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Caturday Reads #10

Happy Caturday!
  Since I've had a fairly good day today, and certainly a much better day compared to last Saturday, I got my reading done early. There was even more new authors and worlds I didn't recognize which was really exciting. :)
  And the reading helped making me feel inspired to write again so, after taking my daily walk, maybe I'll get a prompt or two done myself. I've had no problem coming up with fitting ideas for several prompts but in the past weeks felt too drained to get much of anything done without forcing it.
  Here's a selection of the entries responsible for reigniting the spark:

Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Gold Week!

  Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!
  That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!
  * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

August Reading with Lavani #10

"Cursed Kraken blocking the waterways! Overland Llama transport is an amazing way to adapt. The one drawback is all that paperwork. I don't like paperwork either." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #10

This week was rather uneventful. I struggled quite a lot with one article, and instead went and did some quick and short species articles for my RWBY Fanfic Project that has been lying dormant for a few months, at least. A nice change of pace I think.
Species | Jun 6, 2022

Wolf Faunus, one of the more common Faunus types in Remnant.

Species | Jun 4, 2022

Chameleon Faunus, one of the more uncommon Faunus types in Remnant.

  I am not sure I will partake in Summer Camp this year, though I will see. Doubt it will reach the 50k mark if so. Maybe one or two articles, depending on the prompts.
  Hope you all have a nice week, and take care!

An Article Every Day #100

And here we are, on the last entry for this series. Today was a long one, as I started restructuring the Astronomy section since I published a bunch of stuff as generic articles before finding out that planets were a sub-type of Geography. Also made the rest of my main timeline public.

As for the actual writing bit, today I published Tau'hrin from the backlog (along with its own timeline entry) in addition to a new species called the rabbac.

My main focus for a while will be the completion of my current manuscript with sporadic bursts of publishing to combat bouts of boredom or writer's block.

Hope y'all are having fun doing what you do. Shoot me a message on Discord if you want. My handle there is jakkym#0048. Peace!


Monday update #10

This update is earlier than usual because I have to get up early this week!
  I have been working on my Kickstarter and two secret projects the previous week. XD
  For the Kickstarter, I have done the preliminary page allocation (with post-it notes XD) and come to the conclusion that I really really want to add in some more pages. So if you have the previous zine and am backing this second one please head over to today's Kickstarter update and answer my question there. (right under the photo, might be 30 minutes until KS posts it) ...I want to know if you mind having two different bindings on your zines. (The first Zine had staple binding and if I do more than 64 pages for this second Zine I need to use perfect binding)
  Summer Camp is also starting soon :D so I have been doing the homework.
  Here is my pledge document: Summer Camp Pledge 2021
  *goes back to doing vacation things*

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Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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