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Caturday Reads #11

Happy Caturday!   So, we're marching into the last week of Summer Camp. How did you find the Decay-theme and its prompts?   I struggled with the homework related to it, but didn't have as man problems with the prompts as I thought I'd have - I think the gold prompts were harder for me to come up with relevant ideas for.   And here's this week's featured articles:  

Welcome to Summer Jazz Special, Diamond Week!

Below is one entry per prompt category* that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend!   * This year, my criterias for articles is that they a) are written by authors I wasn't previously very familiar with b) aren't text walls or just bullet point lists c) are easily readable by me d) manages to draw my interest in the first paragraph e) have the community features on so I can give a like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

Road to Publishing #11

Hello all! I hope the new year has been kind so far.
  It’s been a while since the last update on the revision of Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth. So here it is.
  Currently, chapter 12 has been completed (the first version has 24 chapters). Unlike the previous version, this one features two new character POVs which are being written from scratch. One of those arcs will follow Aubrey and her events following Dissent. The other will feature a brand-new character who has stronger ties to things than she realizes.
  The goal is to expand on the ever-growing story and give you a glimpse into the things Aeris doesn’t see. Her “demise” has farther-reaching consequences than she realizes and it’s going to have some major effects on how things play out.
  As of right now, I don’t have plans to release a physical copy of the book. Physical versions are a whole other beast for formatting and such. Also, I wanted to do something a little different for the physical versions although that’s currently not in the cards for a lot of reasons.
  Sorry, but there is no planned release date just yet. I’ve proven I’m terrible at setting deadlines and sticking to them so I’m not even going to try. Hopefully, I finish it this year especially if I can maintain the current momentum, but we’ll see. The goal is to keep making progress; it keeps the stress down and ensures the story keeps on its current path.
  That’s all for now. Stay safe everyone and remember to take it one word at a time.

August Reading with Lavani #11

"The sun not rising for years is a bad omen for sure. Unparalleled faith allowed the Order of the Rising Sun to wake a goddess. I believe they will be successful in their Exploration, Missionary, and Defense efforts." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #11

This week has been rather slow, except for the last two days. I finally managed to write and publish some articles and got some additional ideas for others that will solve some worldbuilding problems I have encountered. Work on my Dhavian article is also proceeding well. Hopefully it will be done this week, but we'll see.
  Thie idea for this article came to be as I was working on my Dhavians. Just a fun concept that sounded logical to me.
Stillborn Realms
Geographic Location | Jun 12, 2022

Realms whose creation-process was inadequate and most often cataclysmic in nature. Sterile and inhospitable.

  The idea for this article came to be, as I wrote the description for the Stillborn Realms. I struggled quite a bit with this one, particularly what it was and how it came to be. I cheated, and choose both as possible theories xd.
Void Rifts
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jun 12, 2022

Phenomena that offers a glimpse into the Voids. And tells that something is terribly wrong with the Fabric of Reality


I didn't expect to have this much fun with an Inhospitable Location. But here's Prompt #11.

Relay Station 315 ended up having much more story than I expected. It's just shy of a thousand words, but I could write 20 000 and still not be done. There's SO MUCH here!
  But I will leave it here. Leave all these threads lying bare. Open for anyone to pick up and let their imagination go wild.

Monday update #11

This weekend Sable, Eli, and I had a 5-hour long stream talking about our Kickstarters. :D It was fun and you can check it out over here:
  I have also been working on the characters for a secret project that I will be working on after the CYOA is finished. ...well, I will also be working on "The House of Adventurers" series when I'm done with the Zine. :D ...still unsure if I'm going to do it as a webcomic or as a novel...maybe both. XD
  Putting images of the characters in my secret project over my bed. XD

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured