2 leagues NE of Soteropolis. The population of the town is 230 mostly a mix of human and halfling farmers.


  1. 50 Percent Human 
  2. 40 Percent Halfling
  3. 02 Percent Elf
  4. 02 Percent Minotaur
  5. 02 Percent Satyr
  6. 02 Percent Dwarf
  7. 02 Percent Gnome


Due to its location from the city of Soteropolis the government of Sozion is ran by the city council of Soteropolis. The hamlet is assigned to a baron or baroness on the city council by the Duke. The baron/baroness selects a mayor who has the title of Lord or lady while they are in this office. The current City council member who has the responsibly is the following along with the current Mayor.
  • Baroness: Dagwyn Oakencrown (Female Sun Elf)
  • Mayor: Thoösa Hippotas (Female Human)


Crimson Guard ( A Platoon)

Industry & Trade

  • Meat
  • Grains
  • Vegetables
  • Cotton 


  • 10 large grain storage bins.
  • 01 Slaughter House. 


  • Market District
  • Farmers Market.


  • Celemmir's Carvings: A cluttered woodcarver's workshop, Caeso Gabinius Celemmir (Male Human)
  • The Gypsy and Cask: A shabby dwarven tavern, built within what was once a wizard's tower. (Magkam & Tazgwyn Hokehr Dwarves)
  • The Pavilion of Phermionor: A grand stone-walled theatre, known for its drunken satyr plays.
  • Lucilia General Store (Lucilia Iovina Female Human)
  • Sacusa's Ironworks: A modest blacksmith's workshop, built within the walls of an old iron tower. (Tarmin Sacusa Male Halfling)

Guilds and Factions

  1. Farmers Guild
  2. Ranchers Guild

Points of interest

The Shrine of Demeter: A cauldron lamp enshrining a Mares head made of silver, Goddess of the Harvest, said to reveal visions to those who leave an offering.


  1. Wheat
  2. Barley
  3. Hops
  4. vegetables
  5. Cotton


rolling hills and rich soil for farming a variety products. The Halflings have taught the humans how to take of the soil to keep it rich and full of nutrients needed to grow crops year after year using the seven year method. this method of using the fields for six years then on the 7th year allowing it to rest.

Natural Resources

  1. Cattle
  2. Pigs
  3. Sheep. 
  4. Grains
  5. Root vegetables
  6. Good varieties of sorted seasonal vegetables.  
Founding Date
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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