BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

SC Reading Challenge 2024

So SC is over

16/8 done in all of my 8 worlds, 4000+ words written in July. you can check my entries here Summer camp homework 2024

My plans for the next few months:

The world of Zephyria is going to be my main focus. Most of the articles are not public at the moment as they are stubs.
I have started writing outline for a book that is based in that world.

Now on to the reading challange:

Shadow Blade
Character | Jul 31, 2024
Answering: "A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis"
— from the world of "Kalste" Created by Shalyn
I really liked this article and was totally emersed in it.  
Wolf Guard
Military Formation | Jul 6, 2024
Answering: "A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something"
— from the world of "Elturia" created by duelingburr
Festival of the Last Moon
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 10, 2024
Answering: "A tradition that gives comfort"
— from the world of "Chronicles of Hysal" created by Worldwildbuilder
Dream Net
Item | Aug 2, 2024

The solution to all your nightmares

Answering: "A personal item that keeps you safe"
— from the world of "Nideon" by barriesaxxy
Lucian Escribano
Character | Aug 3, 2024
Answering: "A storyteller, author or bard in your world"
— from the world of LOREMIPSUM by Sylver Shine
The Scribes of Truth
Organization | Aug 2, 2024
Answering: "An organization fighting corruption"
— from the world of Altaros by DarkTsuyoi
Profession | Aug 3, 2024
Answering: "A profession that is considered dirty"
— from the world of Zæthéria by Kaching101
The Crossroads
Settlement | Aug 3, 2024
Answering: "A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city"
— from the world of The Mortal Lands by TINKERTECH
Silver Rose
Item | Aug 3, 2024
Answering: "A relic or symbol of belief"
— from the world of LOREMIPSUM by Sylver Shine
Crimson Death
Condition | Jul 15, 2024
Answering: "A sickness that caused societal upheaval"
— from the world of Playground for the Rich by EmberStarlight


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